India – Political Culture

January 21, 2019

India – Political Culture

Padmini Arhant

Politics as such do not have great reputation in the world. It is not politics fault for the problem is directly related to those in politics pledging allegiance to internal and external counterproductive ideology, philosophy, anti-humanity and anti-nature dealings.

Among many fields and occupations, politics that is supposed to be public service continues to attract disdain among citizens anywhere in the world.

The reason behind this status is corruption in politics, abuse of power against the same people i.e. electorate granting them mandate to govern the state or nation. Unfortunately, this mandate often and repeatedly misinterpreted by those assuming power who misuse the same much to own downfall.

Politics is also controlled by deep state with non-citizens reining absolute authority via proxies and puppets installed as head of the state. The dark forces as incognito power cover their base by betting on all horses facilitating the inevitable win in the formality called election.

Election is a process set up to deceive electorate in casting vote on empty promises with campaigners of various political parties exploiting average citizens for self and vested interests during their term in office. In Indian politics, the voters are presented with star power by issuing tickets to film actors, actresses and sports personalities to deflect public attention from real issues.

In fact, Indian economy is drained via corruption, tax evasion, embezzlement, illegal offshore accounts and black money hoarding by three major entities and they are – members in politics, celebrities and industrialists – Rajnithi, Celebrity, Udyogpathi persistently dominate leaving the overwhelming majority in abject poverty and generational struggle to make ends meet in their lives.

These three elements’ abuse in Indian society is the cause for ever increasing gap between the poor and filthy rich never content with the loot from the middle class and lower income being the actual tax payers in the economy. Indian politics is also severely dependent on caste based electoral gains serving as vote banks to various political factions in the absence of meaningful deliverable economic policy and social manifesto. Not to mention the political dynasty, communal politics playing a major role in seeking power. The politicians and those in favor of hierarchy and social injustice in society are vehemently opposed to eliminating casteism, the stigma on India amid fraudulently claiming progress since the so-called independence.

The vast number in Indian society are marginalized, isolated, discriminated and disenfranchised to suit upper echelons corrupt lifestyle and parasitic existence. Not surprisingly, the reference to rape is loosely made during election campaigns and otherwise considering the dominant members raping the economy besides violating ordinary folks that are routine activities in the country. The rape incidents following their leaders in politics, entertainment and other sectors are rampant not sparing infants in the out of control morbid sexual predatory instincts. The situation is further exacerbated by Indian film industry and their leading influential sources commercializing sex for profitability in arts and entertainment.

Women status among the weaker and vulnerable sections in Indian society is far from improvement as they are treated as second class citizens which is relatively better than those commonly known as Dalits or untouchables, gay, transgender, eunuchs and anyone affected by social prejudice including people with disabilities are all regarded beneath human category.

These sentiments are openly and candidly reflected in political speech without any shame or restraint. As recently as a day ago when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led BJP ruled northern state Uttar Pradesh’s legislative member – the female politician’s diatribe targeting political opponent enunciated rape in graphic details alongside describing their female political rival as worse than eunuch not worthy of respect in society clearly depict contemptuous political culture and those whom they represent in politics. This behavior is interestingly rewarded with ministerial posts by political party promoting indecency, insolence and intolerance in public domain.

The backwardness in political mindset is unequivocally posing impediments in India’s social economic development diminishing the prospects of much required transformation in society. Again, the political contenders vying for highest position in the land having tainted record such as abusing women whether in involvement of gang rape citing Rahul Gandhi or state sponsored murder of rape victim in 2012 by Sonia Gandhi, then Congress high command with opposition and other political members complicity and,

Last but not the least the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi abandonment of his spouse without providing any support to her are indicative of women’s plight in India. The background further emphasize that those who ignore responsibility towards next of kin are not poised to care for others let alone the nation they are elected to serve in the official designation. 

Accordingly, women in urban and rural areas in particular are confronted with challenges in the mistreatment of women beginning from the political class down to other segments in the hostile environment.

Indian politics is predominantly premised on goon and gutter politics deploying unscrupulous tactics and nefarious means to gain political mileage and ultimately the mantle of power by unworthy and undeserving figures fostered to maintain status quo. Needless to say, meritocracy is a misnomer in the contentious class and caste oriented system.

The female politicians on their part have fair share of political baggage in corruption, hardline strategy using unemployed youths as buffer to curb political dissent through violent threats and crimes against disillusioned citizens in their respective states and province.

The political contestants with criminal charges emerging as representatives of Indian citizens and India, apparently the largest democracy remain the biggest irony.

India has a long way to go in terms of social acceptance and fair economic opportunity constrained by embedded corruption, nepotism, cronyism, dynastic politics and demonstrably the caste epidemic derailing any positive growth necessary in the real India comprising poor, working class, suppressed labor force, neglected farmers and socially ostracized demography.

Mass consciousness and action eradicating casteism, classism, sexism i.e. any form of divisive polarizing politics and social dogma contributing to treason and breach of public trust is the way forward to build a nation of optimism and reliable future for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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