Politics Hard Ball – Race Baiting

May 25, 2023

Politics Hard Ball

Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics today is the be-all and end-all strategy for power grab with mammoth efforts in variety of ways to masquerade real status smearing politics at national and international level – corruption, criminality and treason.

The topic New World Order – Political Doctrine published preceding this article elaborate the problems in contemporary politics.

New World Order – Political Doctrine

Politics is plagued by corruption beyond salvation. The cronyism in politics is premised on having each others’ back in corruption, treason and alarming crimes with no end in sight.

From campaign trail throughout political career and thereafter, the politics bear a price tag alongside using and abusing people thrown under the bus for political expediency and personal gains in the unconscionable act misconstrued as privilege.

Subsequent to assuming office -from the rank and file to the highest office, the violation of public trust, misrepresentation and failures to deliver to own constituents, state and nation at large is the norm in politics. The moral compass is long broken and subject to mockery synonymous to the term decorum on both sides of the aisle representing politics that is farcical than factual.

The status quo provide the deep state deeper entrenchment in all things with unbridled control over money and minds of the people in the entire global village.

Why do deep state care so much about protecting the corrupt and treasonous despite them being unveiled of their true colors and baneful personality traits having ruined and destroyed lives in millions and the trend continued via proxy?

The puppets enable puppeteers to pull rabbit out of ears and call illusion the mesmerizing magic show.

The world is indeed a stage with politics controlled by deep state representing own diverse interests with population transformed into herd increasingly morphed as sheeple with heads down and attention deflected from the misleading direction.

No matter what the deep state spring on the population inflicting catastrophe and devastation such as the pandemic and economic carnage, the deep state and front line representatives get away with self-granted impunity only to return staging the recycled performance as a new display.

The identity politics focus on race baiting is personal identity crisis for those engaged in the identity swap aka theft. The woeful indulgence expect identity exchange to cleanse the ones in the swamp while stain and stigmatize the source aimed as the target.

Identity politics is a massive propaganda pushing false narrative and agenda for own benefits to keep public eye and memory away from deep state affairs affecting lives without interval in the world.

Those behind identity politics refuse to turn inward in soul searching for obvious reasons. The exercise would open the can of worms directly staring at them and their crimes against own people let alone others. 

Whether that is Miriam Carey and her toddler –  the summary execution of an unarmed mother with a toddler in the car laying her own life to the barrage of bullets rained on her in public square at the White House periphery. The victim demonstrating courage in her commitment to save her child amidst violent pursuit unlike the ones who authorized and committed the abhorrent violence against own race and now in the forefront of identity politics scheme.

Or, the crime by then authority in the White House against the member of own race Troy Davis – an innocent man mercilessly dispatched to the gallows rejecting clemency to the sentenced with his innocence indisputably proven in the aftermath of the state crime and politicized justice.

The firing of Shirley Sherrod, the female member among own race and community relevantly serving then incumbent administration headed by black Presidency was another casualty in the race orientation.

Shirley Sherrod was removed from the agriculture department she was working for at that time. The White House self-centered action to save own skin from race baiting media rancor is a classic example of self-righteousness crashing on race politics.

What about the black Presidency pledging support including campaigning for the two-time incumbent multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg in the New York mayoral race against own political party black contender seeking opportunity to serve the marginalized black demography in the racial economic dynamic?

Prior to ascendency to major power such as entry to the White House, the background clearly showing the current identity politics purveyors promoting blackness and black identity now systematically then excluding own race in the lowest economic class from eligibility for benefits based on self-interests gained from appeasement of  previous employer – University of Chicago, Illinois.

The trajectory before and after seated as the face of the deep state power exemplify exclusive profitability and individual enhancement in political and economic windfall albeit at the loss, misery and misfortune of others rammed over in the never satisfied hunger for personal fortune in every aspect.

Accordingly, the contemporary identity politics facade is a desperation to conceal decadent legacy contrarily exposing duplicity in persona and character. 

Politics hard ball on identity politics is a rejection of own reflection shunning real self in the quest for image, culture and identity appropriation contrasting original being.

The irrefutable fact is mirror on the outside and inside never lie presenting the true inner and outer image.

Padmini Arhant




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