Debunking the California EarthQuake Tsunami Hoax

December 7, 2024

Debunking the California EarthQuake Tsunami Hoax

Padmini Arhant

The BBC alias Big B.S. Corp funded by the public nonetheless ever representing the anti-humanity clique as usual falsely propagated the never happened event

“The earthquake in California and that too 7.0 magnitude in the reportedly northwest coast of California with a tsunami on the way.”

Take it easy propagandists – all things are set to expiry without exception and that includes all even those who presumptuously feign supremacy and dominance over other’s life and destiny.

Upon expiry of tangible and intangible items, the departure from the world involves leaving even the skull and bones behind with memory of who, what such as fancy titles, crowns, thrones etc.,where and however…all erased upon pronounced deceased.

Regardless, the one and only thing accompanying the sin burdened Soul is one’s own inescapable KARMA – the ultimate determinant of one’s final destination in living and upon imminent demise.

That being said – quit misinformation and hoax news as the world is no longer the one the selective few insist on remaining under their control and diktat.

Padmini Arhant


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