Propaganda and Megalomania

July 23, 2022

Propaganda and Megalomania

Padmini Arhant

The downfall for human celebrity and power status is propaganda and megalomania. 

The current trend in paid and hired publicity to propagate personal attributes and mostly the lack thereof often falsely embellished is the worst form of megalomania.

In celebrity syndrome and power struggle -exaggeration, fabrication and fraudulence dominates much to the subjects woeful self-adulation resulting in seismic shatter beyond recognition. 

The publicity campaign either way is indicative of low self-esteem engaged in monetized aggrandizement.

Such traits invariably proven titanic fate. 

Modesty is paradoxical to megalomaniacal attitude. Unfortunately the latter overwhelms celebrity and power throne unseating the members sooner than later in a reminder to the successors not to abstain from humility. 

Above all, original and natural can never be replaced with fake and imposter maneuvers exposing the conspicuous nefarious play in the substitute. 

What celebrity and power players could do for a change is to decline black money essentially the dirty money exchanged with the huge undeserving price tags in celebrity and political world.

The black money corruption culture is hurting the economy on the whole through superficial inflation hitting the middle class, lower income and the poorest at the bottom. 

Accordingly, any philanthropy using black money is nothing but money and character laundering  amidst mass deception. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


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