Indian Press Self-Invalidation

January 9, 2023

Indian Press


Padmini Arhant

The botched up story telling evidenced in the article linked below convict the leading press status obsequious to hoodlum political establishment and propaganda machinery.

“” –  Jan 7, 2023.

The article begins as Air India flyer Shankar Mishra

“Air India flyer Shankar Mishra who ‘urinated’ on woman”

Then references tweet on the same incident with the name Shekhar Mishra as the offender.

“So drunk businessman found urinating on co-passenger in flight is one Shekhar Mishra”

The narrative continues with compelling concoction yet with a different name Sanjay Mishra.

“Mumbai-based Sanjay Mishra has been accused of urinating on an elderly passenger in the November 26 New York-Delhi flight.”

The article circle back to Shankar Mishra.

“In the latest in the case, as per new agency PTI, Bengaluru police assisted Delhi police in arresting the accused, Shankar Mishra, from Sanjay Nagar area in city, where he was staying at his sister’s place.”

Here is the interesting twist and spin ball hitting the fabrication fulcrum like bulls eye.

“The arrest comes a day after he was sacked by his California-headquartered employer Wells Fargo.“

When the article writer i.e. author together with the leading press editorial as publisher of the content cannot decide on the subject name varying from Shankar Mishra to Shekhar Mishra and in the later paragraph of the same article bearing the name Sanjay Mishra is tell all about the credibility or the lack thereof of the newspaper effortlessly violating  press propriety and journalistic basic standard on accuracy by default.

The dereliction verifiably confirm the drunkenness of the story tellers and publisher besides self-invalidation as unreliable irresponsible member of the press corps.

Not to mention innuendoes citing own proxies from crony contingency in media and entertainment industry is further clarification of the swamp.

The bottom line is get your story right to avert embarrassment and aberration.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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