United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press

March 27, 2021

United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press

Padmini Arhant

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Democracy in Dissipation

March 24, 2021

United States – Democracy in Dissipation

Padmini Arhant

When any political party aims for sole dominance and deploys tax payer dollars, resources and means to prolong establishment  power, that nation’s democracy dissipates leaving the people no option other than subjugation.

The current developments in the United states via legislations are ominous and accordingly remain the cause of great concern.  Similarly, the southern border situation further exacerbates humanitarian, health, economic and security crises.

The latest domestic and foreign policy – illegal immigration influx is a serious problem not necessarily designed to help the arrivals especially children, minors and youth – the victims of exploitation at every level. Not to mention the southern state viz. Texas and others forced to bear the brunt of population exodus from nations near and far.

There is an urgent requirement to heed requests from rationale voices to curb unlawful entry across the border and divert focus on domestic issues such as employment, reopening economy, schools and renew measures in dealing with pandemic related challenges that are immediate priority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Texas Border Crisis

March 19, 2021

United States – Texas Border Crisis

Padmini Arhant

Texas border crisis is a serious national security and major health threat to entire nation. Texas SOS in this regard deserves urgent attention and resolution.

The Biden administration’s open border policy is egregious and dangerous evidenced in the ongoing avalanche of problems in every respect surfacing thus far. The border patrol vaccination as mentioned by Texas governor Greg Abbott is critical to protect national servicemen and women risking lives in the pandemic situation. The burgeoning tsunami across the border in Texas is national emergency directly resting on the federal government to address effectively. Any casual treatment of border influx would lead to enormous security, health and humanitarian disaster.

The Biden administration closing the border with necessary lawful arrangements seeking border security and other organization involvements that were previously engaged in monitoring and checking arrival of members is immediate priority.

Any negligence in controlling border activities would only exacerbate heath, economic and security matter nationwide.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




India – Farmers Protest

March 5, 2021

India – Farmers Protest

Padmini Arhant

India FYI – My contributions to India and Indian Affairs

Indian Farmers and Workers Plight – Presentation in Hindi in 2018


India – Farmers and Workers Rally – Tribute to Major Workforce

Thoothukudi (Tamil Nadu), India Police Violence – Presentation in English in 2018

Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu Protest – Presentation in Tamil in 2018


The farmers protests in India together with unemployed youth, rising inflation and average citizens suffering nationwide could possibly see the light at the end of tunnel upon India’s leading corporate crony aka Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi stepping down from office.

Reiterating earlier statement on this website on Narendra Modi’s re-election in 2019 as nothing but doom, decline and disaster had been proved since then up until now. The head of the nation Narendra Modi stashing illegal wealth in Swiss bank account along with entire political class and establishment in India hoarding dark money is shameful and an abomination. In contrast, among 1.35 billion population the overwhelming majority in abject poverty, hunger and disease forced to accept the corrupt criminal regimes in power as fact of life is a political travesty in the so-called world’s largest democracy.

This is the reality for any government and political party elected or re-elected to power via rigged election facilitated by calibrated voting machine, black money funding and China communist regime direct financing of political candidacies as it was with Narendra Modi and others in 2019 election and earlier. The subversion of democratic and electoral process through foreign intervention from China, Russia and other nations is the norm to convince citizens on their turf that democracy doesn’t work and dysfunctional. Instead these foreign intruders insist on communist, socialist agenda exclusively serving gluttonous oligarchy whom they represent as the selective few with concentration of power among them i.e. the self-serving self-proclaimed elitists essentially narcissists run system as the ideal political choice.

On the other hand, the international criminal cabal’s proxies, pawns and puppets in diverse role are deployed as propagandists to peddle international cartel’s concocted versions on all issues that are far from truth and factual information. Though there are many lured with fame, fortune and power to perform for the international syndicate, there are some cherry picked by the clique in the divide and conquer strategy. They are usurped to superficial political positions and some are elevated to strengthen sycophancy and misrepresentation.

In this context, the conglomerate representative touted as world renowned environmentalist, the voice for organic agriculture and farmers’ crusader from India is nowhere visible in the months’ long farmers protests to lend a prominent representation in the farmer’s plight. The western financed notable female Indian author is pre-occupied in making rounds selling books on international broadcasting networks like BBC, RT, Democracy Now…to name a few among devious broadcasters overtly and covertly committed to globalists indoctrination.

Where is Dr. Vandana Shiva in the Indian farmers’ prolonged struggle?

It is least surprising to note Dr. Vandana Shiva representation of Narendra Modi government defending the administration in foreign media when questioned on Narendra Modi government violent crack down on farmers and arbitrary arrest of anyone speaking for the farmers as foreign NGO’s instigation.

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and administration are directly responsible for farmers tragedy ranging from suicides to deprivation of farmland ownership. The grand larceny where farmlands were deceitfully seized from Indian farmers and indigenous groups in central, north, north western, north eastern and southern India to accommodate Indian oligarchs is the trend. Narendra Modi’s campaign financiers Adani, Ambani, the Britain based Vedanta group owned Sterlite corporation and several domestic as well as foreign corporate opportunists claiming lions share at farmers and native land owners loss and liability is political priority.

On the contrary, the United States native born and naturalized Indian citizen, the genuine environmentalist and legal advocate for farmers and local groups in India, the law professor Sudha Bharadwaj was arrested and held in detention denying due process i.e. habeas corpus by Narendra Modi in the battle against Narendra Modi’s aggressive land seizure from farmers, Adivasis i.e. India’s aborigines for mining and earth excoriation by Narendra Modi and Indian corporate syndicate viz. Adani, Ambani, Vedanta Group, the Tatas, Birlas, and other industrialists led feudalist agenda.

Now as for the unscrupulous elements precisely rogue scoundrels in IT sleeper cells hired by Narendra Modi and the so-called upper caste B.S. Brahmins – the Tamil Brahmins in particular to launch attacks against me in their futile attempts, I draw their focus on my articles and video presentations on numerous topics about India and Indian matter. The publications on this website and sub-domain relentlessly related to Indian farmers, workers, the poor, downtrodden, disadvantaged, marginalized, disenfranchised, labor force, retail merchants, street vendors and all the way to middle class educated unemployed youth frustration and economic misery.  Notwithstanding standing up for affected victims inThoothukudi Sterlite massacre, Koodankulam nuclear plant commission against the Indian politician and former President Abdul Kalam who admonished me for sharing local residents concerns especially soon after the global awareness on Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan.

Likewise, I have stood for the weak, vulnerable and dispossessed population in India and across the globe time and time again transcending usual and unique traits and traditions that are predominantly premised on individual and vested interests.

My service not only to India but entire humanity in the past thirteen years and earlier have been provided free of cost i.e, without being paid a dime, privileges or benefits not barring any monetary, physical and logistic assistance whatsoever thus far. Not to mention any publicity. Furthermore, the tireless work carried out depleting personal savings and hard earned assets for the betterment and progress of the voiceless, the forgotten and forbidden population worldwide for which my family and I continue to endure abuse, invasion of privacy, threats to life that are regarded the criminals’ prerogative.

Additionally, my  personal identity and intellectual property are stolen and attributed to those representing the international criminal enterprise (ICE).

Importantly, the service has been rendered completely free, with no charges or subscription fees requirements to public or private entities, any donations from companies and governments accessing free information and updates on all topics published on the website padminiarhant.com and prakrithi.padminiarhant.com. There are no corporate sponsorships, public funding and advertisements including any monetization of users data that are common practice in the online and conventional commercial market place.

That being said, the international criminal enterprise (ICE) have in return engaged in appointing and nominating their cronies and pawns to political positions, financial bribes and pseudo hall of fame. They continue to parade wannabes and minions in their inventory as my substitute nuanced at denouncing me and my dedication. The ICE self-incriminating overreach is not only criminal but also highlight contempt and pathological hatred towards me in volume. Such disposition only mirror degenerative decay of their decomposed mind and attribute.

Interestingly my inalienable individual right in self-defense to constant international criminal enterprise ( ICE’s) provocation and mob frenzy towards me is characterized as gangsta further clarifying their bully mafia mentality.

Once again as a strong believer in Karma, the recalcitrant terrorists recruited on YouTube representing corrupt criminals in Indian politics and elsewhere besides the self-asserted Brahmin herd in Tamil Nadu or wherever are on notice to refrain from wanton indulgence and opportunism.

India’s decline is largely associated with treason, corruption and parasitic existence of the hierarchical parochial plutocracy at vast populations’ expense and generational exploitation.

My response to servile terror sleeper IT cells anchored on me and my contributions is for them to introspect and internalize energy for self-emancipation from feudalist discriminatory culture. These misguided misogynists desperately need purposeful life helping thee and others in the country ever remaining the dominion republic to foreign powers.

Free India and Indian republic from medieval feudalism and caste based anachronism.

Finally, rather than questioning and prodding me to submit to corrupt Indian political regimes and international criminal enterprise (ICE) unprecedented prejudice, the beneficiaries riding on my back are obligatory to prove worthiness and entitlements.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter











World Express Concern Over Philanthropy Gone Astray

February 15, 2021

World Express Concern Over Philanthropy

Gone Astray

Padmini Arhant

Microsoft’s Bill Gates and spouse Melinda Gates prominence not for the right rather wrong reasons deserve valid explanations from the subjects considering their overarching indulgence potentially endangering human survival. The corona virus COVID19 pandemic involving GATES foundation contribution to a tune of over $200 million to Wuhan lab, China for bizarre experiment on genetically engineered virus impact on human population is a world wide known fact. The information published in public domain long before the deadly virus outbreak in October 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, disclosed in December 2019 by the communist authorities in Beijing. 

Bill Gates floated the news on inevitable global pandemic back in 2015 in public forum. This was confirmed during Bill Gates interview with MSNBC recently on January 28th, 2021.

Was there an epiphany or the billionaire’s privy to secret society agenda?

Post COVID19,

Bill Gates Warns The “Next Pandemic” Is Coming After Covid-19.

What exactly is the globalists game plan against humanity?

Bill Gates fascination towards genetically modified organisms (GMO) apparently not mere individual interest. The multi-billionaire ambition to change the world and human population genome as well as lifestyle beckon global attention and scrutiny.

Should billionaires become the principal force to determine eight billion inhabitants’ existence on the planet?

These developments and deeply disturbing engagements such as direct modification of food beginning at seed germination and livestock hormone injection arguably affecting global citizens health and life span.

Is this a synopsis of globalists depopulation and deprogramming plan?

The global citizenry challenged with such risks seek response from the GATES foundation and TECH behemoths extending their role beyond the parameters of advanced technology and economic monopoly. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Public concern on Bill Gates and GATES Foundation Investments  – Thank you.

Mark Moss – Bill Gates Secretly Buying Farmland – The Real Reason 

United States – President Donald Trump Re-election Confirmation 

February 9, 2021

United States – President Donald Trump

Re-election Confirmation 

Padmini Arhant

Two most relevant and critical events highlight President Donald Trump re-election in 2021.

The incumbent President Donald Trump was in the Oval Office on January 20th, 2021 as expected of any administration until the new Presidency is officially sworn in at the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon. The inauguration of declared President Joe Biden sworn in at least 15 minutes i.e. 11.45 a.m.earlier than the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon on January 20th, 2021. This is not a miscalculation of time. 

This means there were two Presidents inaugurated viz. Donald Trump and Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 that was certainly not a casual mistake or inaugural event mismanagement. The timing of earlier inauguration also suggest President Donald Trump re-election officiation. 

The obvious overlap are interpreted as follows by those having noticed the shift in inaugural time.

The deliberate mixup in swearing in ceremony of President-select Joe Biden on that day attributed to the deep state swamp and democrat party’s symbolic gesture in removal of the sitting President Donald Trump before the official time i.e. 12.oo noon on January 20th, 2021.

The other perception on this issue is the deep state swamp and democrat party rejection of the incumbent President Donald Trump’s re-election to second term in office as duly and legitimately elected President with 75 – 80 million legal ballots in the 2020 Presidential election. The unprecedented time schedule on Joe Biden inauguration causing confusion regarded an act on purpose by those behind the activity. Accordingly, citizens seek explanation to the nation. 

The other aspect is the second impeachment charade at taxpayers’ expense. President Donald Trump was projected the losing candidate in the Presidential election 2020. The democrat Joe Biden declared winner. Yet the impeachment trial  of the private citizen Donald Trump plays out in the United States Senate. The impeachment continues even though the democrat party, deep state swamp along with media and tech giants designated Donald Trump a private citizen making the entire course unlawful, unconstitutional and undemocratic.

The same members have now altered Donald Trump’s status to Presidency to justify unjustifiable mockery of United States Presidency via second impeachment. 

Both actions – inauguration of President Donald Trump on January 20th, 2021 and now impeachment confirm the incumbent President Donald Trump re-election to office.

The political theatrics is carried out wasting American tax dollars while completely ignoring American families, American retail and small businesses’ dire economic conditions denying them the long overdue $1400 stimulus check perhaps now divested in the impeachment saga.

The nation is being taken on a ride without any clue or care about the destination.

The deep state and members are sought valid reasons on strange and contradictory turn of events and latest developments.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Current Status Quo


Padmini Arhant


Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



United States – Status Quo 

February 2, 2021

Clarification on Personal Stance on 

United States Presidential Election 2020

Padmini Arhant

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Status Quo 

Any intolerance to free speech, unfettered internet access, individual rights, political freedom…and constitution guaranteed rights are direct violation of human rights. 

Misuse of official authority granted by people against people is authoritarian. Targeting citizens in political opposition under false pretexts are undemocratic suggesting little or no respect for alternative views and position. 

These are in semblance with dictatorial regimes subjugating nation and the republic.

There will be a presentation on all these issues in a direct personal interaction with the nation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Message to Bullies

January 27, 2021

Message to Bullies

Padmini Arhant

Who are bullies?

Bullies are those who lack self-respect, self-esteem and extremely insecure. Bullies are vulnerable to own shortcomings and misgivings conforming to serious personality disorder. They are confused misled by their convictions and false judgments about those they incessantly target to evade self-inadequacies and successive failures in negative pursuits. Bullies by nature are cowards and rely on harassment. They have no self-dignity for they suffer from obsession with their target. 

I challenge those wasting life on stereotype such as transgender mania and non-binary references to prove own gender in public.

What makes you think you belong to gender you claim as factual while categorizing others however you please?

You are the kind who never even belong in human species let alone any gender specification.

Stop viewing others through your prism of pride and prejudice. Free yourselves from your degenerative traits and develop positive constructive mindset.

Your clinical fixation to tarnish anyone in nuanced character assassination explicitly verify you and your priority. The constant denigration via insinuations is mirror reflection of you struggling to reconcile terms with your personal excess baggage. 

You and your contingency deployed in counterproductive involvements is suicidal for you have nothing to live for other than self-destruction. 

When you and your league are sleeping partners and bed fellows with corrupt oligarchs, communist regimes, socialist Soros, gluttonous globalists and control freak financial cartels…adequately describing your promiscuity, philandering and debauchery, you and your clique have no credibility or right to question my character and chastity. 

The proof is in representation. You and your negativities representing the wild and the wicked while I firmly remain loyal to righteous, virtuous and truth epitomizing almighty god. 

I rest my case.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

United States – Important Update on Status Quo 

January 15, 2021

United States – Important Update on Status Quo 

Padmini Arhant

Important update on status quo will be delivered today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Inauguration of Corruption and Fraud

is rejected to defend

Democracy and Republic status 

Padmini Arhant 

The scheduled inauguration on January 20th, 2021 to install corrupt scandalous Presidential and Vice Presidential candidacy i.e. Joseph Biden and Kamala Emhoff  is direct assault on democracy, election integrity, equal application of law on corruption scandals and quid pro quo criminal dealings with domestic entities and foreign governments.  Any average American upon such engagements regardless of political affiliation viz. left, right, independent or A-political would be subject to fullest extent of law in the land of justice. 

The defiance in this regard to hold both Joe Biden and Kamala Emhoff for their direct involvements with foreign adversaries and corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine, Moscow and across the globe is clear demonstration of treason and betrayal of American taxpayers and electorate trust in a democratic system, currently upended to usher in Beijing and corrupt oligarchs sponsored administration to power.

Americans against blatant violations in the ongoing developments need to rise to the occasion and peacefully and non-violently object via emails and social media to the inauguration of corruption and scandalous candidacies to power.

Moving forward with such inauguration despite substantiated scandals is subversion undermining REPUBLIC status in the constitutional governed democracy.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden confession in public domain (reference video below) on organized election fraud in 2020 Presidential election and further confirmation on agreement to resign upon fundamental difference in moral principles is urged to concede and step aside in acknowledgment and honor of United States Republic status seriously sabotaged through foreign interference in Presidential election 2020.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The following revelations and damning evidences categorically disqualify Biden – Harris/Emhoff Presidential bid in 2020.



United States – Investigations Holding None Above Law

REVEALED: Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials

What will Joe Biden do upon difference of opinion with Barack Obama?

JOE BIDEN’s response. “I’ll develop some disease and resign.”

P.S. Bowing to blatant corruption and fraud is complicity. 

Padmini Arhant

Facts on Election Corruption Worldwide

Padmini Arhant

– Dominion serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.

– The state of Texas rejected the machines.

– Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden’s transition team.

– Peter Neffenger was the President and on the board of Smartmatic

– Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009

– Smartmatic counted American votes in Venezuela

– Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud

– Smartmatic is run by “Lord” Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.

The General Election in India in May 2019 was also corrupted with Electronic Voting Machine manipulation and illegal ballots in the lead up to final outcome.


United States – Twitter Exposed 

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Flashpoint – The Victory Channel. Thank you.

Twitter Hypocrisy


United States – Joe Biden’s Threat to

Ukraine President

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Flashpoint – The Victory Channel. Thank you.



United States – Presidential Election 2020

Republic Declaration and Divine Decree

Padmini Arhant

The second unsuccessful impeachment trial of duly elected President Donald Trump has not resulted in the end of the incumbent term in office.

In fact, the entire events since Presidential election 2020 beginning until now has effectively terminated the evil course and EVIL empire having run its longest innings since last century up until this moment now bid farewell. 

Hasta lavista EVIL EMPIRE.  Adios never to return to EARTH.

The dawn of new era belongs to WE THE PEOPLE and the REPUBLIC in the United States and across the globe by Almighty God’s grace and blessings, the real force behind creations, preservation and destruction of anything against peace, tranquility, equality, justice, progress and prosperity for humanity and environment.

Presenting more incontrovertible election fraud in the Presidential election 2020 from Italian law professor and judge in the city of Naples, Italy. Thank you.

The citizens efforts must continue in unveiling TRUTH rejecting false propaganda to maintain status quo on election corruption. The citizens contributions are appreciated and encouraged in sharing facts and information to stymie gag order from tech giants and politics silencing democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




For the Record – PA Identity Clarification

January 14, 2021

For the Record –

PA Identity Clarification

Padmini Arhant


This video was intercepted and removed multiple times by corrupt criminal elements in politics in direct violation of my rights in the privately owned domain. The objectionable action is from the opponents to Free Speech and TRUTH about anything especially those in politics abusing power to the core. They lie their way to the position of power through duplicity and exploitation of the one they remain obsessed with in vain.

What the corrupt criminal weaklings prompted by their cowardice and stupidity fail to understand is the irrefutable fact.

The interference in my personal life and work, the divine mission in particular, the deterrence from these nefarious dark groups only encourage my determination. Please do not copy this copycats, plagiarists and opportunists. The reference is only applicable to those in such indulgence.

Though the message has been delivered earlier and repeatedly in this context, unfortunately those who regard violation of others’ rights their entitlement seek reminder via their compulsive conduct and repeat offense.

Please stay tuned for critical update on United States status quo.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




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