Fairness and Justice

August 28, 2024

Fairness in Justice

Padmini Arhant

Update: August 29, 2024.

To: All those groveling to criminality and terror mongers, spare the BROWN connotation for authentication in the defense of the indefensible.

Given the incontrovertible evidence in serial killing throughout their lives carried out in public view and knowledge without them being tried in the court of law and,

Instead held above law in the overwhelming preferential presiding in political exploitation of power, the crimes only shackle them in the confines of guilty conscience that will ever prick their mind depriving them of inner peace. 

Notwithstanding the dark deeds further eclipse the Soul shunning the light that dispels darkness within and around. 

Padmini Arhant 


In a real democracy with fairness in justice, those committing horrendous crimes such as murder of their people belonging to their race i.e. the black community would not be orchestrating coup d’état and deliver speech on democracy.

The criminal offenses in murder of members from own race viz. black race or for that matter anyone in society or outside by abusing long expired political status viz. Presidency nonetheless unlawfully extended till date on ordinary taxpayer money would be dealt with the fullest extent of law.

The long list of murder victims in the homicidal legacy besides political genocidal track record during the gory most violent Presidential two terms in office would not be granted political immunity either.

In personal life, the black female rape victim, black gay partners at the United Church in Chicago, Illinois or white gay victim (Larry Sinclair on wheel chair) and,

The latest in July 2023, the personal chef again a young black father of black twin teenagers becoming the prey to the predators at one of their several lavish real estate holdings and among that,

The $20 million lake front mansion Martha’s Vineyard Estate serving as the perfect crime setting in serial killing of black members and any others they regard a fair game in the process of elimination would not be written off as American Exceptionalism.

The serial killers sloganeering on Black Lives Matter having been and continue to remain directly responsible for murdering their people in black race literally getting away with gruesome murders is only possible in domains under corrupt criminal control.

In a balanced unlike prevalent biased justice system, the serial killers would be facing trial on all these irrefutable criminal charges involving several murders in world view.

The sentencing appropriately would be serving in Guantanamo Bay for unleashing terror and committing heinous crimes against the people of their own community viz. the black race along with against those they regard obstacle to their criminal life.

Regardless, these criminals have no hope and chance of escaping their crimes and sinful existence as prisoners of guilt in living and upon departure from the world with the heavenly judgment denying their Soul redemption and salvation.

Only condemnation from Almighty God is already upon them.

Padmini Arhant 


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