Europe – Nazi Origin and Far Left Dichotomy

February 15, 2025

Europe – Nazi Origin

Far-Left and Political Diversity  Dichotomy

Padmini Arhant

Update: February 16, 2025.


THE SEIZURE OF POWER, territorial annexations, ethnic cleansing, amassment of illicit wealth by loot, plunder and pillage…all driven by gluttonous GREED and hegemonic goals are nothing new in this world.

However, the colonizers, looters, plunderers and pirates ultimately succumbed to their GREED and perished in their self-inflicted predicament.

Unable to maintain their existing power and materialism amid overloading the freeloads in a frenzy to gobble more than their stomach could hold make them sick and drop dead.

These events are perverted imperialism colonialism with monumental collapse writ large, the world continue to experience since time immemorial.

The sand dunes on the desert and coastline are never permanent regardless of the vast landscape changing in accordance with natural dynamics and environment factors.

Padmini Arhant 


Europe – the pioneer of colonialism and hegemonic authoritarianism worldwide is required to take stock on own history and lately far-left extremism gone wild.

Europe, protecting vile vindictive actions and viciousness unleashed ad hominem in rabid mob mafia orientation by incorrigibly corrupt, maniacal deranged polity is sticking dagger on own grave. 

Europe, maintaining silence, alternatively collusion and explicit complicity in abominable identity theft in desperation to disinherit own individual tainted embarrassing criminal DNA is classic moronic lunacy. 

The relentless violation of individual rights beginning with savage invasion of private property, personal life and all things and everything that are exclusive to one’s existence cherished by Europe’s classism and the major liability called Royalty ever fleecing over generations is a conflicting personality complex.

Juxtaposed, the violators arbitrary and violent attacks, assaults and seizures of valuable assets and possessions through hostile and barbaric intrusions, harming and hurting their target as the predominant agenda by criminal goon gutter politics, whom Europe defends is cultural decadence.

Europe rewarding and glorifying the far-left wreckage, ruinous policy such as the one experienced in the United States in 2009 – 2016 and resumed illicitly in 2021 – 2024 despite the violent, criminal, corrupt, murderous, homicidal, genocidal, terror, cannibalism sponsoring… individual and collective profile and legacy prevalent as incontrovertible evidence is indeed the pot calling the kettle black. 

Europe’s far-left is the flip side of Nazism providing fodder and sanctuary to devils in disguise wreaking havoc, destruction and carnage from the bully pulpit, the misconstrued power misused against taxpayers funding governments and public services from top to bottom.

Not to mention the parasites abusive and exploitative existence throughout halted and denied obviously demonstrated in the exploiters i.e. the devil’s distress. 

Europe’s far-left preferential empathy citing hate speech defending the indefensible black deeds while buttressing hatred personified by the same feigning racial prejudice, alongside incessant abject narcissism and contemptuous atrocities in the targeted racial ethnic misogynist alienation is an enlarged black spot further staining Europe’s mangled tapestry.

No surprise, in witnessing the similar kind coming to the aid of rotten dead politics to energize Europe’s trajectory in brutal provocations and carte blanche subjugation of whomsoever and wherever possible in colonial, primitive medieval feudalist exertion.

The power abused by any far-left, far-right, left-of-center, right-of-center diversity, at the end of the day joining forces at will as anti-republic, anti-Truth and anti-humanity in utter disregard of those taken for granted is a deranged demented demonic trait that has no place nor tolerance amongst the rare wise and rational.

The latter prioritizing human values, ethics and moral principles that are evidently oxymoron and insignificant to abusers hiding behind hate speech to muzzle Truth and facts is far-left Nazism in vogue.

Europe and the corrupt wayward polity from either of the political aisle, amassment of looted public wealth hoarded in Swiss Banks and various tax havens from far and wide including the British monarchy and Kingdom is the epitome of perilous politics on the brink of irreversible collapse. 

The deplorable unscrupulous secret society founded discreetly at Bilderberg Hotel, Netherlands, the economic policy crafted to embezzle ordinary lives en masse by the architects of the controversial World Economic Forum and hosts in Davos, Switzerland with founders origin in Germany are notoriously Europe’s continued destructive interjection denying human progress and the real free and fair society. 

Notwithstanding, the lack of character in the obsessive compulsive disorder to eternally extract and deplete the ones regarded the perfect subject of abuse and abhorrent animosity is invitation of individual and collective extinction.

Those eliciting deep care and concern for the devil and cohorts by all means could be the prey to ravenous predator(s) let loose with political impunity at the target’s monetary expense besides constant meddling and jeopardy in the individual right-to-peaceful existence.

Anything outdated and out-of-control is by design obsolete with inevitable disappearance to oblivion.

Padmini Arhant  

P.S. Warning to Indian and Tamil Nadu State Goon Gutter Politics – never indulge in wanton fabrication and false propaganda deploying your dime a dozen hoodlums and hooligans as fraudulent political analysts and whatever… while claiming to be sexologist and assortments in their useless worthless life.

The Indian politics ever starved for any publicity comprise principal thugs and looters of public wealth and taxpayers’ taxes misappropriated in personal wealth enrichment lasting several generations with their next of kin.

The perpetual excoriation of public money at local and national population’s generational misery and impoverishment in the massive Capital exodus to Europe’s Swiss Banks and tax havens predominantly by the ruling Dravida Karunanidhi dynasty in Tamil Nadu and the Parsi Baniya traitor Narendra Modi maligning Siva-Sakti-Vishnu religion with brazen Hindu fundamentalism and alike together with entire corrupt political factions are the real enemy of the republic.

Accordingly, they are in the most favored list of Europe’s anti-citizenry loot, cheat and deposit in Europe’s illegal Pirate Treasure Chest.

டேய் கழுசடை, சாக்கடை, அரசியல் கால்வாய் கிருமிகள், நீங்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு அப்பனுக்கு பிறந்திருந்தால், உன் அப்பன் பெயர் போடுங்கடா.

பொறுக்கி கயவர்கள், களவாணிகளின் கூலி பட்டாளம். உன் அழிவைத் தேடி அலையாதே. அது ஒட்டு மொத்தமாக அனைவரின் முன் தற்சமயம்  தாண்டவம் ஆடுகிறது.

Padmini Arhant 


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