Prejudice – Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

October 15, 2022


Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

Padmini Arhant

The habitual sleaziness of some especially in the highest designation in politics appropriately earning the title creepy crawly and supremacists’ inferiority complex smothered in insecurity prompting racism and misogyny in particular demand the need to dispel ignorance and arrogance. 

First of all religion based propaganda is the tool to exert superiority since time immemorial. The misuse of religion in this context from then until today is an unbridled indulgence.

The preposterous justification of core discrimination in Indian caste system is attributed to Lord Krishna and Srimad Bhagwat Gita which like many religious scriptures has been distorted and distracted to suit the minds of those having own convoluted crafty agenda.

Lord Vishnu none other than Lord Krishna has demonstrated on many occasions during the avatar or incarnation in human form teaching ignorant minds to renounce hatred and prejudice.

As mentioned earlier in this site and sub-domain, Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram in the epic Ramayana categorically explained the character of a human being relevant over creed, class and other criteria during his interaction with Sabri the so-called untouchable woman aka Dalit. Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram immensely appreciated her devotion and sincerity in her worship.

The other important event again related to Lord Vishnu teaching brahmin priest Saranga a harsh lesson when the priest denies entry to then so-called untouchable human who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

The event took place in Sri Ranganatha temple in Sri Rangam near Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. 

The so-called untouchable devotee of Lord Vishnu was Thiruppan Alwar. The unconditional love and devotion of Thiruppan Alwar towards Lord Vishnu was not tolerated by the brahmin priests claiming proprietorship and patent rights on worship and service to God exclusive to them.

The so-called upper caste viz. brahmins untouchability practice against the so-called lower caste or Sudras included barring the sight and presence of Sudras in front of a brahmin.

A Sudra and so-called Dalit facing a brahmin or other so-called upper caste was deemed unholy followed by a dip in the nearby river or quick rinse by pouring water over the head to apparently wash away the sins of coming across a Sudra or the untouchable in public domain. 

Lord Vishnu’s devotee Thiruppan praying by the riverside was seen by the brahmin priest Saranga. The brahmin priest demanded Thiruppan to leave the river banks showering insults and insolence. Before Thiruppan could move away, the priest hurt him by hurling rocks at Thiruppan leaving him bleeding by the riverside. 

The priest Saranga returned to Lord Vishnu’s temple to perform the religious service in the morning. The priest as usual tried to unlock the doors of the sanctum sanctorum with the matching keys on that day. Much to his surprise and bewilderment, the doors did not open despite the right keys used to unlock the door. 

The priest then gathered help from others to open the doors of the holy shrine. Again, the men with collective muscle power could not open the door even when they attempted to knock it down in desperation. 

Subsequently, they heard the divine command from the sanctum sanctorum ordering the priest Saranga to visit Thiruppan’s village and carry Thiruppan on the priest shoulders with utter respect in public view and present the true devotee at Lord Vishnu’s holy shrine. 

The brahmin priest Saranga had no choice but to oblige the Lord’s command and brought Thiruppan on his shoulders with the so-called untouchables in the village and brahmins witnessing the entire event in dismay. 

Upon Thiruppan being brought in the manner as decried by Lord Vishnu, the doors of the sanctum sanctorum flared open. The Lord Vishnu or Sri Ranganatha idol in the shrine was bleeding signifying the rocks cast at Thiruppan actually hurt the Lord exemplified in the stone idol bleeding as a result. 

Lord Vishnu then urged Thiruppan to perform the service while ordering the priest and the rest gathered at the temple to accept the service from his true devotee.

The incident was meant to be an eye-opener to shed ignorance and arrogance. Above all to renounce bigotry, racism, misogyny and all form of inhumane negative vices prevalent in human nature. 

With these real events in human history,

How on earth is it possible for Lord Krishna to ordain indignation of humans who worship the Lord to be mistreated via discriminatory caste system established by narrow-minded crooked malevolent segment in society?

Unfortunately, those bound by mindless meaningless misinterpreted belief in human hierarchy and superiority premised on creed, color, class and caste orientation etc. continue to retain the tradition sowing the seeds of rejection and intolerance against those they regard not equal. 

The topic will continue further shedding light on the controversial manusmriti paradoxically referred to as manu dharma (principles) in denigration of women and the so-called lower caste Sudras and untouchables in Indian society and much more. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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