Message to the President and Congress

December 25, 2009

From: Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Congratulations! On the health care bill victory.

My compliments to the members in the United States Senate in passing the historic legislation, even though I have reservations about the main content, details presented in the earlier article.

I sincerely hope that the people of this great nation will not be let down in the final deal.

It’s a monumental feat and the people have every reason to expect the best outcome favoring the mass across the spectrum and not merely the industries that are primarily responsible for the status quo.

Moreover, the expectations among the people are fair considering the fact that many of them shared their pain and agony from the flawed system.

I trust the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will merge their political ingenuity and power to deliver the long awaited meaningful “Health Care Reform” to benefit the republic in the present and the future.

Again, free market without real competition has led to the brink of disaster and conventional wisdom dictates that experimenting failed methods for new results lead to frustration and disappointment.

Since health care is a major component of the economic structure directly affecting the national GDP, it’s absolutely necessary to have a robust policy to curb the spiraling costs prevalent in the health care management. It’s not achievable without the government run insurance program, the public option.

Changing the old ways is never easy. As you know, it’s possible through hope and perseverance.

I reciprocate the season’s greetings and wish you and your family joy and happiness always.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Successful New Year to the members of the White House,
The Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant


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