Padmini Arhant Quotes

September 8, 2023

Padmini Arhant Quotes

Padmini Arhant

The spiritual attainment encompassing love, inner peace and contentment is the Supreme status.

What awaits one upon demise truly matter than what one claim to possess in living.

Knowledge is the fruit that satisfy hunger, nourish and promote healthy mind.

Intelligence is nonsense without common sense.

Common sense is real, actual and factual.

Make your mark in life with your feet and feat not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Mud slinging without basis is own burial in quicksand.

The quest for knowledge stems from not knowing the basics and the means to know it and that guidance is accessible from within.

Universe is phenomenal with knowledge about it minuscule.

Accept failure with humility and recognize guilt with responsibility.

Never feed mouths that are habitual of biting the hands that feed or fed them before.

Identity theft is equal and similar to one plus one never equal to one.

Similarly one plus zero (with no value) is also equal to one.

The obvious shady and shifty would use such reference about the one from whom they pirate and plagiarize as the parasite.

Imitation of all things positive, productive and impressive with due credit is flattery and that without is FORGERY.

Don’t waste time and energy that desperately seek attention through provocation, harassment and narcissism.

Greed and envy consume the source leaving nothing as the net value.

Those with nothing to offer demand a lot more and everything from others.

Those unable to hide truth about themselves survive by spreading lies about others in self-consolation.

The burning desire to destroy is the spark that ignites self-destruction.

If you don’t learn from your mistakes in life then you are the biggest stupid.

Heed life lessons and lay mistakes to rest once and for all.

The pain and suffering of those oppressed and denied human status could only be understood by mind that value human life and individual rights.

The best attitude to nastiness, bitterness and unprovoked hostility is to live own life to the fullest and happiest like never before making the most of the rain and sunshine.

Perception is the reflection of mind subject to convenient thoughts.

Sometimes negative results and setback are good in life with best to happen soon after.

Life is a learning center 24/7 – no fees but penalties upon not learning from mistakes.

Reconciliation with reality is the preliminary step on clarity paving way towards sanity.

Anything attained and acquired at other’s peril is self-perilous.

Never mind the fools in paradise for they alone have to deal with rude awakening.

Trust is easily and readily violated. Mistrust the repeat untrustworthy at all costs is the trusting testimony.

Being true to oneself enables truthfulness in general.

Respecting others’ rights in the manner expected regarding own rights is the basic characteristic of human nature and value.

Often one’s own life has the answers to many questions and problems in life teaching you to begin with introspection, reflection and action taking the present as the relevant in time and space.

What you are today is related to who you were yesterday in deeds. Accordingly, what you are today in action and virtues or the lack thereof determine who you might be tomorrow.

Enemy within is – The Worst and Most Dangerous Enemy Amongst All.

Natural Effects:

Propaganda brings down the propagandists to the point of no return after exhausting its course.

Similarly, spewing venom incessantly at the target consumes the source post depletion with nothing to protect itself from imminent hazards within and in the environment.

The Kingdom of lies, deception and dishonesty denying other’s rights and life ultimately crumble from the extensive damage inflicted by own doing.

Plagiarism, identity theft, pseudo performance…is escapism from self-embarrassment, ineptness and insecurity typically running away from self to be another by forgery. The actions, nonetheless instantaneously expose the desperate fraudsters and fakers’ futile engagement.

The irony is such indulgence often presumed convincing to captive audience. However, the witnesses to duplicity i.e. inner conscience besides the all knowing all seeing Supreme Light that dispels darkness remain the constant reminder to the guilty shackled in sins of their sinful existence.

The outcome representing the natural effects.

What is served to others is received in fair and equal proportion if not more in accordance with laws of Karma.

It is wise to be mindful not to ignore the inevitable from own action.

Devils’ Advocate 

Those who engage as the devils’ advocate in disguise or overt surrogate. Regardless have chosen pitfall in their destination individually and collectively on own volition.

Choosing friends carefully and enemies wisely serve well in own survival in the toxic environment.

Jealousy is poison that consumes the one from where it emanates more than the one it is directed at in life.

Make your mark in life with your feet not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Real talent is resistant and resilient to emotions arising from inadequacy and insecurity whether within or outside.

The best response to usual and unusual hostility is unbecoming of such personality and let own positive track record serve as testament.

Honesty and dignity visible even in opacity through exemplification in life.

Honor and acceptance best achieved in modesty rather than by demand and imposition.

Hostility is the adversary of humility.

Hospitality abused is hunger exposed devoid of contentment. Discontentment in life is the worst disease.

Holier than thou is flamboyance doused in condescendence and insolence.

Desperation is the foundation for the frantic and fanatic.

Digging own grave begins with the desire to dig for others.

Demonization is characteristic of hosting the demon in mind wreaking havoc within.

Padmini Arhant


Philosophy Definition 

Padmini Arhant

Philosophy is the all encompassing natural thought process rooted in logical reasoning and knowledge applying the fundamentals of ideals, ethics and ethos to engage and experience the value and purpose of anything known and unknown such as the system of beliefs, causes, effects and behavioral science.
Philosophy is unlike mundane political sloganeering and cult orientation depicted and practiced in contemporary dark age politics with blind faith cronyism from media and novelty worn celebrity frenzy.
Rest assured, philosophy is a rare discipline focused in appropriate use of reasoning faculties for sound evaluation and outcome.

That being the concise philosophical essence, the reference philosophy loosely inserted in outsourced articles in adherence to the script / template without conforming to meaning and relevance of the term precisely define the contributors and the opinion of the writer as oxymoron to philosophical sense.

Not surprisingly, the lack of any and all of the requirements defining philosophy otherwise arbitrarily applied as monicker raise the question on the rationale behind impulsive indulgence.

Simultaneously, the irrationality confirms the acute deficit in knowledge and original thinking the philosophy epitomize and ensconced with emphasis on reason and rational.

Mud slinging without basis is own burial in quicksand.

Evidently straightening a twisted dog’s tail is possible than addressing a deliberate identity misappropriation and anchored isolated deranged misogyny syndrome.

Padmini Arhant  


Jealousy is Poison

Padmini Arhant

Jealousy is poison that consumes the one from where it emanates more than the one it is directed at in life.

Make your mark in life with your feet and feat not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Real talent is resistant and resilient to emotions arising from inadequacy and insecurity whether within or outside.

The best response to usual and unusual hostility is unbecoming of such personality and let own positive track record serve as testament.

Padmini Arhant 


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