Identity Appropriation

November 27, 2022

Identity Appropriation

Padmini Arhant

It is hard to begin and describe the duplicity in detail pertaining to 2008 Presidential campaign conning, scams extracting money on false pretexts, bankrupting donor and then mocking the donor as gratitude in collusion with loser puppeteers to name a few amongst myriad episodes…albeit this might be brushed off as usual political tactics and shenanigans in politics. The 2008 Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama Presidential campaign tops the chart in this trend evidenced in my personal experience.

In recent memory, Netflix debacle is further proof in this context.

Not to mention then newly elected Presidency in 2008 setting precedence in invading private home and privacy with 24/7 surveillance, constant eavesdropping, spying and snooping (that’s right Hollywood’s Melbourne, Australia born Rian Craig Johnson snoop !) as prerogative and privilege in core abuse and violation of the invaded, the criminal offense having become the sleazy politics entitlement.

The norm obediently, shamelessly and slavishly adhered to by India in obsequious to criminal syndicate.

However, the relentless post presidential campaign for the lame ludicrous puppeteers and their puppets Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama to impose blackness and black identity on me using the whitewashed Hollywood is the height of insanity.

Similarly the Indian bootlicking politics, ever groveling media and slimy entertainment industry on their part engaged in conversion of my religion to Islam from original and persistent Saivism (worship of God Shiva) and consistent branding as ‘actress’ is again carried out to qualify as competitive sycophants of criminal clique.

The quirky practice citing me as an actress, actor when there is no connection or link not even remotely to drama, theater, small and big screen appearance in the entertainment field on personal level is an extension of criminal orchestrated theatrics.

The exception being anecdotal reference actor in my presentation of mock interviews with various political members to clarify they were not actual. The anecdote then onwards exploited considering the criminal groups’ decision designating me to anonymity as convenient strategy to bend, mold, twist and spin their narratives of me experimented till today much to their fruitless effort and embarrassment. 

Again the entertainment industry and politics abusing this pathological maneuver to their advantage by dragging me into their domain against my numerous condemnation to this effect turned suicidal for many in the trajectory.

I have categorically stated had it been the case as such by birth and orientation in this lifetime, there would be no such requirement from anywhere and by anyone.

Notwithstanding, it is nobody’s business nor right to declare and determine anyone any other to fit their conniving motive which is obviously identity swap essentially identity theft.

The criminal syndicate agenda is to promote lies, liars and impostors for known reasons i.e. to prolong unaccountable criminology status quo.

The whole idea of distorting my profile and identity to suit criminal syndicate and their recruited wannabes, opportunists harvest to resurrect their dead career and lifeless existence is desperate times seeking desperate indulgence. The involvement continued without realizing the entire charade is the biggest joke on them.

What Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama owe Black America and in particular, the brutally murdered black young woman Miriam Carey and the survivor – her daughter (now 10-year-old) and their family is the following.

1. Why did you authorize and allow the gunning down of black woman – the unarmed civilian, taxpayer and citizen Miriam Carey with a toddler in a child seat restrained in the back of her car with some 26 bullets in several rounds of ammunition at her?

As though that was not enough,

2. Why did you both – Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama tossed the toddler girl (Miriam’s daughter) in the arms of a white male (so much for your blackness and black identity pride?) that too to a former CIA operative who had no relation with Miriam Carey and her daughter she had with you?


3. What was the reason behind denying then toddler i.e. Miriam’s daughter i.e. your love child from attending her mother’s funeral despite Miriam’s family plea to both of you to let the child bid farewell to her mother mercilessly gunned down at a young age in public square on full camera view in the nation’s capital Washington, D.C. where you both were touting yourselves as the so-called first proud BlACK family in the WHITE HOUSE?

You both owe explanation to Miriam’s daughter and her family besides BLACK AMERICA.

Yet another person on accountability from Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama is Larry Sinclair. 

The same aptly apply to Oprah Winfrey unveiled as celebrated media talk show host enlisted in criminal hegemony crafted identity theft / impostor choice list whose participation in many incidents have exposed the real personality on many occasions implicating in bad light.

The media host joining the hatched so-called ‘Me-Too-Movement’ while hobnob and private moments with Me-too-movement related scandalous Harvey Weinstein of Hollywood earlier and during the movement is self-explanatory on hypocrisy ad hominem.

On the political front : The Executive Branch Extra-Judicial Execution typically core abuse of power and electoral mandate against the republic. 

U.S.administration headed by then President Barack Obama with NAVY SEAL TEAM engaged in Abbottabad operation in Pakistan in the so-called killing of long deceased Osama Bin Laden who actually died in December 2001 from Renal failure in Pakistan. 

Interestingly, the NAVY SEAL TEAM in Abbottabad, Pakistan was launched on May 2, 2011 with no evidence of the deceased Osama Bin Laden remains or physical body presented to 9/11 victims and their families in America and the rest of the world.

The Barack Obama administration claimed the body of Osama Bin Laden was disposed in the Arabian sea per the administration decision declared to the public as Islamic ritual contradictory to Islamic practice and reality.

Within three months of Abbottabad operation in Pakistan, the entire NAVY SEAL TEAM members involved in the show and tell tale were taken down on board the Chopper in Afghanistan on United States and NATO watch and occupation in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011.

“On August 6, 2011, insurgents shot down a Chinook transport helicopter in Afghanistan, killing all 38 people on board, including 15 Navy SEALS from Team Six’s Gold Squadron.”

The incident took place during the United States and NATO combined presence and pervasive operation in Afghanistan.  Not to mention the United States Presidential election for ex-President Barack Obama incumbent administration was due in November 2012. 

The NAVY SEAL TEAM family members plea for open transparent investigation were denied by the Barack Obama administration in 2011 and 2012.

Meanwhile the Osama Bin Laden episode was used to boost re-election prospects in the Presidential election in 2012.

Your Hollywood enablers and propagandists unfortunately for both of you, Oprah Winfrey and the likes or for that matter anybody cannot wash away your sins with anymore B.S. on the celluloid.

The political impunity behind which you are protected from crimes during term in public office might only serve until your life expiry and beyond that the appropriate judgment against perpetrators of crimes will prevail regardless.

Padmini Arhant


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