Imposition is Desperation

December 23, 2024

Imposition is Desperation

Padmini Arhant

Anything forced and imposed such as someone’s race on others against their will.

Alternatively, use cut and paste format stealing other’s life and identity and applied to self  and / or someone within own race.

These are symptoms and severe conditions of personality disorder wanting to be someone and not oneself in the short cut methodology.

Such characteristics are also prevalent among those running away from self and own racial identity as well as other factors they regard anything but positive.

Then there are those who obsessively engage in smear campaign of those whom they anchor as the prime target throughout life as the only goal while decaying within considering the misplaced priority.

Who else would know better than EVIL?

In plagiarizing connotations and captions such as triumph in the routine habitual piracy act to spew venom at the one from whom they pirate the positive notes.

Yet sadly utilize for all things negative and counterproductive further exposing own narcissism writ large.

The pride in one’s race, cultural identity, political or any other career and personal life begins with oneself and cultivated with own labor, skills, talent and tireless efforts unlike the machiavellian strategy – the end justifying the means by beg, borrow and steal in image and legacy management.

One who is dissatisfied with oneself is also the self-mortified with a wasted life.

One who is disheartened with oneself turning inward to improve oneself for the better not for the worst in relentless harassment and disparagement of those they profusely envy is the preliminary step towards self-respect. 

Imposing anything and anyone against those having no relation or connection not even remotely with whom it is linked is an act of desperation of those involved in futile wannabe trend.

Not to mention the utter violation of the individual right of the one used and abused for sadistic consolation.

Reiterating the obvious – the Sun, moon, sky…are by natural design remain as such despite the perceptive mind drawn into various unnatural imaginations to the extent of delusion to suit own whims and fancies as impression.

The attempt in alteration and subversion of natural design is distortion and convolution in epic proportion. 

Padmini Arhant


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