Congressional Members For Re-Election

June 28, 2011

From: Padmini Arhant

To: Honorable. United States Congress Members Seeking Re-Election

When you are truly committed to serving the people in your constituency and across the nation without submitting to any pressure or incentives from forces against average citizens, then you have maintained an exemplary record.

Your opponents may target you with smear campaigns and distort information about you.

However, your actions will always speak louder than their words.

If you pledge to keep the lobbyists and federal contractors at bay by coordinating efforts with your congressional colleagues in legislation,

Then half the battle won for your electorate whom you represent in Congress.

The election campaign may not become contentious and hard to win if you do everything in your power as people’s representative to improve lives and move the nation forward.

The esteemed congressional members are reminded that the people hold the key to power in a democracy.

Even though the recent developments favoring the wealthiest contributors through Supreme Court decisions and legislative actions has undermined democratic system, citizens vote ultimately declares the result in a legitimate electoral process.

If victory is claimed undemocratically with the official selected rather than being elected to promote campaign financiers specific agendas the moral bearing squarely lies on the donors and recipients in their betrayal of the nation they are expected to serve with honesty and integrity.

The respective constituents on their part are kindly requested to exercise diligence and discernment when casting their ballots during election.

Please rally behind dedicated representatives with proven record on issues concerning all and national interest.

It is important to understand the incredible power people have in a democracy to determine the validity of their votes granting power to candidates as their democratically elected representatives to elevate living standards at home and alleviate human suffering around the world.

Besides protecting the environment – the only habitat for life that is constantly threatened with greed driven policies promoted by the relevant industry.

Please remember that grassroots support is a formidable challenger to the power at any time.

The latest congressional outcome has confirmed their effectiveness against monetary assistance flowing to the contenders during election campaign.

Citizens fight for their constitutional rights and any other issues ranging from economic, social, political and environment begins on the campaign trail and proceeds to the Capitol Hill where legislation is passed to become the law.

I urge you to stand up for democratic values especially eliminating special interests influence in any format in Capitol Hill that has eroded moral and ethical principles primarily to benefit the powerful at the vast majority’s despair and disadvantage.

Good Luck to Congress members for successful re-election to the United States Senate and the House of Representatives.

Thank you for your service to our great nation.

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant


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