Middle East Republic Revolution

February 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The pro-democracy protest in Egypt is currently developed into Million Citizens March demanding the dictatorial power resignation remaining defiant in prolonging the undemocratic rule.

Meanwhile the latest report on February 1, 2011 from Washington D.C. issued by the U.S. State Department is –

“State Dept. spokesman P.J. Crowley reiterated the White House’s position that President Mubarak must enact political and economic reforms as he pledged. We want to see concrete actions that show the government of Egypt is responding to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.”

For the U.S. administration’s kind information – the aspirations of the Egyptian people is the removal of repressive regime headed by their embattled ally President Hosni Mubarak.

Ignoring the republic will for fundamental change beginning with the head of the state is categoric refusal of real democracy for vested interests.

Further the U.S. double standards in foreign policy is accentuated through staunch support for totalitarian governments across the Middle East with selective elimination of adversary (once an ally) Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein through warfare while protecting the strategic partner President Hosni Mubarak against Egyptian citizens’ peaceful plea for his ousting.

Again the differential policy maintained despite widespread persecution and human rights violation throughout West Asia.

It is ominously clear that such discriminatory foreign policy foments disenfranchisement contributing to the status quo.

Tunisian deposed leader Ben Ali and now Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as well as several other U.S allies would not be in power without the established complacency to despotism.

Until today Iraq war architects vehemently defend the illegal invasion and occupation in the face of prevalent chaos and destruction with millions of displaced Iraqis having become refugees in their homeland and significant population stranded in the neighboring nations.

The U.S. justification on military aggression at phenomenal loss of human lives and economic costs was democratic Iraq and ending Saddam Hussein’s brutal era.

If the western criteria on Middle East and any Islamic nation democracy is nominating puppet figure as the head of the state implementing autocratic rule to contain fundamentalism or radicalism although emanating from the biased policy with mediocre economic standards to inhibit political transformation in semblance to People’s Republic of China- i.e. state controlled free market economy with no political freedom,

It is noteworthy that Iraq was economically stable with decent health care, higher education facilities, solid infrastructure and poignantly no Al-Qaeda or Iranian regime infiltration prior to 2003 military attack and subsequently the U.S. appointed pro-Iranian government with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki yet to stabilize the beleaguered nation from foreign troops.

Egypt population comparatively disadvantaged with distinct socio-economic disparities under U.S. and allies favored President Hosni Mubarak.

The U.S. stance in Egyptian uprising and the rest of Middle East is diametrically opposed to American democratic values – the so-called political and economic reforms cannot be realistic with unpopular leader President Hosni Mubarak given the trajectory over three decades.

The massive corruption and political suppression with concentrated power among the affluent members in the society is forced upon the people regardless of the devastating impact up until now.

It is deeply regrettable that those nations taking pride in individual liberty and political freedom at home are instrumental in safeguarding the illegitimate governments – monarchy, theocracy… anything except democracy in the Arab world and China.

Appointing new Prime Minister and reshuffling cabinets are ad hoc responses purely for self-salvation and compliance to foreign powers influence for prolonging authoritarianism.

It does not necessarily address the immediate requirement and that being the dynasties and theocracy renunciation of power to allow republic governance through free and fair elections with candidates endured suffering like political imprisonment for years and fought against government abuse of power by remaining in the country experiencing national political struggle.

In Egypt the opposition leader Ayman Abd El Aziz Nour imprisoned for political dissidence from 2005 to 2009 by President Hosni Mubarak and recently hospitalized for sustaining injury during peaceful protest on January 28, 2011 is committed to human rights, constitutional reform limiting Presidential powers and opening Presidential elections to multiple candidates.

People in Egypt would enormously benefit from choosing a local resident leader like Ayman Nour for having demonstrated loyalty to the people through self-sacrifice and continue to pledge support for Egypt liberation.

Moreover there is prominent commonality between the leader Ayman Nour and Egyptian main street in many aspects – the present ruling power abuse in particular and could relate to the plight on personal accounts.

Any other choices for political leadership ex-IAEA Chief Mohammed El Baradei with excess western exposure and regional power intimacy would be susceptible to skepticism among wary political factions and may not sustain power leading to destabilization within a short period.

Therefore providing opportunity to young vibrant leaderships such as Ayman Nour – national university law graduate with verifiable service to the local population would set precedence for future political aspirants considering a vast majority likely to obtain higher education from within the country due to individual situations and financial reasons.

Egypt will be strong and stable under democratic system represented by leadership dedicated to national progress devoid of foreign intervention either western or regional predominantly responsible for political mayhem as witnessed in Iraq.

People in Egypt could realize their political dream through unity and resilience paramount to prevail against the power hungry external sources backed government.

President Mubarak declaration not to run for office next term is nothing but desperate times seeking desperate measures.

The message from the Egyptian patriots is clear – President Hosni Mubarak must step down and procrastination in departure would exacerbate political crisis having already claimed many lives.

Egyptian citizens should not be disheartened from the delay tactics and political maneuvering – not uncommon for authority unwilling to surrender especially amid their crumbling world thereby confirming the self-interest over national interest.

They decline defeat – the destiny and their denial in this regard is the irony.

The pro-democracy demonstrators determined to succeed against all odds would initially conquer fear nonetheless in strict adherence to peace and non-violence – a formidable challenge against any force.

Likewise the mass movement in Jordan determined to abolish monarchy continued in the modern twenty first century would be wise to reject the political appointments carried out under global society privileged members’ instructions to rein control over domestic affairs in the entire Middle East for economic colonization and political dominance.

It is time for every Middle Eastern citizen subject to tyranny emulate Tunisian achievement in people power dismissal of the repressive government.

Whether it is Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine – besieged Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan…or Egypt – to rise to political awakening and restore inalienable human rights for all are born to be free and not held in permanent confinement at the elitists behest.

All things must end for a peaceful new beginning. Democracy is meaningful with public participation in electoral process to elect representatives and leaders with political will, courage, integrity and above all exemplify the solemn oath towards national defense, social equality including women empowerment, universal peace and prosperity.

Any security or armed personnel violence against peaceful dissidents would be self-detrimental for the authorities and restraining use of force is highly recommended.

Similarly looting and vandalism is unacceptable jeopardizing the non-violent civilian peace activity nearing victory for democracy. Those indulging in criminal offense should be apprehended to save lives and prevent damages to private or public property.

People power as patriotic caretakers of a sovereign nation is the inevitable outcome and accepting reality would enable authority to leave in dignity.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to fellow citizens in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Palestine…in their triumph over political tribulation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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