Publication of 2500 Articles in primary and sub-domain

October 28, 2023

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Publication of 2500 Articles in Primary and sub-domain

Padmini Arhant

Proudly mark the publication of 2500 posts / articles in the primary and sub domain completing since 2008 till date and more to come.

The service to humanity barring preference and prejudice began in childhood and maintained throughout life towards enlightenment of the ignorant minds and empowerment of the voiceless, weak and vulnerable in the hegemonic hierarchical supremacy dominant era.

The upcoming presentation commemorating the extraordinary feat enduring arduous, misogynistic, contentious and contemptuous ordeal would also encompass Gaza and Ukraine war – the western dichotomy in the justification of paradoxical paradigm.

The bruised ramshackled forces waging persistent personal attacks and vicious smear campaigns against me since my emergence and thus far deploying diverse tactics and strategy not even sparing innocent children in their nuanced innuendoes insinuations continue to experience self-inflicted ramifications affecting them – the sources and catalysts to the contrary.

Notwithstanding the presumptuous mighty saber rattling defining and determine the existence of others not in their league as persona non grata aka unwelcome forgetting the world is neither created by them nor revolve around them.

As an individual pledged to truth, peace, courage and integrity in absolute commitment to Almighty never deter from the divine mission like the Sun and the moon dispelling darkness with the bright sunshine and dazzling moonlight.

Padmini Arhant 


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