Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

November 8, 2023

Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

Padmini Arhant

A sovereign nation is independent without any dependence on eternal financial, economic and military aid since establishment.

Sovereign nation respect space, boundary of territories within and around the borders refraining from territorial annexations, colonization and occupation of foreign land.

Last but not the least, sovereign nation would independently manage own safety and security including any military interventions on own without seeking benefactor to fund and extend military might for political aspirations driven urban warfare against colonized population.

Relevantly, a sovereign state defense would not resort to violent offense inflicting brutality against children killing them in thousands to settle scores with some few hundred political opponents in occupied territory despite being responsible for the entire status quo.

The absence of any and all of the above characteristics invalidate sovereign statehood reducing the position to belligerent lawless autocracy and a banana republic.

Notwithstanding the relentless aggression towards occupied citizens and neighbors near and far remaining existential threat to regional and global peace and security.

Padmini Arhant


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