India – Karma and the Prisoner of Guilt

June 28, 2022

India – Karma 


The Prisoner of Guilt 

Padmini Arhant

The guilty having committed horrendous crimes and remains unrelenting as old habits die hard, the sinner is the prisoner of guilt with the inner conscience witness to entire deeds in the lifetime,

As a result, no matter how many favorable rulings are obtained in quid pro quo from the Supreme Court, High Court, self-appointed committee and various propaganda means, the guilty is guilty of crimes in the murder of innocent children, women, disabled, youth and senior citizens in the politically instigated pogrom.

When then Chief Minister of the state widely known and categorically proved via documented substantiated evidence to have fomented and facilitated gory violence against own citizens of the state Gujarat in 2002,

Then upon assuming office as the Prime Minister of the nation, the government’s unilateral enactment of the controversial CAA and NRC act engage to strip citizenship status of muslim minority and Hindu majority subjugated in caste denominations and brazen communal politics.

In the course of unconstitutional undemocratic process, the Prime Minister rallies the captive audience to violently target fellow citizens by specific clothing and appearance viz. the muslims in society.

The action speaks volume of the past and present besides being the harbinger of similar episodes in the future.

Likewise, the equal if not senior partner in crime then state Home Minister of Gujarat elevated to the National Home Minister position in New Delhi can hardly contain the impulse in promoting communal hatred and violence.

In 2002, the State Home Minister authorized and instructed the killings of non-violent innocent civilians like children, women, disabled, youth and the elderly predominantly muslims and many Hindus as well as other segments in the worst state sponsored and directly involved communal riots in Godhra, Gujarat.

The murder of key witnesses not barring the Mumbai High Court judge delivering the verdict convicting the state authorities was also murdered to lay the matter to rest.

Despite the killings, elimination and incarceration of individual’s punished for presenting facts and truth telling on Godhra violence detailed in the article below,  the National Home Minister’s public speech during political campaign rally in West Bengal post CAA and NRC act in 2019 referred to muslims from Bangladesh as termites.

The two most powerful entities evading accountability on their previous involvement in inciting violence could barely resist defaulting to status quo in open public delivery in 2019 and until now as cited above.

The duo duplicity could only be summed up as

Nau sau choohey nochkar do billé chalé khumbh melé Ganga snaan karné !

नौ सौ चूहे नोचकर दो बिल्ले चले कुम्भ मेले गंगा स्नान करने !

Translation – After munching 900 mice, the tom cats were off to Hindu Khumbh Mela (religious festival) for a dip in the Holy Ganges!

Indeed Atma Chinthan (introspection and Soul searching) is the need of the hour and ever for both of them and their contingency.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

India – Gujarat Godhra Violence 2002

India – Modi Shah Resignation



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