Oligarchy Run Governments

June 8, 2019

Oligarchy Run Governments

Padmini Arhant

Who is government?

Government is selective cadre backed, funded and installed as fiduciaries for oligarchy and special interests imposing their will and agenda for mass subjugation.

Such governance is deceptively and deceitfully described as democracy much to human intelligence insult. The system essentially a kleptocracy camouflaged as democracy epitomize hypocrisy.

Oligarchy favorite choices are despots groomed into demagogues in their absolute surrender to cartel. They are managed and maneuvered to suit perilous aspirations. 

History is testimony to despotism’s ruinous cause and means to power ending in self-destruction and autocracy termination.

The so-called election in pseudo democracy is basically conducted with black money and slush funds disguised in electoral bonds and other nefarious methods flooded into campaigns buying votes using notes and candidacies with a price tag largely representing criminality and corruption. 

Accordingly they are expected to serve  election financiers goals during and after their term in office misusing political mandate and status until their last minute of survival.

What is the need for government?

The government is set up to amass collective wealth of ordinary citizens from their hard labor to benefit selective forces behind the gamut.

People are eternal human capital exploited to maximum for selective groups’ power, prosperity and security.

The labor force toiling over generations consistently struggle to achieve and maintain decent living standard while enriching oligarchy with wealth lasting several generations and yet the latter never content in their quest for fortune.

The citizens enlisted law enforcement such as police, judiciary and above all the national defense i.e. military is claimed and treated as the private army of political power and their behind the scenes operatives profiteering from defense contracts.

Besides, false assertions and embellishments  on attacks and air strikes to enhance political image during and after election is the norm.

The military is predominantly deployed in foreign lands for hegemonic ambitions to access economic resources offshore and establish strategic dominance in the regions  flaunting Superpower status.

How do governments come into force?

Using and abusing people. Turning people against people creating communal divide, caste, class and gender based prejudice highlighted in political appointments as the political class favor to marginalized segments reeking condescendence rather than merit determined acknowledgment.

The average and overwhelming population suffering in abject poverty are perfect targets for persistent violations leaving them at the rich and powerful’s mercy.

These famished parasites exerting authority as birth right are control freaks however lacking control over their distinct predator instincts delineating them from human race.

Ordinary citizens paid taxes and labor oriented revenues are shared among the few in the circle through tax evasions, embezzlement and plain daylight robbery from various government deals in oligarchy shadow.

The looted treasure from people is reinvested in election to bribe voters ironically using electorate money to submit to oligarchy designed electoral outcome.

The chief protagonists in this structure are not limited to political members but in fact comprise oligarchy owned and directed diverse communication media across the spectrum.

The media powerhouse are heavily delegated to propaganda and misinformation together with entertainment industry involvement unleashing big and small screens undeserving as well as worthless famous opportunists to deflect public focus and mislead captive audience.

The police force, para military and troopers as members of mainstream population with relations to common citizens as family, friends and neighbors are estranged for political purpose and authorized to exercise brute force and violence against unarmed civilians in peaceful protest on economic, social and environment abuse.

What is the government policy on individual rights, civil liberty, freedom of expression and peaceful dissent?

There is zero tolerance to positive, peaceful and constructive criticism casting and treating such voices as threat to political establishment and primarily to international clique calling the shots on operation to dissemination. 

Those daring to challenge status quo are isolated and made anonymous producing proxies and puppets to discredit and defame genuine truth. In many situations political dissenters are murdered and imprisoned or made to disappear by political power.

The violence from the state are justified as political license to kill and commit heinous crimes against citizens used to win elections.

How do oligarchy run governments respond to public call for transparency and accountability? 

Transparency and accountability are antithetical to government pledged to shadow power shady deals.

Those in power as members in politics and their benefactors in economic sector are provided immunity on crimes holding them above law that are ordinarily applicable to average citizens including members in national defense in the country.

The political class recruitment of controversial and criminal background candidacies are increasingly promoted as the strength of democracy ploughing sentiments to polarize society.

How do governments use religion?

Religion is the pawn for players in politics, social and religious domain.

The era declaring devil as deus in the evil worship is prominent in the dark age. Whether satanic rituals in bohemian grove or cult fundamentalism rise in politics, the trend currently experiencing psychedelic euphoria slighting reality around and within.

Naturally, anything contradictory to these traits are expected to agitate elements devoted in endangering earth’s sanctity and sanity.

Although insisting on church and state to be separate, religion cited to influence government actions ranging from women reproductive issues to their ability to perform duties in religious centers in the otherwise patriarchal sphere.

The world is forced into accepting contentious 1% dominance over 99% posing life and death decisions. The unrestricted general access to nature’s clean air, pure drinking water and food is not regarded a necessity instead left at oligarchy run governments discretion.

In these circumferences and extreme conditions, the government’s illegitimacy legitimized via calibrated and monetarily infused electoral process characterized as free and fair polls leaving the electorate in dismay.

The unsustainable rule imposing unreasonable demands beyond endurance is classic setting for imminent collapse. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



















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