Provocateurs and Narcissists

Provocateurs and Narcissists 

Padmini Arhant

The opportunists, wannabes and parasites recruited by provocateurs and narcissists fleecing indefinitely on me, whom they continue to abuse and exploit besides stealing my identity and karma are not surprisingly pi**ed at own reflection in the mirror.

These are the types and variety who copy me due to lack of originality in anything positive and productive.

We have nothing in common whatsoever and yet they want to latch on despite being told to cease and desist. Perhaps these lots as bullies don’t understand the meaning of being told permanently to lay their offense to rest. Obsessive compulsive violators much to own detriment.

मान न मान, हम तेरे हैवान । 

Translation: Whether you consent or not, we remain the satan harassing you.

To the villains and Satans from wherever;

What you receive from me is what you relentlessly serve me as your entitlement.

Since, I don’t accept anything that I never asked for nor appreciate wanton provocation and imposition of any kind that I’m forced to endure as my fate especially from those having nothing to live for except digging grave only to find themselves in it sooner than later.

I duly return anything back to such category (even this reference is stolen by them to attack their foes using me – pathetic 😱) where it belongs appropriately. 🙃

Accordingly, the response is fair and equal to yours – no more or less.

Padmini Arhant