Murder Inc. Affinity towards Rogue Regimes

February 1, 2023

Murder Inc. Affinity towards Rogue Regimes

Padmini Arhant

The colonial mindset lexicon pirated reference in public speech is reminded of;

Colonial mindset = Hindutva radicalism. 

Running away from you never cease delineation and accurate description of you from yourselves and your deeds viz. Karma. 

Likewise an impostor is never the one being impersonated. On the contrary the fraudulence is unveiled in the insane performance exposing the deplorable self- persona.

It ain’t a surprise when murder inc. aptly known as criminals in action (in the acronym expansion) public fawning towards members of own male gender while flaunting phony homophobia and worst of all groveling on dictatorial rogue regimes in disguise as democracy.

Obviously likes attracting similar types crave for characters in sync with own traits such as getting away with mass murder, communal riots triggered massacre, divide and rule strategy…to name a few among reprehensible actions and self-humiliating legacy.

The murder inc. presiding goon and gutter politics entrenched in misogyny in favor of male homo sensuality is sleazy sycophancy. The moronic display is an instagram for idiocy and lunacy.

The murder inc. and members including the devious press as the loyalist conform to control censorship crony politics. 

The desperation for attention however is publicity starved syndrome. The hooliganism is yet another symptom of power abuse much to own downfall.

Finally, the crass cheap provocateurs’ dalliance with devil is ominous of imminent end in entirety.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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