Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril

August 28, 2018

Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril

Padmini Arhant

The freeloading opportunists and wannabes ever remaining gluttons of power, fame and fortune are the worst scavengers to exist in the world dominated by them though not for long.

As parasites their survival is desperately dependent on the source they continue to abuse and exploit for individual gains and egocentric supremacy expediting the inevitable end of them being hate mongers.

The dark forces with their crony contingency have nothing to live for except spewing venom to legitimize illegitimate draconian doctrine characterized in prejudice and misogyny. The vitriolic spasms are regularly released through media cacophony and entertainment industry salivation to the masters’ bait producing mercurial poison in the name of content.

These vile despicable catalysts of destruction are incorrigible. There is no hope of revival considering the deteriorating inner vices leading them to point of no return. They waste their lives in authorizing and serving perilous cause much to own agonizing experience for their soul upon departure from this world. Not to mention the painful arduous journey awaiting them in living and death thereafter.

These narcissists disguised as elitists cite backward caste and pariah in their opinion of anyone they regard arch nemesis while ironically expecting recognition and acknowledgment from the same so-called outcast. Their lofty and hypocritical stance make them the laughing stock as they demand respect in return for their insults and insolence. They fail to realize due to uber hubris overwhelming their personality, backwardness is in character and deeds to which they are sole proprietors and unparalleled in their backward mentality.

Peace and mutual respect are antithetic to them given their combat disposition and repugnance.

Accordingly, they are not only the pariahs but also the piranhas for their predator instincts and impulsive extremist views precipitating self-decline. 

Needless to say, these are ominous signs of imminent disaster for orchestrators and subservient representatives alike.

Lest be understood, these actions are never without karmic effects and a harsh lesson along the way not to take others for granted.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Prakrithi. PadminiArhant.con



















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