Acknowledgment on the United States Congress Repeal of DADT

December 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To Gay and Lesbian Armed personnel serving in the United States Defense force on the historic legislation passed to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discriminatory policy.

The honorable Congress members in the House and the Senate, the military high command and the activists’ passionate plea led to the landmark achievement allowing gay service men and women to openly serve in the United States military.

The legislation repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is acknowledged with profound gratitude.

The distinguished Congress members, President Barack Obama and the United States Defense Force – Thank you for enacting the commendable act.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal – Senate Approval

By Padmini Arhant

The legislation allowing the gay service members to openly serve in the military is at the last segment of the process – Senate approval of the law.

Many discussions have been held by the honorable Congress members, military high command, activists and gay armed personnel passionately urging the lawmakers to end the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy in the military.

As elaborated in the earlier post – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal December 5, 2010 under Humanitarian Issues on this website,

The gay men and women in uniform have demonstrated exemplary commitment in their service to this great nation and not faltered in DADT compliance even though the practice unfairly promotes segregation and denies these patriots the integrity to retain their identity.

While the rest of the military admirably are at liberty to disclose their faith, race and socio-economic background, the same freedom is not extended to the gay armed forces thereby confirming the violation of basic human right and the constitution governing the defense department under federal government.

Reiterating the fact that the gay armed personnel in the U.S. defense have strengthened the representation in statistics and now with DADT removal the equality status will be established enabling the U.S. military to claim further acknowledgment as a distinguished institution pledged to safeguard individual rights besides national security.

In civil society the citizens are protected against prejudice with the statutory law prohibiting employers from targeted social reservations about a person or groups through the fair and equal opportunity act.

Similar legislation in the defense force is long overdue and the present moment provides the U.S. Congress to exercise the power granted by the gay community as part of the society in DADT termination.

U.S. Congress as the duly elected representatives in a democratic society bears legislative and moral responsibility to ensure that every member regardless of personal characteristics is treated with respect and dignity in any discipline.

Unfortunately the prevalent DADT deprives gay service men and women from such experience due to hypothetical concerns among the minority in the military establishment.

However the majority including the highest ranking officials of the U.S military have come forward and articulated the requirement to end DADT conforming to the existing laws in the American society.

According to the latest reports the sixty Senate votes were available with the agreement from moderate Republican members viz. Senator Olympia Snowe and Senator Susan Collins of Maine, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts.

These lawmakers’ bipartisan support towards the historic legislation is praiseworthy and will be remembered for their cooperation in preserving the constitution guaranteed equal rights.

It’s a defining period for the United States Congress members and military institution to restore the American democratic values cherished by many and made possible by the valiant armed forces comprising the gay and lesbian members as well.

In conclusion the esteemed United States Senate is respectfully requested to uphold the constitutional law and repeal the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discriminatory policy granting the United States defense a landmark achievement with a new chapter on gay service members’ right to voluntary disclosure during military recruitment and duty.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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