Knowledge Criteria

September 8, 2024

Knowledge Criteria

Padmini Arhant

Little knowledge as opposed to no knowledge is dangerous.

Here is why?

Trash talkers would benefit from paying attention to self and those around them.

Any civilization regardless of however it presents itself and propagated contradictory to reality not only reveals lack of integrity in falsification of facts, but also an embarrassment in modern era.

Civilization is an evolution from primitivity to civility shedding the ruggedness, rough raw layers of thinking for more refined, flexible, open mind and tolerance to other’s right to individual view.

Any misunderstanding of any concept or proposal entirely due to misinformation could always be clarified in civil and rational approach rather than adopting rude antagonistic impropriety. Such decorum is anything but scholarly and wise.

The denigration of woman, womanhood and all matter related to woman subject to political ideology regardless of extreme left and right are the epitome of misogyny, prejudice, sheer hostility and animosity when ethnicity is involved not race in particular.

The case in point is relevant in confrontational concoction of affirmative action, white supremacy on race and intellect creating artificial intelligence genre, with brown opportunists propped up from nowhere in the divide and conquer individual and combined malevolence to exert control on designations as an entitlement.

The status quo in the absence of viable and sustainable productivity perhaps impetus the aversion to pregnancy precisely for such contribution.

To begin with – the caricature of pregnancy itself is foremost idiocy and ignorance of all.

Only the ones on the political left and the right smothered in targeted racism and sexism endless jibes and pejorative comments on pregnancy were to realize that without pregnancy these ill-conceived, bad mouthing, foul mouth citing pregnancy as a way to mock their target would not even be around in the world slouching on their couch shooting cheap shots at the one from whom they continuously harvest their media ratings to meteoric rise in power, fame and fortune – all free of charge translating into narcissistic parasitic existence.

For trash talk information: Pregnancy is the time that enhances woman’s appearance with what is called the ‘pregnancy glow’ reflecting the joy of a life in the development stage inside a mother’s womb. The mother during gestation also transmits her emotions preferably happier and pleasant ones are always recommended to the fetus allowing the mutual benefit to both mother and child for safe and healthy delivery.

Pregnancy is not something to be weaponized like all things in the dark age to vilify the target on looks to body shape and physical contortion. Instead, pregnancy is the phase that is mostly celebrated by the woman especially if she and her spouse / partner have been longing for a child and yearn to begin their family. The happiness is often pervasive to the rest of the family of the woman carrying the child in anticipation of the new born arrival.

As for the right, only applicable to the ones foolishly taking part in the insolence of  a woman by referencing pregnancy in routine mockery. There is double jeopardy for them with their position on pro-life. You can’t be both pro-life and weaponize pregnancy. Take a pick or best remain silent. 

On the looks and elevation to obviously enviable status – never mind the multi-edge sword battle in the last sixteen years and even earlier for speaking the truth, nothing but the truth directly to the face of lies, deceit, dishonesty, the violent, the animus, the corrupt, criminal, abusive, exploitative and authoritative.  Not to mention the pervert, lewd, crude, intrusive, invasive and interventional conduct expected to be tolerated and accepted as fate in the so-called democracy and free society.

Then there is the tyranny denying public appearance and fair access, shunned to anonymity and worst in the absence of direct interaction and in person dialogue in public domain, the ludicrous wicked strategy using unsavory characters as proxies, pawns and puppets from own inventory to attack and assault another woman could only be dismissed and disposed as lame, cowardly and crass. 

In this context, the trash talk going further on such status only attained by promiscuity and loose character explain the accusers’ personal experience and the state of affairs of own women in family reaching anywhere in life entirely by sleep(walk)ing with various partners and the same admitted by women participating in such slander of another woman. 

Beauty, brain and character evaluation from those whose own physical, mental, psychological and moral compass needle stuck in the opposite of anything positive and respectable invalidate the oozing contemptuous convictions.

The indulgence by no means exemplify the gut feeling instead personify gutlessness in the intelligence barren field. 

By the way the world never and cannot revolve around any individual and entity of any life dimension. The world as the planet earth only revolves around the Sun and the moon around the earth and sun performing the cosmic activity. There is no question of summoning the world to revolve around one for any reason unless it is in the lost mind of those engaged in confabulation. 

That’s why – Ignorance is bliss or an abyss. It is toxic and self-destructive when dominant with arrogance and condescendence. 

Padmini Arhant


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