Syria – Peace Process with Immediate Withdrawal of Support to Terror Networks

April 9, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian warfare into seventh year and scores of lives lost with innocent children, women and men as victims of this unnecessary and unprovoked battle, there could be no more reasons to prolong bloodshed in the country.

The sponsors of terrorism must realize that pledging infinite assistance to terror factions proved counterproductive and should have never occurred to begin with especially when the whole operation is disguised as liberation of Syria via terrorism.

As a result, Syrians are forced to accept deaths and devastation with millions having become refugees in their homeland and unwelcome on foreign shores by sponsors of terror.

The idea of democratization of any nation whether it be Iraq earlier on or lately neighboring countries in the region is a deceptive strategy to subjugate nations creating turmoil and carnage as justification for regime change.

The tradition continues despite immense human suffering, humanitarian crisis, environment problems and major economic liability notwithstanding widespread terrorism.

Fueling terror to topple government ignoring ramifications is a reckless policy and reflects ill-conceived ideology with little or no concern for life in general.

Hegemony goals targeting vulnerable nations under false pretext is to be challenged considering the defiant trend in the absence of accountability. No economic or military power could sustain long term occupation and this fact is evidenced in history.

When something that do not belong to others is seized by force or deceit, the ownership never remains permanent with reversal of situation in the foreseeable future.

Syria is unfairly used as pawn by terror sponsors and current developments displaying superpower status and military capability at the expense of Syrian children, women and men of that nation escalates tension that could lead to undesirable scenario.

Amid global consensus on terrorism as primary threat in the modern age, nurturing terror in every aspect from funding and training to providing ammunitions pose serious credibility factor for western powers and their allies involved in the confrontation with Syria.

Terrorism cannot exist without finance and access to weapons that are made available directly and covertly to operatives in Syria.  Terminating life line and money trails along with arms delivery including communication means among terror outfits would paralyze terror.

Unfortunately, this measure is not acceptable to those behind terror sponsorship with their preference for air raids, bombing and shelling of the war ravaged country. Any sympathy from them thereafter is an insult to injury for the Syrian people.

Syrian war must end and purging terror from their homeland would be every nation’s responsibility. Syria cannot be deprived from this commitment.

As for any decisions on Syria’s political future, the same rule that exists for United States and allies should apply and that is no foreign interference.

Just like United States has objection to external influence or intervention in governance and elections prompting investigations on the alleged Russian involvement in 2016 polls that is considered violation of sovereignty and international law,

Similarly, Syria and for that matter any other nation worldwide share same rights in determining the respective political fate without outside meddling in their internal affair.

The concept of democracy is to respect and observe principles that governance by the people, for the people and of the people is the republic domain free from foreign powers’ discretion. The people of every nation are capable of making decisions concerning self and national interests barring foreign engagement and proxy representations that often diminish the prospects of better choice and outcome.

Syria is no different and Syrians ability to exercise political will were demonstrated in the recent elections despite the country combatting war against terror and the powerful forces instigating violence.

Any skepticism on Syrian election would be political and partisan even though they were monitored by UN authorized independent group unlike the elections in the so-called democracy where campaigns are financed by Super Pac funds and unlimited spending without full disclosure on sources to gain access to public office.

The world must come together in recognizing Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity calling for the ongoing sponsoring of terrorism to cease effective immediately and relieve the people of Syria from incessant destruction of lives and infrastructure.

Peace is possible with peaceful resolutions in acknowledgment of life and others’ rights to exist in the world.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission














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