International Politics – India’s General Election Results

May 16, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! to DR. Manmohan Singh and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi on the impressive victory and re-election of the Congress Party to lead the world’s largest democracy towards further progress and prosperity.

India is at the crossroads in the peace process particularly with the nuclear neighbor Pakistan, currently dealing with challenges threatening the national and international security. There is an opportunity for the nuclear nations to develop peaceful bilateral relationship and revive mutual trust as the foundation to promote trade, economic and cultural exchanges beneficial for the entire sub-continent.

Now is the time to lay the historic discord to rest and begin a new chapter by guiding the younger generations on both sides to coexist in harmony. The best strategy for prolonged peace in the region and global security is nuclear disarmament.  Perhaps, it could begin in the Indian sub-continent leading other nuclear nations to follow suit.  Such unprecedented move would be symbolic for the nation set free by the renowned pioneer of peace and non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi.

Indian leadership desperately required in the peaceful resolution of the Sri Lankan crisis. The escalating violence and the recent death toll among the minority Tamil civilian population are unacceptable. Again, there is no justification whatsoever in the ongoing military action by the Sri Lankan government focused on the minority Tamils’ displacement and replacing them with the Sinhalese settlement.

It’s incumbent on India to refrain from aiding the Sri Lankan government anyhow in the hostility and persecution of the minority Tamils. Sri Lanka well armed with ammunitions supplied by nations prioritizing profit over people needs no further assistance in the crime against humanity. History is testimony that when all things fail in securing equality and justice, uprising by marginalized population is a natural course of action against oppressive power.

However, violent means by the minority representatives are worthy of condemnation and India could play a decisive role in the peaceful negotiations between the two sides. Indian involvement would be legitimate considering the significant representation of Tamils in the southern Indian state of Tamilnadu.

It’s equally important for India to remain vigilant on the recent developments in the northern side of the border concerning Nepal and China’s unnecessary influence. In the other international matter, India should renounce any ties with the repressive regime, Burma. India’s continuous trade relationship with the nation in defiance of humanitarian laws and suppression of democracy raises credibility issue and potentially controversial for the world largest democracy.

Finally, the Congress government should expand attention to the poorest groups apart from the farmers in the society. Again, it’s imperative to provide housing, education, jobs and health care to those at the bottom of the socio-economic strata. India’s progress will truly be reflected when prosperity shared among all rather than the privileged few.

Best Wishes to DR. Manmohan Singh, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and the Congress Party in all endeavors.

Padmini Arhant


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