EU – Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?

August 14, 2024


Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?

Padmini Arhant

The European Union subordination of Union member nations with own government body and election to legitimize the illegitimate structure that typically undermine the sovereignty and independence of the union member states is a glaring dichotomy in western democracy.

The western democracy having denounced the former Soviet Union for ruling all those nations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as part of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) precisely adapted the former Soviet Union model immediately after contributing to the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and formed what is known as the European Union or EU in 1992.

EU emergence in the backdrop of fall of USSR and becoming the replacement of the former Russian Federation for Eastern European members within EU maintain conflicting positions on many issues ranging from politics, economy to social and security.

EU denied the active NATO ally Turkey with second largest army and two key air bases, the Union membership until date.

The Turkish leadership and government headed by incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan since Turkey’s once democratic system as tolerant, diverse and free society until recent transformation have consistently requested EU acceptance of Turkey as the Union member. The request declined by EU to this date.

EU’s response to that request from earlier on was Turkey not democratic to qualify for EU membership setting stringent criteria for the NATO ally to comply with in all these years until now.

Meanwhile, EU appears to have no problem in the interference of foreign election viz. the United States 2024 Presidential race advising the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk prior to the interview with the former President and current Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump.

There appears to be no hue and cry from the democrat party having patented the call on foreign collusion especially the Russian collusion in 2016 prolonged till date squandering millions of tax payer dollars on the Russian collusion hoax against their opponent Donald Trump.

Why is EU warning the entrepreneur Elon Musk about the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump?

Is EU’s direct undemocratic interference in the U.S. election related to the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s appropriate stance on disproportionate NATO funding at American taxpayer expense for Europe’s subsidized NATO alliance?

Sometimes, when the so-called allies overt intervention such as the latest EU warning entirely for personal gains and political interests are made aware preceding the entrepreneur Elon Musk interview with Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, the former intrusion provide fodder for the otherwise slighted conspiracy theory on foreign involvement citing EU politics in the recent assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

This is not the first time EU political meddling in foreign affairs has come to light. There has been several occasions where EU politics’ have been controversial and inappropriate at the least.

EU summon of  the Google CEO Sundar Picchai to crackdown on United States citizens’ free speech rights related to anything and everything from the global pandemic cover up by EU in shielding the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus collusion with Beijing withholding critical information on SARS(COV2) deadly virus human to human transmission leading to delayed actions in international travel restrictions.

As a result, the epidemic in China’s Wuhan province evolved into global pandemic consuming millions of lives all around.

Yet, EU rejected the humanity call on the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to step down from the position having violated the fundamental responsibility of the international health body, the World Health Organization to inform governments and global citizens that could have mitigated and averted the health disaster in 2020 prolonged well and beyond 2023 and for many even lasting lifetime.

WHO guidelines and policy are adhered to and implemented worldwide on human health matter.

In this instance, the WHO complete failure under the director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus complicity with Beijing in not coming forward on the pandemic with honesty cost enormously in lives, livelihoods and persistent health toll for the human population across the globe.

No transparency and accountability was endorsed by EU in the global pandemic catastrophe granting immunity to all those at WHO and profiteers in the dealings between political and economic sector specifically the health industry and governments hiding facts on COVID related deaths and Big pharma like the vaccine manufacturers making a fortune from the politics’ enforced vaccine mandate.

It was an open field for profit-making leaving the human race at the mercy of the merchants trading human lives for phenomenal self-enrichment.

EU also played a significant role as the key protagonist along with then United States administration under ex-President Barack Obama in toppling the then democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 literally at gun point on world view.

The reason behind EU meddlesome in Ukraine was then democratically elected Ukrainian leadership bilateral trade agreement with neighbor Russia, the former head of the Union of the Russian federation to which Ukraine was formally part of until the disintegration of USSR in 1991.

The economic ties between then democratic Ukraine and across the border neighbor Russia was not tolerated by EU and the former United States administration under then Presidency of Barack Obama.  

The direct upset the applecart strategy instigating violent protests and overthrow of democratic Ukrainian government in Kiev in 2014 was vigorously adopted by EU and the U.S. administration headed by then President Barack Obama.

The policy later resumed in 2022 igniting the warfare between Russia and Ukraine on EU’s behalf bleeding Ukrainian and Russian blood with American taxpayer funded treasure. 

EU politics at the onset of Russia – Ukraine war in February 2022 demanding Pakistan and India to refrain from energy import from Russia amid prominent EU members like Germany and nordic partners Finland etc., maintaining energy flow from Russian pipeline in the Nord stream investment deal.

The verified actions and decisions from EU thus far in the above enunciated events and developments till date in August 2024 categorically pose serious credibility factor in any and all of the following;

EU position on democracy, freedom of expression and free and fair election whether in own domain Europe or the sabotage of peaceful co-existence of Ukraine with neighbor and important economic partner Russia given the proximity across the border.

EU’s pivotal role in the guarantee of no harm to the global pandemic COVID19 disinformation about the virus virulence as non-contagious allowing the flow of travelers as vectors that claimed more lives than ever before in the combined twentieth and twenty-first-century.

EU’s anathema to democracy and democratic process now in spotlight in EU’s expressed objection to the Republican Presidential nominee for re-election in 2024.

All the more requirement to prohibit foreign powers EU or anyone, entities, organizations,  domestic and overseas diverse media, and assortment institutions in disguise or blatant such as George Soros and the selective elite club members from holding democracy hostage to undermine national sovereignty and individual rights of the republic at large barring discrimination, targeted prejudice and partisanship.

Respecting others’ rights in the manner expected regarding own rights is the basic characteristic of human nature and value.

Padmini Arhant


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