Sinister – Originating from Sins

January 17, 2024


Originating from Sins

Padmini Arhant

The twenty first century inaugurated with events that are sinister, the extension of sin in verb and verbatim hardly pause on myriad life threatening and consuming events.

In the year 2001 – the terror attack on September 11, masterfully orchestrated, facilitated and carried out ignoring in your face several forewarnings – terror attack to take place in September 2001 on American soil. Nothing done as it was supposed to be neglected in accordance with pre-meditated plan of the architects of Project for New American century (PNAC).

The PNAC experienced through illegal invasion, occupation, destruction and devastation of listed nations viz. Afghanistan, Iraq in 2001 and 2003 in that devious plan continued over two decades eventually handing power to the group branded radicalized militants aka Taliban leaving both Afghanistan and Iraq in absolute chaos and mayhem.

The PNAC enthusiastically and fiercely continued via military aggression by the successor from 2009 – 2016 under the banner of hope and change prolonging the weapons of mass deception from 2001 – 2016.

In the domestic front, United States economic fiasco in hedge fund debacles and sub-prime mortgage bundles led to global economic recession in 2007 -2008 exacerbated in relentless warfare in the Middle-East under the guise of Arab Spring as well as North, West, East and Central Africa in 2010 – 2016.

All of these activities in the combined terms since 2001 – 2016 in the United States skyrocketed sovereign debt to the hilt exceeding multi-trillion $$$ range.

Not to mention the manufacture of SARS COV 1 and COV 2 also underway during this time 2002 until 2015 with the deal making on vaccine transpired in Dec 2015 in preparation of the unleashing of the bio-engineered deadly virus timed around United States Presidential election year 2020.

The natural environment subject to disaster and catastrophic contamination in oil spills and other extreme pollution linked to greed driven involvements.

No actions or even objection raised let alone endless litigations, Congressional hearing or impeachment proceedings against neither administrations and political party in power from 2001 – 2016.

Unlike the political witch hunt at taxpayer expense targeting the arch nemesis that began on the eve of 2016 election results never to cease until now and expected into the future.

The external diktat are also on the parallel track.

World economic forum (WEF) – never a dull moment hosting events in the Swiss Alps, Davos Switzerland, the place WEF event held year after year to directly and indirectly reveal incognito power agenda never devoid of sinister scheme.

Whether that is the Great Reset related to mumbo jumbo configuration of financial sector basically aimed at elimination of cash economy to pry, spy and steal ordinary folks savings since the extraordinary stash wealth in disguise requiring excavation and exhume process beneath earth typically hidden treasure cove found in titanic wreck on the ocean floor.


Hash bio-engineered virus leaked right now in codified format – Disease X.

Decoding the so-called Disease X projected as the novel virus by carcinogenic virulent bacterial elements, the latter known as parasites with pathological potency having inflicted severe health, economic and social hazards endanger lives near and far.

Disease X – with X in transfixion to trans mania assigned to social media Twitter – owned and run by the group currently facing tumult and tidal wave reportedly having wiped out $94 billion in Jan 2024 is a twist in the twister hitting the unscrupulous unabashed sinners in turmoil.

The identity crisis unveil demon status hiding behind political impunity on all crimes against humanity.

Use taxpayer money against them exerting offensive narcissistic indulgence much to own peril.

What more?

Evil traits are not limited to symbolic representation. Evil actions are explicit in causing deaths and revengeful hostility.

Accordingly, evil reaps what evil sow and succumb to self-annihilation guided by wicked crooked politics.

Evil and cohorts’ miscalculation is remaining scot free despite horrendous violations abusing power and authority.

The villains and satan are on notice. Nothing ever goes unpunished post departure from the world is the poignant reminder.

Padmini Arhant 


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