Identity Clarification and Risk Analysis

June 25, 2023

Identity Clarification

Padmini Arhant

Update: In the assessment of risk, it is a risk even to exist in the current toxic political environment spying and disparaging the one and only target viz. me.

No time is wasted in deploying all means, resources and hired crony contingency at disposal in that regard.

Oddly enough, when analyzing risks, the pick and choose – Mt.Everest climbing, skydiving and ocean exploration are the only ones somehow seem to matter to the ones running the global narrative on all affairs.

Frankly speaking, taking risks in life is relative as long as it does not jeopardize other’s life and only limited to own personal experience either way. That is called measured and calculated risk handling in life.

Unlike the risks such as Frankenstein prank in the gain of function scientific research endeavored in manufacturing deadly virus to experiment its virulence on humans without the care and concern that resulted in devouring millions of lives and ruining scores of livelihoods is not only reckless but also plain evil.

Yet another risk that destroyed and devastated human lives world over bringing down the global economy on its knees is none other than financial risks as witnessed and experienced in the sub-prime mortgage and hedge fund debacle. Unfortunately, the trend continues in CBDC and great financial reset.

The cavalier approach bundling damaged goods viz. securities with losses written all over it and still rolled over in the financial market gambling away ordinary people assets in their home and investments savings proved reckless and foolish laden with hubris. 

Accordingly, when indulging in constant insinuations against a particular target i.e. against me, it is important to quit selective memory and maintain fair analysis of situations and events in the otherwise effort to inform or malign ignoring balancing act.

Not to mention, in both instances the Frankenstein gain of function research unleashing the catastrophic COVID19 and financial gambling – both accounts inflicted phenomenal loss of lives and economic collapse unlike the solo Mt.Everest expedition, Skydive and Ocean exploration.

Notwithstanding no responsibility or accountability seem to ever matter in the eyes of those responsible as well as the ones cheering the former while never missing an opportunity to jeer the latter.

It’s time to descend from imperialistic era down to earth and accept glaring facts and reality in creating a civilized society.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 


Identity theft is a crime. Deal with your own identity and settle your KARMA with your penance. You cannot absolve yourself of your sins by claiming seizing other’s identity and disowning yours as it would only exacerbate your present and future existence such as post departure from the world.


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