India – Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics

September 20, 2020

India – Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics 

Padmini Arhant

Attention: Attention Seeking Indian Politics and Critics 

जब कोई देश डूबता है तो वो मिली भगत के कारण होता है। इसका असर बहुत भारी पड़ता है उन सभी पर जो किसी भी प्रकार इस में भाग लिए हों ।इस सच्चाई को कभी भी नकारना नहीं चाहिए। ऐसे करने वाले और भी दुःख संकट गम्भीर अवस्था पाएँगे।

Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi having miserably failed the nation and people, the victim of his draconian policies should step down from power effective immediately to save the nation from further turmoil and misery.

With reference to article India – China Stand-off Resolution published on this site,

The issue as usual manipulated to suit politics in the face of declining situation in every frontier by those in actual power on public funded salary, perks and privileges besides attack brigade in mainstream media, social media, IT sleeper cells using live podcasts pretending to be expatriates…and above all entertainment industry ever at politics disposal for relentless trashing, spewing venom much to own peril. 

As the author of the above published article, I categorically and explicitly specify that by no means the proposal indicate or suggest China to retain present status quo in territorial annexations albeit enabled by the present and past administrations despite my forewarning about China’s transgression going back in 2009 and 2010 that was ignored then and now by governments alternating to power.

The cowardly nuances and insinuations constantly directed at me are baseless and do not serve anyone’s personal and political vendetta against me rather backfire at them reminding them of Karmic effects realized by many treading on that path thus far.

The false interpretation of the above article stands corrected once and for all.  I have maintained all along unlike Indian politics and critics’ exploiting crises to own advantage at every opportunity.

I reiterate my stance that China’s withdrawal from occupied Indian territories seized in 1962 warfare and prior the invasion and occupation of then independent Tibet in the Himalayan region is critical in permanent resolution of the embroiled battle.

Chinese leadership exercising discretion in view of the tremendous impact on PLA forces experiencing medical problems and chronic health conditions demanding evacuation from the Himalayan heights is prudent and calls for wisdom and pragmatism in ending the standoff and agree to the realistic approach enunciated above.

Unless the Indian political establishment in unison having received political funding through however channels in China are in quid pro quo with China’s CCP leadership Xijinping for such settlement i.e. agreement to current status quo allowing aggressor China to annex Indian states and territories for personal gains, which directly hold them responsible for egregious decision and treason that are norm in the country accustomed to insiders facilitated foreign invasion and colonization until today.

As for the Indian critics posing as journalist for leading Indian or foreign press and others using their platform viz. press and social media could always express what they deem right on border demarcations and several other reservations they hold in resolving the ongoing confrontation in the 18,000 feet altitude challenging survival of lives even before the full fledged military warfare that obviously to be averted bearing dire consequences upon militarily fierce two nations – China and India with nuclear armament facing off in the treacherous terrains.

It is best to aim at the real enemy endangering freedom and existence i.e. China’s CCP authorized PLA incursion instead of wasting time, energy and resource in profane verbal assaults against someone i.e. me especially when I’m not obligatory or mandatory to be the crusader.

Get on the social media and use your entertainment industry to convey your message to China and your government in New Delhi as you are engaged to launch missiles against me regardless of the distance. In doing so, India’s suppressed and oppressed democracy could perhaps be revived to liberate the nation and overwhelming subjugated population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


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