Western Political Ideology

Western Political Ideology

Padmini Arhant

Western political ideology is self-contradictory.

West is actually anti-democracy. However, the status maintained as ideal democracy. The despotism, fundamentalism, dictatorships, authoritarianism, totalitarian leaderships and governments were invariably launched, installed and supported around the world by the western political ideology.

Although, there are several examples in this regard from around the world where governments are toppled till date by the west either aiding military coup, political unrest, economic sanctions and / or political assassinations.

The west asserts such indulgence as ideal democracy to masquerade anti-democracy even on own soil as lately experienced in the United States democrat coup against own incumbent Joe Biden in 2024 Presidential race.

The foreign cases in point are Iran, Lebanon Palestine, Thailand and Ukraine.

Iran – the first and only leadership Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh to have been democratically elected in the once referred to as Persia.

Iran’s first and last democratically elected people’s choice leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh was violently overthrown out of power by United States CIA and European oil corporations to capitalize on Iran’s oil resources.

The western blatant coup replaced Dr. Mosaddegh with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Former Shah of Iran rejected by the people of Iran as the repressive dynasty rule.

The status then triggered Iranian revolution by none other than the late Iran’s revolutionary leader, titled Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in exile in the western nation France. The west provided safe haven facilitating the return of then Supreme leader Khomeini.

While the west criticize own proxy leadership of Shah of Iran as opulent lifestyle despite admiring and adoring even more opulence and extravagance of the colonial imperialist British Monarchy. The latter ever surviving over generations on the so-called commoners’ wealth and reining control on Britain’s politics as the constitutional head, the pledge of allegiance to the crown rather than the national constitution and the republic till date.

The west simultaneously mock Iran’s theocracy rule as medieval having paved the way in the ejection of democratic leadership and populous leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh.

These two for that matter are uncanny in western choices via intrusion and subsequently branded as repressive, extremists, militancy and radicalism without acknowledgment of them being the western favored and seated in power.

Either way the west was responsible for Iran’s democracy to transition to dynasty and then theocracy rule prevalent in Iran up until now.

Lebanon – the democratically elected head of the government Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon in 2005 under the former U.S. Bush and Cheney administration causing tremendous sectarian violence and rift in the Middle East.

Palestine – the moderate Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) confronted enormous resistance from Israeli politics and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in particular together with western ally United States and others in Europe.

Prime Minister Netanyahu then replaced PLO with Hamas as opponent to PLO. The PLO leader Yasser Arafat was assassinated by Israel in Paris.

Israel’s assassination tradition continues against Israel’s appointed Hamas or Israel’s colonization and illegal occupation in Palestine impetus Hezbollah leaders systematically targeted and eliminated by Israel as the so-called axis of evil.

Thailand – The South East nation’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on popular wave was democratically elected in 2011.

Only to be brutally removed from office in 2014 during Barack Obama Presidency.

The Thailand’s people elected leadership was overthrown by disconnecting electric power and utilities to PM’s office in the United States and western backed military junta in Thailand.

The former PM Yingluck Shinawatra was accused of corruption charges by then western promoted military junta.

PM Shinawatra was acquitted of all charges in the latest decision by Thailand’s highest court.

Ukraine – The latest being Ukraine – The democratically elected government in Kiev then headed by President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from office at gun point in world view together with entire cabinet in 2014 by then U.S. administration of Barack Obama and EU in the coup promoting violent insurrection against foreign government.

The democratic government was displaced with United States and EU installed neo-nazi rule in Kiev leading to status quo in Ukraine.

Owing to western trajectory in the twentieth and twenty first century, the west is not an epitome of viable vibrant democracy as claimed much to the contrary.

Padmini Arhant