Global Terrorism

December 28, 2008

It is evident from recent terror attacks around the world, that democracies or other form of governments are incapacitated in dealing with security issues on national and international level.

The perennial War on Terrorism has invigorated worldwide fundamentalism aside draining the economies.

It is important for the global community to come forward and demand a legitimate explanation for their government’s impotence in establishing peace as opposed to war against human race.

Time has arrived for checks and balances in the operation of curbing terrorism that has not only frozen any advancement towards socio-economic progress in Africa, Americas, Middle East, South and Central Asia but also paralyzed the optimism for nations to come together in resolving political and economic issues as the global priority.

Given the technological power and resources available to the advanced nations,

Why violence and terror continue to dominate the world?

Why civil wars in Africa are the norm and the people of that continent deprived of normal existence?

Why is the military coup often successful in Africa, South and Central America as well as countries like Haiti in the Western hemisphere?

Why is the peace process between Israel and Palestine an eternal dismal failure?

Why does Middle East reject democratic rule over theocratic, autocratic and dynasty rule?

Last but not the least, Pakistan, presently governed by the civilian rule essentially the continuation of a political dynasty of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto deserves spotlight as the country of origin of terror.

Pakistan is the haven for the terrorist organization Al-Qaida and their well oiled various networks Laskhar-e-Taiba, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the Deccan Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad, including,

Notorious personalities like the nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, aka Father of the nuclear program, confessed to sharing nuclear technology with Iran, Libya, and North Korea as well as the Mumbai Underworld Don / Mobster, Dawood Ibrahim.

Why statesmanship prevalent among the eligible, educated and moderate electorate denied of power in the democratic process in Pakistan?

Why the people of Pakistan never granted an opportunity for active and real democracy?

Most relevantly, who controls the controversial, corrupt Pakistani Military and Intelligence services ISI, claimed to be responsible for many terrorist activities including the recent Mumbai terror attacks?

The reasons for all of the above issues lead in one direction.

Wealth controlled and amassed by few operating as a conglomerate in the global scene propagate wars as the defense industry flourishes with the ever proliferating arms race including devastating nuclear weapons.

So, the concerted effort from these organizations ensures global unrest, turmoil, chaos and exclusively the recent energy, financial, economic and environmental crises.

The earlier centuries have been the era of colonialism or imperialism in different parts of the world creating hierarchy like industrialized nations and “third world” countries after having plundered those parts of the world for economic advantage.

In the twenty first century, imperialism is in the form of undermining —

Peace process,

Bilateral or multilateral relationships among poor and developing nations,

Invasion and occupation of sovereign nations under the guise of promoting democracy,

Fermenting oppositions against democratic rule not in cohesion with imperialistic agenda particularly in the impoverished regions of the world and more…

It is noteworthy that despite transformation in world dominance between earlier and contemporary times, the strategy of divide and rule remains effective in eliminating peace and diplomacy during conflict.

Citizens of the free world must examine these facts and reflect upon the tragedies whether it is 9/11, Mumbai attacks, Iraq war, the genocides in Darfur, Congo, Rwanda, the plight of Palestinian population, the oppression of Tibetans, persecution of the Burmese and other atrocities around the world.

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Sure is, with the global cooperation of moderate thinkers determined to seek truth and justice for humanity can conquer the elements orchestrating catastrophe as the heads of the government.

People possess the power as consumers and voters in a free market and democratic systems.

History is testimony to revolutionary changes initiated and driven by ordinary citizens.

The election of an African American candidate Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States aptly confirms that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and overcome any challenges together.

Meanwhile, please check out the following information from The Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) – Bold, uninhibited and true representation of free press reports for further understanding of the role of government and the agencies responsible for the maintenance of national and international security.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Source: – Thank you.

New Revelations on 9/11

Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment to the ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply ‘routine’?

On the morning of September 11, Pakistan’s Chief Spy General Mahmud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.


Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11 by Michel Chossudovsky

In this timely study, Michel Chossudovsky blows away the smokescreen, put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an "intelligence failure".

Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the coverup and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

Chossudovsky peels back the layers of rhetoric to reveal a huge hoax — a complex web of deceit aimed at tricking the American people and the rest of the world into accepting a military solution which threatens the future of humanity.

ON May 16th The New York Post dropped what appeared to be a bombshell: "Bush Knew . . .

" Hoping to score politically, the Democrats jumped on the bandwagon, pressuring the White House to come clean on two "top-secret documents" made available to President Bush prior to September 11, concerning "advance knowledge" of Al Qaeda attacks.

Meanwhile, the U.S. media had already coined a new set of buzzwords:

"Yes, there were warnings" and "clues" of possible terrorist attacks, but "there was no way President Bush could have known" what was going to happen.

The Democrats agreed to "keep the cat inside the bag" by saying:

"Osama is at war with the U.S." and the FBI and the CIA knew something was cooking but failed to connect the dots.

" In the words of House Minority Leader, Richard Gephardt:

"This is not blame-placing. . . . We support the President on the war against terrorism — have and will.

But we’ve got to do better in preventing terrorist attacks." 1


The foreknowledge issue is a Red Herring:

"A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue."

In standard CIA jargon, Al Qaeda is categorized as an "intelligence asset".

The CIA keeps track of its "intelligence assets". Al Qaeda is infiltrated by the CIA.

Amply documented, Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts were always known.

In other words, there were no "intelligence failures"!

In the nature of a well-led intelligence operation, the "intelligence asset" operates (wittingly or unwittingly) with some degree of autonomy, in relation to its U.S. government sponsors, but ultimately it acts consistently, in the interests of Uncle Sam.


Fear and Disinformation Campaign

The Bush Administration — through the personal initiative of Vice President Dick Cheney — chose not only to foreclose the possibility of a public inquiry, but also to trigger a fear and disinformation campaign:

"I think that the prospects of a future attack on the U.S. are almost a certainty. . . .

It could happen tomorrow, it could happen next week, it could happen next year, but they will keep trying. And we have to be prepared."

What Cheney is really telling us is that our "intelligence asset", which we created, is going to strike again.

Now, if this "CIA creature" were planning new terrorist attacks, you would expect that the CIA would be first to know about it.

In all likelihood, the CIA also controls the so-called ‘warnings’ emanating from CIA sources on "future terrorist attacks" on American soil.


Carefully Planned Intelligence Operation

The 9-11 terrorists did not act on their own volition. The suicide hijackers were instruments in a carefully planned intelligence operation.

The evidence confirms that Al Qaeda is supported by Pakistan’s military intelligence, the Inter-services Intelligence (ISI). Amply documented, the ISI owes its existence to the CIA:

"With CIA backing and the funnelling of massive amounts of U.S. military aid, the ISI developed [since the early 1980s] into a parallel structure wielding enormous power over all aspects of government….

The ISI had a staff composed of military and intelligence officers, bureaucrats, undercover agents and informers estimated at 150,000."

The ISI actively collaborates with the CIA. It continues to perform the role of a ‘go-between’ in numerous intelligence operations on behalf of the CIA.

The ISI directly supports and finances a number of terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda.


The Missing Link

The FBI confirmed in late September, in an interview with ABC News (which went virtually unnoticed) that the 9-11 ring leader, Mohammed Atta, had been financed from unnamed sources in Pakistan:

"As to September 11th, federal authorities have told ABC News they have now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in Florida, to accounts held by suspected hijack ring leader, Mohammed Atta. As well . . .

"Time Magazine" is reporting that some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can be traced directly to people connected to Osama bin Laden.

It’s all part of what has been a successful FBI effort so far to close in on the hijacker’s high commander, the money men, the planners and the mastermind."9

The FBI had information on the money trail. They knew exactly who was financing the terrorists.

Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmed by Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Times of India, quoting an official Indian intelligence report (which had been dispatched to Washington).

According to these two reports,

The money used to finance the 9-11 attacks had allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]."

According to the AFP (quoting the intelligence source):

"The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism."


Pakistan’s Chief Spy Visits Washington

Now, it just so happens that General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money man" behind 9-11, was in the U.S. when the attacks occurred.

He arrived on the 4th of September, one week before 9-11, on what was described as a routine visit of consultations with his U.S. counterparts.


According to Pakistani journalist, Amir Mateen (in a prophetic article published on September 10):

"ISI Chief Lt-Gen. Mahmoud’s week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council.

Officially, he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet’s earlier visit to Islamabad.

Official sources confirm that he met Tenet this week.

He also held long parleys with unspecified officials at the White House and the Pentagon.

But the most important meeting was with Marc Grossman, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

One can safely guess that the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan . . . and Osama bin Laden.

What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits.

Last time Ziauddin Butt, Mahmoud’s predecessor, was here, during Nawaz Sharif’s government, the domestic politics turned topsy-turvy within days."

Nawaz Sharif was overthrown by General Pervez Musharaf.

General Mahmoud Ahmad, who became the head of the ISI, played a key role in the military coup.


Schedule of Pakistan’s Chief of Military Intelligence Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, Washington, 4-13 September 2001

Summer 2001: ISI Chief Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad transfers $100,000 to 9-11 Ringleader Mohamed Atta.

4 September: Ahmad arrives in the US on an official visit.

4-9 September: He meets his US counterparts including CIA Head George Tenet.

9 September: Assassination of General Massood, leader of the Northern Alliance. Official statement by Northern Alliance points to involvement of the ISI-Osama-Taliban axis.

11 September: Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

At the time of the attacks, Lt General Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting at the Capitol with the chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss.

Also present at the meeting were Sen. John Kyl and the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi.

12-13 September: Meetings between Lt. General Ahmad and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

Agreement on Pakistan’s collaboration negotiated between Ahmad and Armitage. Meeting between General Ahmad and Secretary of State Colin Powell

13 September: Ahmad meets Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

On the morning of Sept. 11, Goss and Graham were having breakfast with a Pakistani general named Mahmud Ahmed – the soon-to-be-sacked head of Pakistan’s intelligence service.

Ahmed ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

While the Washington Post acknowledges the links between ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad and Osama bin Laden, it fails to dwell on the more important question:

What was Mahmoud doing on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11, together with Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senate and House intelligence committees?

Neither does it acknowledge the fact, amply documented by media reports that "the money-man" behind the hijackers had been entrusted by the Pakistani government to discuss the precise terms of Pakistan’s "collaboration" in the "war on terrorism" in meetings held at the State department on the 12th and 13th of September.

When the "Foreknowledge" issue hit the street on May 16th, "Chairman Porter Goss said an existing congressional inquiry has so far found ‘no smoking gun’ that would warrant another inquiry."

This statement points to an obvious "cover-up".


The Investigation and Public Hearings on "Intelligence Failures"

In a bitter irony, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham, –the men who hosted the mysterious September 11 breakfast meeting with the alleged "hijacker’s high commander" (to use the FBI’s expression), had been put in charge of the investigation and public hearings on so-called "intelligence failures".

Meanwhile, Vice President Dick Cheney had expressed anger on a so-called "leak" emanating from the intelligence committees regarding

"the disclosure of National Security Agency intercepts of messages in Arabic on the eve of the attacks.

The messages (…) were in two separate conversations on Sept. 10 and contained the phrases

‘Tomorrow is zero hour’ and ‘The match is about to begin.’ The messages were not translated until Sept. 12"

Red Carpet Treatment to the Alleged "Money Man" behind 9-11.

The Bush Administration had not only provided red carpet treatment to the alleged "money man" behind the 9-11 attacks, it also had sought his ‘cooperation’ in the "war on terrorism".

The precise terms of this ‘cooperation’ were agreed upon between General Mahmoud Ahmad, representing the Pakistani government and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in meetings at the State Department on September 12 and 13.

In other words, the Administration decided in the immediate wake of 9-11, to seek the ‘cooperation’ of Pakistan’s ISI in "going after Osama", despite the fact (documented by the FBI) that the ISI was financing and abetting the 9-11 terrorists.

Contradictory? One might say that it’s like "asking the Devil to go after Dracula."


An article in the French daily Le Figaro confirms that Osama bin Laden underwent surgery in an American Hospital in Dubai in July.

During his stay in the hospital, he met with a CIA official.

While on the World’s "most wanted list", no attempt was made to arrest him during his two week stay in the hospital, shedding doubt on the Administration’s resolve to track down Osama bin Laden.

Barely a few days ago Defense Secretary Rumsfeld stated that it would be difficult to find him and extradite him.

Its like "searching for a needle in a stack of hay".

But the US could have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai last July.

But then they would not have had a pretext of waging a war.

Meanwhile, innocent civilians are being killed by B-52 Bombers as means "to go after" Osama bin Laden.

According to UN sources, the so-called "campaign against international terrorism" could lead to the death of several million people from an impending famine.

The original article in French is also posted on the CRG webpage.

Michel Chossudovsky, CRG. 2 November 2001



by Alexandra Richard

Translated courtesy of Tiphaine Dickson

Le Figaro, 11 October 2001
Posted at 2 November 2001


Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the United Arab Emirates, North-East of Abi-Dhabi.

This city, population 350,000, was the backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent in July.

A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in Dubai claims that public enemy number one stayed at this hospital between the 4th and 14th of July.

Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport.

He was accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be Ayma-al-Zawahari–but on this sources are not entirely certain–, four bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and Al-Maktoum bridges.

Each floor of the hospital has two "VIP" suites and fifteen rooms.

The Saudi billionnaire was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by Teerry Callaway, gallstone and infertility specialist.

Dr Callaway declined to respond to our questions despite several phone calls.

As early as March, 2000, ‘Asia Week,’ published in Hong Kong, expressed concern for bin Laden’s health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment".

According to authorized sources, bin Laden had mobile dialysis equipment shipped to his hideout in Kandahar in the first part of 2000.

According to our sources, bin Laden’s "travels for health reasons" have taken place before.

Between 1996 and 1998, bin Laden made several trips to Dubai on business.

On September 27th, 15 days after the World Trade Center attacks, at the request of the United States,

The Central Bank of the Arab Emirates announced an order to freeze assts and investments of 26 people or organisations suspected of mainting contact with bin Laden’s organization, and in particular at the Dubai Islamic Bank.

"Relations between the Emirate and Saudi Arabia have always been very close," according to sources, "princes of reigning families, having recognized the Taliban regime, often travelled to Afghanistan.

One of the princes of a ruling family regularily went hunting on the land of bin Laden, whom he had known and visited for many years."

There are daily flights between Dubai and Quetta by both Pakistan and Emirates Airlines.

As to private planes from Saudi Arabia or from the Emirates, they regulariy fly to Quetta, where their arrival is rarely registered in airport logs.

While he was hospitalised, bin Laden received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis.

During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden’s hospital room.

A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden.

Authorised sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was called back to headquarters.

In late July, Emirates customs agents arrested Franco-Algerian activist Djamel Beghal at the Dubai airport.

In early August, French and American authorities were advised of the arrest.

Interrogated by local authorities in Abu Dhabi, Beghal stated that he was called to Afghanistan in late 2000 by Abou Zoubeida, a military leader of bin Laden’s organization, Al Qaeda.

Beghal’s mission: bomb the US embassy on Gabriel avenue, near the Place de la Concorde, upon his return to France.

According to Arab diplomatic sources as well as French intelligence, very specific information was transmitted to the CIA with respect to terrorist attacks against American interests around the world, including on US soil.

A DST report dated 7 September enumerates all the intelligence, and specifies that the order to attack was to come from Afghanistan.

In August, at the US Embassy in Paris, an emergency meeting was called between the DGSE (French foreign intelligence service) and senior US intelligence officials.

The Americans were extremely worried, and requested very specific information from the French about Algerian activists, without advising their counterparts about the reasons for their requests.

To the question "what do you fear in the coming days?", the Americans kept a difficult-to-fathom silence.

Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a representative of his family’s business, bin Laden began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Red Army.

FBI investigators examining the embassy bombing sites in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam discovered that evidence led to military explosives from the US Army, and that these explosives had been delivered three years earlier to Afghan Arabs, the infamous international volunteer brigades involved side by side with bin Laden during the Afghan war against the Red Army.

In the pursuit of its investigations, the FBI discovered "financing agreements" that the CIA had been developing with its "arab friends" for years. The Dubai meeting is then within the logic of "a certain American policy".
——————————————————————————————— – For more chilling realities on the role of governments entrusted with Power in democracy.


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