Obama Campaign Development – Behind the Scenes, Communication with Senator Ted Kennedy

November 8, 2008

The long and hard fought battle is over.

Undeniably, it takes a nation to elect a leader.

That is why it is important to reflect on the development of the entire process.

As stated earlier in the previous blog post, Presidential Scam – Who is Michelle Obama, under Politics, United States, www.padminiarhant.com,

Please refer to the original transcript of the communication that transpired over the mysterious withdrawal of Senator John Edwards:

Soon after the withdrawal of Senator John Edwards from the Presidential race 2008 on January 30, 2008, following the publishing of my blog post Default Nominee, January 29th, 2008, 11.48p.m EST,

I received the following identical messages under two different titles within an hour from Senator Ted Kennedy on that date to my two different email addresses.

—– Original Message —-

From: Sen. Ted Kennedy info@barackobama.com

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:35:49 AM

Subject: I’m Fired Up
—– Original Message —-

From: Sen. Ted Kennedy info@barackobama.com

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:34:50 AM

Subject: I’m with Obama

Obama for America

Dear Padmini,

When I endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, I was also endorsing a candidate with the power to transform America.

As President Kennedy said in 1960, "It is time for a new generation of leadership."

This campaign is about a new generation of leadership today.

A generation ready to be part of something bigger than themselves.

A generation ready to change the country, and a generation ready to change the world.

I’m doing everything I can to elect Barack Obama.

With less than a week before my state and 21 others make their voices heard, there is no time to lose.

Please join me by making a $50 donation now:


Like my son Patrick and my niece Caroline, I have found a new generation of leadership for America in Barack Obama — and

I hope you have too!


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

P.S. — You may have already seen clips of my speech or parts of it on Monday. But take a look here. The energy in that room was amazing, and it’s spreading across America:

Video: Kennedy Rally



Paid for by Obama for America

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I realized the urgency of the messages from Senator Ted Kennedy and I responded on the same date.

—– Original Message —-

From: Padmini Arhant

To: info@barackobama.com

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:11:45 PM

Subject: Re: I’m Fired Up

January 30th, 2008 .

Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy
United States of America

Dear Senator Kennedy,

It is truly an honor to be communicating with you.

As a child, I grew up admiring the portrait of handsome, charismatic and a dynamic world leader, the favorite son of America and one of my great heroes, former President John F.Kennedy.

The former President portrait replaced our family picture in the living room.

I am a life long Democrat and have always admired the principles of the Democratic Party.

I have been following the Presidential race in the United States since my teen hood.

I have strongly supported the Democratic Party candidates all along.

The Democratic Party field has never been lack luster.

The extraordinary talent, intellect and leadership of the former democratic contenders and the Presidents elected to the highest office on our land are unique in Presidential history.

The 2008 Presidential race has been very exciting and challenging for all of us.

The Democratic Party contenders…

All of whom are outstanding and distinguished candidates in their own right and merit have posed a great dilemma for the democratic supporters.

With too many great choices,

It is a difficult decision to elect the ideal candidate as the nominee to lead the Democratic Party to victory in November 2008.

In fact, it is a horrendous task requiring rationality and judgment.

This is a historic event with an inevitable change…

That is desperately needed to restore the magnificent image,

As well as the reputation of this great nation as the icon of democracy and leader of the new world.

My decision to extend relentless support to the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama was not influenced by race, gender or otherwise.

After the Iowa caucus, the outstanding speech by Senator Obama was reminiscent of the former President JFK.

I saw a leader and not a politician at that moment.

I also felt that he is strongly committed towards serving this great country,

And bring about the real changes in the lives of every human being across the nation and the international community.

He embraced everyone from all walks of  life.

The fact, that he was opposed to the Iraq war was the issue that encouraged me to support his campaign.

I posted a simple message on his website during my pledge explaining why I was supporting his campaign.

I didn’t realize that there were thousands of supporters out there,

Who shared my views and felt an urgent need to bring the nation,

And the world towards the path of peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Your endorsement as the distinguished Senator,

And validation by the other former First family members Caroline Kennedy and Patrick Kennedy is an enormous prestige and support for this movement.

There are millions of supporters inspired and invigorated by Senator Obama’s candidacy.

The country is all ‘Fired Up’ indeed to be part of making history in November 2008.

You have my continuous support and commitment towards Senator Obama’s campaign and the Democratic Party to victory in November 2008.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant


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