Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

 Padmini Arhant


Good health is a priority and cannot be ignored for other commitments in life. Adapting a healthy lifestyle with well nourished diet and regular physical activity is the basic step towards healthy existence. Physical well being is one aspect of health while mental and emotional status equally play an important role in overall health. Stress is a major factor that leads to many illnesses beginning with high blood pressure that could cause heart disease and stroke. In some cases stress related anxiety trigger unnecessary imbalances in brain and other vital functions affecting immune system. Keeping check on stress with mind relaxation like meditation and observing silence for minimum 15-20 minutes a day and increasing the duration would be helpful to calm and sooth nerves to improve focus on daily activity.


Wealth associated with material acquisitions ranging from money, property to other expensive assets are often regarded most important in life.

Though decent earnings and comforts are necessary for survival, the desire for unlimited wealth due to greed is the primary cause of many problems in the world. Greed is the reason behind corruption, deception, fraud and unfair as well as unlawful indulgence against others in business and personal dealings that are on the rise despite legal consequences unfortunately not binding on all.

Wealth in monetary terms is a familiar concept in life. Wealth other than cash value is rarely contemplated in the mad rush for possessions in life.

Knowledge and ability to use information for positive results is key to success in life. Sharing and contributing for universal benefit is another form of wealth that is unique to individual talent.

Caring and compassion deficient in the competitive material world qualifies as wealth that yields returns in good karma. Wealth is expansive in sowing seeds to develop skills and nurture ability among those deprived of opportunity. The seeds growing into trees bearing fruits in the full bloom orchard is far more rewarding.

Hoarding wealth by illegal means like corruption and tax evasion is a generic formula.

Wealth earned from hard work and struggles are distinctive from wealth attained by short cuts and crooked methods depriving many their due share either in business or diverse transactions involving payments for products and services received in cash or kind. The art of deception is yet another tactic in denying anyone the fair exchange. The element of trust is no longer guaranteed in the increasing violations among those engaged in making fast bucks and quick rich scheme aimed at vulnerable targets in society.

Then there are incidents of use and abuse of others ideas and contributions to personal benefit or political motives without acknowledgment or recognition of the provider.

The trend riding on others back and unloading damaged goods on them has become convenient for opportunists exploiting patience and goodness of the abused without realizing imminent consequences of such actions.

In a nutshell, those treading on the path towards extensive financial gains and aspirations at others expense might experience pleasure and profitability that are short-lived in the inevitable payback in living and upon departure from the world. Not withstanding self-imprisonment with the guilt haunting during physical life.

Though charitable activities among the wealthy are necessary and appreciative. Venerable are those who provide in the absence of affordability omit or limit their needs to accommodate desperate conditions of anyone known and unknown to them.


Ability to refine thought process in finding solutions to problems at ease.  There is misconception on common sense as average capability when inventions and breakthroughs in human evolution is prompted by common sense.

Without understanding the basics that requires the use of common sense extraordinary goals are not possible in any domain.

From alphabet soup to simple arithmetic calculations, chemical formulas and binary digits revolutionized technology, common sense is critical in development and enhancement of skills to explore options leading to creativity and ingenuity.

Inability to apply common sense in elementary to complex tasks often leads to irreversible outcome. Intelligence foundation is common sense providing clues to solving minor to major problems in life.

Wisdom is the fruit of knowledge.

The knowledge is premised on diverse sources such as learning and training – attending educational institutions and professional academy.

Knowledge is also naturally gifted and skills acquired by self-experiment through trial and error methods etc.

Not all knowledge is derived from text books and borrowed materials as misconstrued in assessment of intelligence. The knowledge from individual quest prompting innovation, innate creativity, independent thinking and personal life experience as the lifelong learning center is the seat of intellect.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Editor