India – Objection to UNHRC Plea on CAA, NPR & NRC

March 6, 2020

India –  BJP Government Objection to UNHRC Plea on CAA, NPR & NRC

Padmini Arhant

Prime Minister Narendra Modi government and the state run media objection to UNHRC joining other local petitioners on the controversial #CAA, #NPR and #NRC in the Indian Supreme Court calling out UNHRC participation as foreign body intervention in India’s internal affair and further claiming that such activity is violation of India’s sovereignty deserves attention.

India’s position might be valid upon Indian government strict adherence to Indian constitution and democratic rule of law barring any form of discrimination and prejudice that the legislated act #CAA, #NPR and #NRC proved to be in the testing ground viz. the north eastern state, Assam.

Assam citizens requested for protection of the natives political, economic and social rights and the indigenous culture that are on the brink of dissipation due to migrants from adjacent West Bengal and population influx from Bangladesh post 1971 war between India and Pakistan.

Instead, Assamese problem exacerbated with natives and locals placement in detention centers on the basis of convoluted NRC and CAA diversion from initial approximately 33,000 immigrants to now 19% of population of which 12% are Hindus and Delhi Central government defined Hindu denominations viz. Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians leaving the remaining 7% muslims as illegals per PM Narendra Modi’ government’s declaration.

The foreign tribunal set up in Assam to filter the qualified against the non-qualified in the citizenship criteria already split internally with the resignation of a tribunal member dissenting on the corruption and lack of credibility in the process that apparently allowed applicants with forged documents bribing the administration officials while declining citizens with proper documents and papers on them.

The long established second and third generation citizens in Assam having been affected by NRC flaws could not even receive any justice in the State High Court interpreting the New Delhi government law as final.

As a result, the Assamese natives are being relocated from their place of residence to BJP government assigned detention centers with reports of some deaths in some facility from the inadequate accommodation requirements.

The cases in reference are as pointed out earlier on this site – the former President of India Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed’s family isolated as non-citizens of India.

Similarly the former war veteran Army Major Mohammed Sanaullah, a decorated Indian Army Officer having served Indian defense force for over thirty years and honored with Presidential medal for his bravery in Kargil war between India and Pakistan that almost led to nuclear meltdown in 1999 only to be now denigrated as a foreigner and dispatched to detention center could not be an inadvertent mistake. The Army officer Mohammed Sanaullah had to prove his citizenship in the court of law at his personal expense.

Needless to say ordinary citizens living hand to mouth in a distressed economy are not in a position to deal with such challenges evidently associated with #CAA, #NPR and #NRC.

These are the ramifications from #CAA, #NPR and #NRC that are falsely propagated as no brainer in implementation harming none anywhere in India despite the unraveling of the unnecessary government agenda.

The intriguing aspect of this #CAA in particular is the government plan to naturalize minority Hindus and Hindu category as outlined above from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh living in non-residential status in Assam legislated in Parliament with an amendment to the existing citizenship act. When the government could have granted asylum to all those members including muslims upon every one of them satisfying the standard criteria and importantly without criminal record.

PM Narendra Modi, HM Amit Shah and their surrogates in media and those representing the government in media discussions on this topic defend #CAA, #NPR and #NRC as laws that target none even though muslims are specifically segregated from this group for citizenship approval.

Furthermore, what was the need for  PM Narendra Modi government to amend the citizenship act for #CAA?

Again, when the matter could have been addressed without dragging the nation into quagmire producing protests followed by BJP government ministers and members unleashed hate speeches and inflammatory recommendations that consumed more than 47 innocent lives in the latest horrific Delhi violence and set North East Delhi on fire.

Obviously, these events suffice to summarize that are more to these laws that meets the eye and the government confirmation in this regard with no political will to resolve the issues amicably prolong the contentious citizenship saga.

Now on the issue of UNHRC accused of meddling in India’s domestic propositions.

The synonymous action from India, in fact  Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government indulgence in neighboring Nepal, an independent sovereign state with democratically elected government passing a unanimous constitutional amendment in Parliament on Nepal’s Hindu status to secular state was condemned by PM Narendra Modi, his government and BJP in unison.

They did not stop at reprimanding Nepal’s leadership and opposition alike for this transition from Hindu state to secularism or pluralist status.

PM Narendra Modi unilaterally imposed economic sanctions against the economically struggling small nation like Nepal subjecting children, women, youth and elderly to extreme difficulties depriving them of food, medicines and basic essentials leading to casualties from that economic blockade lasting several months in 2015.

Perhaps at that time, PM Narendra Modi and cohorts singing in chorus now could have realized that India and Indian government had no business to chide Nepal nor possessed any right to intervene in Nepal’s sovereign decision let alone execute drastic trade embargo on Nepal.

Politics selective amnesia is well known and Indian critics on UNHRC sharing concerns as interventional fail to acknowledge own record fitting the profile.

India’s interference in 2015 was intrusive especially concerning Nepal’s admirable measure becoming inclusive in recognition of all citizens and diverse background in the country unlike India on the reverse course.

Often such examples serve as poignant moments in political history striving to safeguard democracy and constitutional rights of all citizens rejecting bias and marginalization of any segments in society.

Unfortunately, India is driven in the opposite direction in defiance of democracy, constitution and humanitarian law benefitting none at the end.

Indian citizenry consciousness and mass awakening to this effect pertinent to avert undesirable destination reflected in status quo. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 




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