Egypt – Presidential Election Amid Supreme Court Parliament Dissolution

June 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt votes in Presidential election amid chaos and confusion from Supreme Court decision to dissolve Parliament and legislative assembly annulment.

Presidential candidates representing Mubarak regime supported by Military power and,

Muslim Brotherhood – a non-participant in Egypt revolution that ousted former dictatorship President Hosni Mubarak from office are the only two options for the oppressed Egyptian population forced to settle on undesirable outcome.

Supreme Council on Armed Forces (SCAF) in control of executive power receiving U.S. aid $1.3 billion never missed an opportunity to exercise military might and excess force against unarmed civilians reminiscent of Mubarak rule until now.

Foreign intervention specifically United Sates military and State Department instructions to SCAF Generals summoned to Washington D.C. during and after revolution confirms the real authority behind military autocracy.

The western ideology premised on authoritarianism through proxy governance in order to contain alleged fundamentalism to protect their ally in the region has effectively fomented anti-western sentiments producing precisely the result claimed acrimonious to the west.

Western powers anti-democratic policy ironically under the guise of spreading democracy predominantly responsible for humanity plight world over and more so in the Middle East.

Post revolution in Egypt with no fundamental change contrarily held citizens’ rally reprehensible considering strong western ally Mubarak elimination from office.

Arming the military in Egypt alongside conducting electoral polls in the height of SCAF crackdown revealed deterrence on real democracy depriving pluralist system emergence.

Notwithstanding demonstrations galvanized against puppet representatives of foreign power.

Besides SCAF facilitated Islamist groups’ victory in Parliamentary elections to undermine mainstream democratic goals and Supreme Court latest position favoring Mubarak administration ex-Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq candidacy in the Presidential race in the absence of Parliament and constitution exacerbates the crises.

Western concerns regarding militancy and anti-Semitism in Egypt or anywhere in Middle East primarily attributed to their role in denying Arab population right to self-determination such as opposition to Palestinian statehood and concerted action in destabilization of nations with military operation contributing to perpetual violence, death and destruction.

Otherwise, the western policy and architects behind political and economic mayhem triggering ethnic and sectarian conflicts in Middle East are essentially accountable for ramifications viewed hostile by them.

Egyptian society is faced with a dilemma of resigning to Mubarak style hard line political situation or accepting Islamists law upon assuming office provided the latter prevails in reversing the extraordinary Supreme Court stance apparently motivated by sources determined to prolong western guided military dominance.

Neither is viable and evidently rejected by the vast majority arguably fearing the status quo reverting to return of Mubarak era.

The alternative allowing Islamists to establish Sharia law per the political trend or prohibiting social justice to women and other minority segments in the country are legitimate grievances shared amongst victims in the clashes between Coptic Christians and Muslims although the military backing Mubarak cabinet member Ahmed Shafiq believed to have sponsored attacks since appointment by hegemony.

Egypt duress could be addressed with people demand for military compliance to relinquish power and exit from political domain not barring United States influence withdrawal.

Secular movement from the revolution period forging alliance with progressive political party having been suppressed thus far could be a formidable challenge to either political factions viz. SCAF and Islamists in disapproval of the current political development.

Egypt revolution displayed tremendous courage and succeeded in the dismissal of Mubarak government and similarly exhibited resilience against martial law.

The electorate in Egypt is not obligatory to surrender to the will of political dictum threatening individual rights and normal existence.

The solidarity pledged to peaceful and non-violent resistance could once again remove impediments on the path to democracy granting political freedom, economic progress and social equality across the spectrum.

Regardless of the electoral mandate given the extraneous conditions under which the Parliamentary and Presidential elections were held,

The people from all walks of life affected by the unpopular political choices could rise against military establishment and opportunists exploiting vulnerability within diverse demography.

Egypt political struggle would end with the election of leadership free from foreign intrusion and/or radicalization proved detrimental to public and national interest.

People spirit could reclaim sovereignty and much anticipated political independence.

The victory is imminent with consolidated and unified engagement in the common cause.

Good Luck and Best Wishes! To people in Egypt in reaching the milestone for inclusive republic rule.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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