Democrats’ Autocracy

September 28, 2024

Democrats’ Autocracy 

Padmini Arhant

Democrats’ autocracy was already endured by Californians and Americans in draconian COVID mandate from lockdowns to vaccine –no jabs no jobs rule. 

Meanwhile, Democrat Senior leaders and authority viz.

Their party leader Barack Obama – hosting maskless packed crowd ignoring social distancing mandate in own 60th Birthday Party bash at the height of the pandemic lockdown, 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding the hair salon to open for exclusive access.

Governor Newsom sparing the politics’ favored restaurant like the French Laundry in business and allowing that to remain open for own friend’s birthday celebration. 

Governor Gavin Newsom violating own lockdown rules after shutting down all businesses and restaurants in California. Some are permanently closed to the point of no return.

As for other autocratic traits – the democrat party establishment coup d’ état against own incumbent Joe Biden referenced as senile Senior and eliminating democratic primary discarding the democrat electorate base with unelected failed incumbent democrat nominee is major autocracy. 

The unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris broken record pursue broad based economic plan on taxation to extract $$$ from every American at every opportunity – titled opportunity economy for the political socialism  – self-enrichment of political power by depleting the rest in the society.

The opportunist ‘opportunity economy’ targets the small, medium and all investors with 25% unrealized Capital gains, the Capital gains from any investment is also taxed through the roof and more corporate taxes is bound to drive jobs offshore..

These are some extraordinary autocratic economic policy that have already been experienced leaving majority Americans. broke in Harris administration only to be escalated upon GOD FORBID election on November 5, 2024. 

The democrats and surrogate media SOS to Save Democracy indeed apply to them. 

What the democrat insular circle does not recognize is own autocracy maintained throughout 2021 – 2024 not acknowledged until now defining the status quo – a HYPOCRISY.

Padmini Arhant 


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