India – Invasion and Colonization

August 4, 2019

India – Invasion and Colonization

Padmini Arhant

Invasion and colonization of India since time immemorial until today with India remaining a colonial state is predominantly due to traitors within India in politics, economy,  entertainment, religion and social domains with communication outlets like print and visual media buckled down to domestic and foreign power.

These traitors entrenched in corruption and famished for power, fame and fortune submit to treason, false propaganda, distortion, subversion, indoctrination and sacrilege of religion, human values and ethos for individual gains and their masters vested interests.

These parasites selling their souls for personal benefits are primarily responsible for generational suffering among vast majority.

The affluence and prominence are found most useful for the foreign forces and their proxies in government, economy, entertainment, religion and social sphere in aiding and abetting divide and conquer strategy – the fundamental course in exerting superiority with authority. 

The topic will continue on other aspects and consequences of treason and massive corruption eroding the prospects within for the present population making the future bleak for the next generation.

Please stand by for more on this important subject.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 



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