China – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

November 12, 2019

China – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Padmini Arhant

China’s OCD is related to illegal invasion, occupation of foreign land  viz. TIBET adapting colonial counterparts disorder in addition to repeat violations of neighbors i.e. sovereign nations territorial integrity via aggressive annexations and encroachment of land near and far.

China’s OCD is enabled by regional governments and authorities especially Indian government’s weakness to personal flattery in gifts, pseudo awards and honorary titles presented in the form of bribery to gain collusion in foreign influence and exertion of authority in not only Indian affairs but also in asserting regional dominance in the Indian sub-continent.

Accordingly, citizens in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka dealing with China’s consistent territorial land and river grab need to adopt this potent strategy as they cannot expect their governments to do anything since governments are run by foreign diktat and installed as puppet regimes to execute their lofty economic and political aspirations of foreign superiority reviving colonial era.

Citizens anywhere frustrated and concerned about China’s policy in Tibet, Hong Kong, regional and global matter could be instrumental in rejecting MADE IN CHINA goods and services as well as products manufactured in China by major Corporations ignoring China’s human rights abuse and blatant territorial disputes whether in Indian Sub-continent or South China Sea with Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines…to name a few reminding not only China anyone with imperialists ambitions to renounce subjugation, oppression and Superpower syndrome.

China’s economic status predominantly made possible by global consumption of MADE IN CHINA goods flooding international markets depriving ordinary citizens in developed and developing nations employment and business opportunity experienced in the past three decades facilitating China’s acceleration as dominant emerging economic power which in return exercised by China for illegal access claiming entitlement on foreign land and territories at will besides denying political freedom to citizens in China and the so-called autonomous states Hong Kong, Tibet and long contested Taiwan.

United States ongoing trade war with China is nothing more than a farce. United States having granted China Most Favored Nation (MFN) Status up until now by democrat and republican administrations as well as US Congress alike primarily in adherence to corporate lobbying to set up manufacturing base in China has led to China’s affluence in financing United States economy as one of USA’s major creditor holding upper hand in negotiations and the hyped TRADE WAR between the two equally spoilt economic defaulters at global expense.

China as a World Trade Organization (WTO) member along with enjoying veto power in defunct UN Security Council amid several privileges in various international body and institutions override China’s communist political platform that otherwise remains the bone of contention for globalists against Caribbean nation Cuba enduring economic sanctions lasting more than half a century for being a Communist remnant and similar impositions against socialists governments like Venezuela, Bolivia and many others in Latin America.

In other words, the global oligarchy presided politics worldwide tolerate Communism in politics as maintained by China which is not per definition of Communism as one might think such as distribution of wealth and power amongst all in the nation. In fact China in semblance with former Soviet Union, the authority anchored on concentration of political power amongst core members in China’s Polit bureau declining any hope for Chinese population within China to acquaint themselves and participate in real rather than symbolic republic status.

Global oligarchy have no problems with China’s Communism with the latter accommodating the former in economic front via foreign investments in China’s economy transforming China into global manufacturing hub regardless of labor force exploitation within China, environment slight by corporate giants and importantly the price paid by world labor force witnessed in rising unemployment in many economies and local export businesses deeply hurt in the process.

Unfortunately, expecting China to be a fair trading partner is wishful thinking as China is a known and an established procrastinator in this regard. China’s recent and past performance linked to arbitrary currency management for disproportionate self advantage as the least expensive import destination for western and many developing economies is a fundamental flaw aiding China’s insurgence in other critical economic concerns ranging from copyrights and patent infringement to technological innovations piracy escalating cyber warfare are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Interestingly, the outlook on US and China relationship as fierce economic competitors with demands on both sides to ease tensions in a way is paradoxical considering the dependency on each other with United States long been serving as China’s most favorable consumer market due to consumer buying power even in the toughest economic times unlike for example India’s huge population perceived as potential market for consumer goods that are hard to achieve given India’s present economic situation and Indian government failure on economic recovery.

China on the other hand is the multinational corporations desirable manufacturing base that compromise on labor wages, environment regulations and many relevant industrial compliance having direct impact on human survival and ecological sustenance.

The quid pro quo between oligarchy and China’s central authority flagrantly disregard domestic and foreign labor force plight causing hindrance to developing and industrialized nations’ economic growth representing the consolidated consumer market in the globalized economy.

Western perception of China as threat to their imperialist domain is a result of western policy benefiting China in many aspects with key factors enunciated above beginning with exempting China in every respect from political, economic, environment to technological circumventions that are otherwise dealt with western powers’ favorite decision viz. economic sanctions and diverse incursions against other nations generally presumed fair target.

Again this is western powers – both EU and United States common ideology typically falling in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptom in producing and fostering archetype at humanity’s cost then later justifying their indulgence through military interventions or terror sponsorship prevalent in the Middle East and throughout world to topple governments and regimes initiated and promoted by them.

As far as China’s ongoing irritant trade, sovereign territory infiltration and trespassing in neighboring Nepal, occupied Tibet, Indian North East and elsewhere must be contained and every citizen possess this inalienable right to deter existential danger to them and their national sovereignty.

The most effective of all would be to ban CHINA products and services sending a strong message to corporations that the ultimate right to determine the corporate and political empire rise and fall remains with the end consumer.

Chinese authorities are urged to respect neighboring nations sovereignty and international laws demonstrating China’s maturity and ancient civilization values to win trust of those treated as weak and vulnerable not necessarily without protection as the prosperity of anyone rely on progress of all around not the selective few.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter







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