Geopolitics – Reality Check 2023

January 13, 2023


Reality Check


Padmini Arhant

The power of the powerless v. the so-called powerful in the world.

Afghanistan v. Western Imperialism and earlier Former Soviet Union preceded by British invasion representing the prolonged time line.

Afghanistan – The nation invaded by imperialists for usual reasons – economic interests for its rich mineral resources and rare essential ingredient lithium used in large batteries in electric cars and wide variety of clean energy systems…bid farewell to western imperialists in 2021.

Ukraine – Western destabilization of democratic system in 2014 led to Russian annexation of Crimea followed by aggressive violent invasion in Feb 2022 continued until now.

Syria – Invasion and occupation by western ally Israel and western collusion with middle-east clients’ relentless shelling, bombing and occupation proved futile leading to western sponsored and creation of IS, ISIS and nexus in the region in 2012 and thereafter.

Yemen – the North African nation enduring relentless violence and bombing aided by western weapons viz. United States, Israel  and Britain to energy partner Saudi Arabia and regional alliance proven counterproductive for the major powers backing the corrupt Yemeni government against the local Houthi tribe and their supporters since 2014.

As for Britain’s role in Yemen war –

“The report by the Oxfam charity found that the Saudi-led coalition used weapons supplied solely by the U.K. and the U.S. in hundreds of attacks on civilians in Yemen between January 2021 and the end of February 2022. Britain is the second-biggest supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, after the U.S.”

The west also lost their ally in Yemen – the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh – assassinated in Dec 2017 resulting in blow back for the west and their Middle-East partner Saudi Arabia – the chief rival reining United States and Britain supplied artillery on the poorest nation Yemen in the Arabian peninsula.

Yet the major western powers and Saudi Arabia unable to wield control experiencing setbacks from the war onset in 2014 until now.

In Asia :

Taiwan – the saber rattling from China against independent democratic Taiwan is formidably challenged by the female led leadership Taiwanese President Tsai-Ing wen along with courageous pro-democracy political dissidents despite tremendous hardships and human rights violations inflicted on them by Beijing.

Africa – the African Union fighting back western colonization revisited by France and EU in Mali recurrence to French invasion in 2014 supposedly to curb Islamic militants movement to north that went wry like other western interventions in foreign soil like Iraq, Syria, Libya etc…

Similarly in Latin America – the smaller poorer nations constantly targeted for political unrest and instability involving western footprints have over a period of time and currently defiant and resilient to defend their sovereignty and economy from predator western foreign policy.

The lesson from these events is never to take anyone or anything for granted. Big is not necessarily mighty for the one who has ultimate control over universe is Almighty presiding over just and unjust cause including activities as well as operations never allowing falsehood and deceit to prevail at any time.

The superiority concept has failed time and time again evidenced in the above sequences entirely due to grit, determination and strong will amongst population defending their sovereignty, independence and civil liberty – the fundamentals of a free country.

Regardless of violent intrusions and extreme oppressive strategy, the victims rise like phoenix from ashes in reclaiming their legitimate status.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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