East Africa and Refugee Crisis – UNICEF USA and UNHCR SOS Call

November 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

An estimated 320,000 malnourished children in East Africa are on the brink of immediate death.

Their lives could be saved through life saving assistance such as food, clean drinking water and emergency medical supplies provided by UNICEF USA.

Transportation costs to Kenya apart from the necessary aid cannot be met in the absence of worldwide donations.

Similarly UNHCR ( United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) plea to address the burgeoning refugee situation from across the globe deserves equal attention and response.

Please extend your generosity towards the humanitarian challenge and rescue the children in East Africa and elsewhere from the crisis.

Considering the plight magnitude, the humanitarian relief could not be effective without global support.

Please send your contributions by visiting www.UNRefugees.org and www.unicefusa.org

Your kindness in the hour of need is greatly appreciated.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




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