Australian Federal Elections 2010

September 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Australia – Welcomes the first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard after the political stalemate Down Under yielded victory to the ruling Labor Party in coalition with Green Party Independent members to form a government.

The Australian federal election held on August 21, 2010 produced a hung parliament with the incumbent Labor party and the opposition Liberal party (conservatives in political ideology) winning 72 seats short of 76 required in the 150 seats House of Representatives elected to the Parliament.

Australian Green Party as the name suggests is renowned for environmental cause and increasingly becoming prominent in Australian politics dominant with two major parties i.e. Labor, the Democrats equivalent and the Liberal being the conservatives.

The two independent members’ conditional alignment with the Labor Party was reportedly related to climate change legislation and expansion of the fastest and sophisticated Internet broadband networks in the country.

Green Party proposals in the environmental and technological fronts are praiseworthy.

However, there is a greater need for the environmental groups and their legislators to review Australia’s role as the leading coal exporter to China and a competitive bidder in uranium supply to India – the two emerging economic powers with a huge energy demand could be encouraged to abandon fossil fuel and nuclear power for clean renewable energy sources.

Planet sustenance is dependent upon collective environmental goals. The industrialized nations have better opportunities and resources to promote clean energy options on their shores and abroad.

Although each nation bears individual responsibility in protecting the environment, their economic outlook on trading fossil fuel and nuclear technology would render the domestic efforts redundant.

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean could directly affect Western Australia sharing the coastal region with South East Asia. An environmental disaster in one part of the planet could be potentially devastating for the rest of the inhabitants.

Australian economic performance despite global recession is impressive. The GDP growth at 3.3% with 5.3% unemployment in July is a boost for the Labor government and now the political mandate for further progress across the economic and social spectrum will determine the coalition strength.

Congratulations and Best Wishes! To Prime Minister Julia Gillard of the Labor Party and the coalition partners for a successful term and a bright future to all Australians.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Economy – The Job Factor

September 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The major national concern among the American families are finding and retaining jobs.

There is no doubt that jobs are Democrats’ priority in the Republicans created deficit economy.

Not surprisingly, the response to unveiling the economic plan at this time is “Too little, too late.”

It confirms political expediency to oppose the Obama initiatives rather than extending bipartisan support to help the President save American jobs.

Contrary to the political mindset in the election year, it’s never too late to rescue American workforce and people in distress.

With the high unemployment in certain parts of the country such as Ohio, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Indiana…the workers disappointment and voters’ anxiety is about the jobs and the economy.

President Barack Obama eloquently laid out some job aspects in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Labor Day. The infrastructure proposal for repair, restoration and rebuilding America has great potential for jobs in the construction and service industry.

The President also clarified on the self-funding of the $50 billion job creation plan. Allocating the revenue from tax loopholes is fiscally responsible for it would not affect the contentious national deficit.

Moreover, the remaining funds from the earlier $787 billion stimulus bill allocated towards infrastructure could be verified and appropriated around this time.

Another bill that requires the legislators’ immediate attention is the $30 billion funding to community banks for small business lending in the worst hit areas of the economy. Again identifying wasteful spending to pay for the short and long term job opportunities is economically prudent.

The American plight from coast to coast is clearly visible seeking attention from both the private and public sector. Perhaps, the bipartisan recognition to set the political differences aside and work towards a common goal in the economic revival benefits all.

Those who are opposed to government spending to create jobs need to focus on the economic outcome i.e. helping American families with income that eventually returns to the government through consumer spending and taxes.

Unlike the same opponents’ “no-objection” on defense expenditure for warfare not only consumes enormous budget proportion but also contributes to the national deficit – prominently the two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that triggered the rising deficit problem during the former Republican administration led by President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

On the Democrat side, easing taxations on Corporations pledged to generate jobs has already been enacted in 2009. Further, facilitating job growth in the manufacturing sector would minimize the blue collar job losses and boost the service industry alongside.

The national consortium comprising both private and public enterprises on job stimulus by exchanging ideas and resources is poignant to jumpstart the economy.

By providing specific reasons behind the recent layoffs and slow hiring, the Corporations representing the manufacturing, service and other industries could assist the legislators and federal authorities in understanding the issues – so that remedial measures are implemented for the much anticipated economic recovery.

Similarly, outreaching the small business and retail communities for the targeted assistance would bring relief to the struggling American families.

It’s not sufficient to display mere empathy in these tough economic times. Consumers and businesses are looking for simple to innovative solutions in accelerating the job growth.

Financial sectors have not complied with their end of the bargain in expediting job production, although it was among the criteria during the massive taxpayer bailout in 2008 and 2009.

Credit crunch still remains an economic impediment for small businesses and retailers. Household income having declined due to the job situation, lack of home equity and volatile investment returns are directly affecting consumer spending.

Monitoring the housing market by extending the foreclosure moratorium, $8000 first home buyer credit and affordable refinancing could ease the burden on the homeowners besides improving national home sales figures. These concessions have been tried in 2009 and proved to be positive for the housing sector.

Social security is yet another priority for the baby boomers and retirees dependent on the income. The conservative candidates’ threat to privatize social security in any economic conditions is a political stance more than a pragmatic approach.

Job oriented economic resuscitation is much anticipated among the American workforce and made possible with the combined economic decisions from the private, state and federal institutions.

Above all, the legislators’ bipartisan actions in addressing the serious unemployment status serve as the litmus test for the congressional candidates in the coming elections.

The incumbents and the new candidates have much better prospects of prevailing upon their legitimate demonstration including actions to invigorate job market rather than criticism on the unemployment data.

Jobs are justifiably the primary expectations among the American electorate. Therefore, the private, the state and the federal investments in this respect is paramount.

While the private sector flourishes from consumer spending and investor holdings, the government will gain from tax revenues.

There is no time to procrastinate on this matter as American families are striving hard to provide for their loved ones and a majority of them are in dire financial crisis.

Hopefully, the lawmakers, corporate executives and the economists’ collective actions will soothe the economic pain experienced by many working families in the harsh and competitive job environment.

Your concerted efforts will be appreciated by the suffering American workforce when the economy turns around for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

September 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.

Per the leading conservative talk show host complimenting on the previous Republican administration – “President George W. Bush was not the lame duck for the agendas were pushed against the Democrats will.”

The comment is accurate in that respect – prominently the Iraq war, financial deregulation, blank check to Wall Street and tax exemptions to the wealthy by letting the middle class America disappear with the lower income families in poverty were all the Republican achievements that drove the surplus economy into skyrocketing deficit mostly blown away in the illegal warfare.

The GOP economic plan is none and their winning strategy in the coming elections,

According to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2010 – By David Wessel – Thank you.

“Republican rhetoric offers little help. To the quiet discomfort of a few GOP politicians and several who advise Republicans on economics, this year’s campaign, so far, has little of the substance that accompanied the 1994 Republican renaissance with then-House leader Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.

The only sure thing is that if President Barack Obama is for it, Republicans are against it.

Comments by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell a few weeks ago are typical:

If a bill doesn’t kill jobs or make it harder to create them, they’re not interested. It’s time for a different approach.”

This may be smart politics. Why be specific and give the other side a target, when you’re winning by riding a wave of voter frustration: Don’t like the Obama economy? Vote for us.

The closest Republicans come to a public economic agenda are speeches by their House leader, John Boehner, who promises more detail later this month to blunt Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as the “Party of No.”

For now, a few themes are evident.

One is that the spending-heavy Obama is a failure, often extrapolated into arguing that government spending is inherently bad.

“The common logic among Washington Democrats is that government spending creates jobs when that money is used to build a hiking trail or a playground,” Mr. Boehner said, disapprovingly, during an Aug. 24 speech in Cleveland.

Adds GOP Rep. Paul Ryan: “We are not Keynesians. We don’t believe in demand-side stimulus. We’re going to stop the spending spree.”

That’s easier to promise than do. Even spending foes, once in office, tend to spend.

“Prior to the Democrats’ takeover of the Congress and the White House in 2008, the Republicans ushered in the largest expansion of federal spending since the heydays of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s,” says Alaska’s Joe Miller, who beat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

“You’re going to have a whole bunch of people coming here who aren’t going to want to vote for any spending bill—maybe defense? Maybe not?—to fund the government,” predicts Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman. That could force GOP leaders to rely on Democratic votes for spending bills to keep the government running, hardly a recipe for curbing spending.

The leadership’s avowed interest in promoting free-trade pacts, for instance, may not be shared by the populist Republicans who are winning primaries.

The absence of a coherent Republican agenda reflects more than the usual lack of consensus. The gap between current congressional leaders and tea-party activists is huge.”

GOP Economic Plan Overview – By Padmini Arhant

There is no economic plan upon Rep. John Boehner assuming House leadership and likewise in the Senate.

Except for extending the 2000 – 2008 President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s failed economic policy.

1. Renewing all the Bush tax cuts is a top GOP priority.

2. Business friendly tax cuts enabling massive Wall Street CEO Bonuses.

3. A big corporate tax overhaul that cuts rates now – Inevitably depriving revenue for the nation, besides widening the national deficit to an alarming proportion – precedence set by the Republican administration with unique expertise in this regard.

Ironically, it’s also the GOP’s main criticism against President Barack Obama even though the President has diligently set up bipartisan committee on deficit control.

4. Promoting free trade pacts – outsourcing 90% American jobs overseas enlarging the unemployment indefinitely and facilitating,

5. Small businesses, Retail and Wholesale industry collapse from the lack of consumer spending.

On the contrary, the Congressional House Democrats under the efficient and result oriented Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the following legislation – swiftly and favorably to all Americans including the Small Businesses and Corporations to promote job growth.


1. H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – keeping 750,000 and more Americans employed with a significant rise in the immediate future upon complete investment.

2. H.R.2 : Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

3. H.R.11: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 – Guarantees equal pay for women that were denied by the Conservative Supreme Court votes followed by the Republican Senate coherence to the equal rights denial to women. The bill was passed through Democrats votes.

4. H.R.12: Paycheck Fairness Act – Subsequent to Republican Senate ‘Nay’ votes for equal pay to women, the matter was introduced through a new bill and passed with the Democrats votes.

5. H.R.13: TEACH for Our Future Act of 2009 – Focused on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness. Referred to the Subcommittee related to Higher Education…

6. H.R.14: Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 – Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

7. H.R.78: Stop Mortgage Fraud Act – Latest Major Action: 4/1/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee Hearings Held.

8. H.R.83: Homeowners Insurance Protection Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

9. H.R.84: Veterans Timely Access to Health Care Act – Latest Major Action: 3/25/2010 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

10. H.R.74: Financial Oversight Commission Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

11. H.R.58: Green Schools Act – Latest Major Action: 3/16/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

12. . H.R.52: Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

13. H.R.49: American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act – Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

14. H.R.47: Expand and Preserve Home Ownership through Counseling Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

15. H.R.46: Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 4/30/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

16. H.R.43: Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

17. H.R.21: Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act – Latest Major Action: 6/18/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

18. H.R.16: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

19. H.R.15: National Health Insurance Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

20. Economic bills to stimulate job growth, Financial Reform, Health Care law, Unemployment Benefits extension and energy bill are the hallmark of Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership.

Together with the extremely hardworking Democrat legislators alongside selective few Republican members votes made the historic legislation possible.

The choices are clear. American jobs, economy, education, health care, environment and energy independence are the Democrats priority.

Whereas the Republican leadership under John Boehner is clueless evidenced in the Wall Street Journal report and the minority leader’s interviews.

Why would the American electorate reject a bright future with Democrats under the leaderships of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House, Senate Democrats majority and President Barack Obama?

When they are all constantly engaged in improving American lives.

Quoting from the cited Wall Street Journal report –

“Many Republicans are running on “anger.” That may win the election; it’s hard to turn into a legislative agenda.”

Further, the Republican election winning strategy is to create a wedge between the solid Democrats working towards economic recovery and social progress. Usually it’s premised on distortion, false propaganda and negative attacks considering there is no specific economic or other proposals from them to move the nation forward.

GOP might have won in the past on divide and rule, polarization tactics. However, disregarding the reality on their track record that will be clarified and presented loud and clear to protect the American electorate from being misled in the coming weeks nearing election – is underestimating voter decision power.

After all, actions speak louder than rhetoric.

American voters’ prospects are assured under Democrats rule in the House, Senate and the White House.

The Republican action thus far has been protesting every legislation – particularly the jobs bill, economic revival such as unemployment extension, tax credits for consumer spending, payroll tax exemption to small businesses and corporations, $30 billion to community banks for small business lending…and,

Importantly they were against Wall Street reform and everything to do with national interest.

Republican candidates are hopeful in November 2010 to win the elections through their relentless support to Wall Street and the special interests’ campaign financing.

Unlike the Democrats accomplishments and future commitments towards American families and businesses that confirm their candidacy.

Please safeguard and secure your own, your family and the next generation’s prosperity by granting the Democrats a super majority status in the House and the Senate.

It’s well known that the Republican balance of power consistently produce “Washington gridlock,” – rewarding the special interests at the average American plight.

Allowing that to happen would be devastating for the national and global economy with slow and steady growth.

Notwithstanding history repeating itself reminiscent to 2000 – 2008 – President Bush and Vice President Cheney era.

Please visit the websites –, and with your generous and affordable donations to help all Democratic contenders win the congressional election in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Economy, Jobs and Housing Market Assessment

August 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The economy, job and housing market are the most important issues for the American electorate.

An overwhelming population is experiencing tough economic situations one way or another and there is legitimate concern over the rising deficit as well.

President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats achievements, work-in-progress including the remedial measures are elaborated for better understanding and fair assessment.

Upon assuming office President Barack Obama and the Congressional Democrats passed the economic stimulus bill worth $787 billion to salvage the economy from ‘Great Depression,’ at that time.

This step was vital for the U.S. and the global economy on the precipitous decline following,

The previous administration’s deficit spending on two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

Facilitating financial market recklessness,

Free market deregulations in finance, health and energy industries,

Widening deficits through financial and auto industry bailouts with no accountability

Allowing Corporations to evade taxes on domestic and overseas earnings with adverse effects on national revenue.

Extending tax cuts for the wealthy – are the few recipes that triggered the economic disaster.

The policies were implemented at U.S. taxpayers and the average Americans colossal expense.

By neglecting the national requirements – prominently the job and housing market deceleration, the infrastructure repair and restoration, education, health, social security, veterans’ health care, small businesses and the American families in general.

President Barack Obama then introduced “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” for $787 billion in February 2009.

It comprised –
• $288 billion in tax cuts.
• $224 billion in extended unemployment benefits, education and health care.
• $275 billion for job creation using federal contracts, grants and loans.

The main objective was to invigorate economic and job growth at an estimated 900,000 – 2.3 million jobs.

Further, the stimulus fund was spread over ten years with the first three fiscal years receiving the major allocation.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected the stimulus funds would boost GDP growth by 1.4% – 3.8% at the end of 2009.

GDP growth for Q4, 2009 – 5.6% when including the businesses low inventory replenishment.

Otherwise the growth reported to be 1.8%.

According to (BEA) Bureau of Economic Analysis, Trading economics – Bloomberg – Thank you.

“The current GDP growth is 2.40%, with Growth rate – 1.60%, Inflation rate – 1.20%, Jobless rate – 9.50%, Interest rate – 0.25%.”

A significant increase when compared with the negative GDP growth -6.80% in December 2008.

The economy has moved from the negative to a positive trend with a present annual growth rate at 1.60%.

Beginning 2010, the economic figures in the first and second quarters are very encouraging and attention worthy.

GDP before adjusting for inflation in Q1 (Jan – Mar) 2010 rose to 4.8% and Q2 (Apr – Jun) 2010 – 3.6%.

GDI – Gross domestic income – the individuals, private and public sector combined income reportedly increased by 2.3% annual rate for Q2, 2010 after gaining 4.1% in the first quarter – Q1, 2010.

Corporate profits after an impressive 10.5%increase in Q1, 2010, rose by 4.6% for Q2, 2010 – still maintaining the gain from Q2, 2009.

Similarly the higher earnings by 39 percent in Q2, 2010 is relatively progressive than the 2009 second quarter.

Consumer spending for Q1, 2010 – 1.9% and Q2, 2010 – 2% exceeding the previously expected 1.6% pace for the second quarter.

Wages and salaries for Q1, 2010 increased by $6.5billion from the fourth quarter i.e. Q4, 2009.

Company inventory in Q2, 2010 was 0.65% against 2.64% for Q1, 2010. However, the business capital expenditure on structures, equipment had surpassed the prior projection of 22 percent to 24.9 percent.

Trade gap seemingly grew to $445 billion for Q2, 2010 in excess of the previous estimate at $425.9 billion confirming the import level at 32.4%.

It’s clear from the data that the economy in 2010 is comparatively a vast improvement to 2008.

The modest annual rate 1.60% is attributed to numerous factors:

Despite 39 percent increase in 2010 second quarter corporate earnings, the companies have contracted inventory spending, payrolls and lowered employee wages contributing to sluggish job growth and household income reduction eventually having an impact on the economic stimuli – the consumer spending.

Consumer spending also affected by the lack luster housing and stock market performance with majority households dependent on investment income.

Notwithstanding the ripple effect on the small businesses relying on retail purchases.

In addition the rising imports at 32.4 % suggest the lagging manufacturing industry require substantial private investments to provide the anticipated jobs.

Perhaps, capital gains tax relief might incentivize corporations to promote jobs in the manufacturing and service sector. The consideration could ease the burden on Congress in extending unemployment benefits to the jobless.

Per Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board that oversees spending under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 available at: – Thank you.

Recovery funded jobs reported by recipients – 749,597 as of June 30, 2010.

“Job calculations are based on the number of hours worked in a quarter and funded under the Recovery Act.”

Evidently, the $787 billion has not been entirely invested in the economy to realize the immediate goals – jobs, housing and stock market appreciation to generate consumer spending and ultimately the desirable GDP growth.

Stimulus fund investment verification:

Tax Benefits:
Allocation – $288 billion
Investment – $223B /77%
Remaining Fund – $ 65B / 23%

Education, Jobless Benefits etc.:
Allocation – $224 billion
Investment – $143B / 64%
Remaining Fund – $ 81B / 36%

Contracts, Grants & Loans:
Allocation – $275 billion
Investment – $139B /51%
Remaining Fund – $136B /51%

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the Congressional Democrats have passed the crucial legislations to stimulate the different economic sectors.

Housing Market – Foreclosure moratorium to contain the bleeding and refinancing at affordable payments has saved homeowners from losing their homes. The documentation and eligibility cited as the reasons for the programs’ average success.

Addressing these issues would enormously benefit many homeowners and revive the housing market.

Also, the $8,000 credit to first home buyers enabled the market to rein in on falling home prices nationwide.

Therefore based on the results, extending the moratorium and first homebuyer credits, refinancing options by reviewing the eligibility criteria to include more struggling homeowners could be helpful to the housing sector.

Tax benefits: President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats have been extremely diligent in this respect.

Tax breaks to 99% represented by average Americans, small businesses, corporations creating or saving employment, payroll taxes, tax exemption to seniors with moderate income $50,000 or less, consumer rebates and credits on home and automobile transactions – proof is in the data for 77% of the allocated stimulus fund has been invested.

The recent $26 billion bill for unemployment benefits extension and the federal aid to cash-strapped states to prevent job losses as well as essential programs termination directly influence consumer spending.

Investments in infrastructure projects such as highways and roads, the electric power grid, dams, bridges, levees, water mains and sewer systems, airport, public transportation system expansion by building new high-speed passenger rail systems were in the job creation proposal.

Although, the target is – 900,000 – 2.3 million jobs, it’s distributed across the economic spectrum ranging from green jobs, infrastructure, manufacturing and service sector to small businesses.

A bulk of it to be absorbed by the private sector contrary to the false propaganda on the alleged government take-over of the free market.

President Barack Obama’s timely intervention in the auto industry attracted criticism from the opposition.

Nonetheless, today the state of Michigan that was worst hit in the economic recession is experiencing job growth in the auto industry due to the Obama administration rescue plan.

Stimulus package has been directed towards saving multitude jobs for the beleaguered local school districts that threatened teachers’ salaries with layoffs and cutbacks,

Federal grants to make education affordable for students – Pell Grants for college education and ‘race to the top’ federal funds for schools across the nation.

Adequate medical coverage for military members and their families and $1 billion for the Veteran’s Administration – which suffered severe cutbacks under President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney that led to the Walter Reed Army Hospital closure at the peak of Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

In an effort to care for the children and seniors – Food programs for low-income Americans, including $150 million to help refill food banks, $100 million in meals programs for seniors, and $100 million for free school lunch programs – all ignored by the former administration.

Deficit management is possible with the troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan, constrain defense expenditure, health care costs savings and economic surge producing revenues, besides optimizing GDP growth through exports.

Above all, President Barack Obama and the Democrats legislative successes are phenomenal.

Historic reforms in finance and health care in tandem with bipartisan committee on deficit control deserve recognition.

The economy, jobs and the housing market are the President and the Congressional Democrats’ priority and they continue to explore all options in expediting the economic recovery.

If not for their hard work and determination to improve American lives, the pessimistic view on the economy would have prevailed.

Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Congressional Democrats and the selective Republican members for the milestones reached thus far and the impending legislations to move our great nation forward.

All the more reason to elect the Democrats for a super majority in the House and the Senate, so that President Barack Obama can complete the tasks in every respect, particularly accelerating the job growth, stabilizing the economy and energizing the housing market.

A great future is certain with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the Democrats majority in Congress.

Please visit the DNC, DSCC, DCCC and DGA websites for your generous contributions to elect the new and incumbent democrats in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

New Developments in India

August 22, 2010

BY Padmini Arhant

Per the article International Events – India Independence Day published on this website 08/16/10 under International Politics, the food prices inflation impacting the incumbent administration in New Delhi at national polls was cited in the post.

Further, the scenarios causing the food inflation was elaborated with solutions to overcome the situation contributing to the Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh’s decline in the national polls among the frustrated population.

Upon the private media investigation in the matter, the latest findings reveal that the suspicion on the illicit trade practices involving government subsidized staple food reserved for domestic consumption is confirmed to be factual.

For rice is being smuggled out of the state and exported overseas to Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand…at 1000 percent profit.

As a result, the consistent demand is superficially inflated with short supply depriving the local population of the Central government subsidies.

In this context, the southern state of Tamil Nadu government under the Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, is implicated in the video documentary of the trade activity from origin to destination.

Reportedly, the state agricultural minister has refused to comment despite the facts surrounding the nationally exposed food scandal.

Besides, the Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi’s victory was premised on supplying rice to the poor and the lower income at one Indian rupee.

The Central government apparently provided the stock for distribution at that price, evidently the state officials diverted the stock for profitable means.

The Congress party as the Central authority is in a dilemma with the Tamil Nadu government being one of the coalition partners enabling the majority rule to govern the nation.

Regardless, the Congress party is obligatory to the nation in cracking down on corruption and honoring the campaign promise in transparency and accountability especially with the scandal emanating from within the coalition.

It would remarkably improve the Congress party’s image, credibility and future electoral prospects through effective actions in dealing with the systemic abuse of power at various political levels beginning with corruption undermining democracy.

Not to mention in addressing the public anxiety over the Central power’s inability to control artificial food inflation.

Worldwide, politics without corruption and power abuse is a misnomer. It’s attributed to populace disappointment not transformed into action in eliminating corruption from the base.

Tamil Nadu has been ruled by two political factions for decades, each periodically replaced by one another for similar or distinctive dysfunctionality.

The state is renowned for intellectual feat in science and technology, cultural arts and humanities.

However, Politics has not been easily accessible to the talented mainstream due to the dominance by the state’s motion picture industry artists.

Perhaps, the Tamil Nadu electorate could reflect on the establishments’ record obstructing the state’s progress and elect intellectually poised leaders committed to the electorates’ interest rather than their own. They could be young, mature and energetic or the experienced seniors dedicated to serving the people and not the personal agenda.

Nevertheless, a breath of fresh air is always better for the contaminated political environment.

It’s analogous to global politics.

In other issues raised in that article – the new development from the Naxal and Maoist groups extending an olive branch is extremely hopeful and it would be appropriate to end the standoff with mutual ceasefire from both sides enhanced by a new commitment to peacefully resolve the long standing dispute.

Since the Naxal and Maoist group’s choice of mediators are arousing unnecessary political tensions, it would serve the peace process positively with the independent panel unaffiliated to both parties but well adapted in delivering the desirable outcome i.e. listening to the insurgents’ issues and making an effort in understanding the reasons behind their struggle is an initial step towards reconciliation process.

At the same time, offering the reasonable and realistic solutions to the problems would be an amicable approach to the successful negotiation.

Maintaining similar strategy in other national security and economic issues related to farmers is favorable to all sides.

Good luck! To all members in the peaceful settlement of political,economic and social issues.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Lower Manhattan Mosque Controversy

August 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Sometime back, the Lower Manhattan residents had approved the community center construction with a religious mosque in New York City.

Subsequently, the city granted permission for the project in accordance with the civil ordinance. The process would have clearly involved a thorough review of the construction site, the local convenience or the lack thereof and the majority consensus in this issue.

Reportedly, after much deliberation and survey the final decision was made favoring the community center project with the mosque, a worship place for the people of Islamic faith.

The community center with recreational facilities is meant for all within and outside the community including a peaceful gathering by the people to pray at the proposed mosque.

Although, it was a widely known public project with an overwhelming support from the people in the neighborhood and around until now, the mosque site is the contentious issue and currently turned into a sensitive debate.

The opposition to the project is based on the location and the proximity i.e. two blocks from Ground Zero suggesting that it adds “insult to injury.”

First and foremost, the 9/11 terror attack is and will always remain an insurmountable human tragedy with an estimated three thousand lives lost in the horrendous crime against humanity.

It also set precedence for a spate of similar attacks around the world.

The 9/11 victims were from New York City and many different parts of the world.

More appropriately the human lives without any distinction were compromised for the perpetrators’ self-fulfilling purpose deserving worldwide condemnation.

No eloquent consolation can replace the loss of precious lives. The pain and suffering still experienced by the victims’ families is natural and one could pray as well as hope for the healing to begin in helping the grieving families recover from the sadness surrounding their life.

Nonetheless, the extraordinary global reaction to the 9/11 victims was pervasive and people from all walks of life especially the followers of peaceful Islam i.e. the significant majority Muslim population across the globe were deeply disappointed and sincerely expressed their sorrow for the inhumane act against innocent civilians.

The outpouring humanitarian aid in the 9/11 aftermath included the good Samaritans of Islamic religion in an outreach to their fellow human beings and rebuilding the vibrant New York City.

That being the fact, the mosque in Islam is equivalent to the Church, Synagogue and Temples… a shrine where people come together seeking solace and peace for them and others.

Islam is not alienated in the worship by pious minds congregating to redeem themselves and those responsible for any harm to other human beings.

Therefore, the mosque is ideal since several worshippers’ prayers would absolve the attackers’ incarcerated negativities bringing the desirable harmony and serenity to the environment with a violent past.

The humanitarian service anticipated in the community center and the mosque would enhance the opportunity for a new beginning through forgiveness and charitable activities.

Such noble deeds will purify the site, inevitably contributing to the 9/11 souls’ eternal peace and the survivors well-being.

Further, the community center has job potential for the Lower Manhattan unemployed citizens adding to the economic benefit.

Perhaps, the 9/11 families’ solidarity and positive perspective could broaden the prospects for a stronger America undeterred against the destructive and divisive forces.

The opponents misinterpret the Mosque site as provocation and demand the permit withdrawal for the project.

Contrary to the claims, rejecting the mosque in Lower Manhattan is a willful surrender to the 9/11 masterminds determined to polarize the nation and mislead the political faction behind the controversy towards their school of thoughts.

The terror organizations have invariably indoctrinated other religions as irrelevant with a reference to the society as ‘infidels,’ and were never inhibited from exploiting religion for personal ideology.

Unfortunately, the leading proponents against the mosque are echoing the sentiments that are detrimental to the secular democratic society founded on solid constitution granting equal rights to all citizens of this great nation.

The evolving situation on the subject is counterproductive if not a major political distraction.

The U.S. Constitution, Islam religion and most importantly the 9/11 victims’ families i.e. the survivors are being used as political tools to propagate ideas that are not representative of the American democratic values.

President Barack Obama’s thoughtful statements in this context have been distorted for political reasons with midterm elections around the corner.

It’s not uncommon for politics to suffer from selective amnesia.

If the political opposition is truly concerned about the 9/11 survivors and their welfare, it’s time to exemplify them beginning with the passage of the –

“H.R. 847, James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act Rejected by House Vote.” Please refer to the AP article below.

Which, the majority Republican Congress rejected to protect the multinational corporations’ interest against the 9/11 workers and their families.

The devastated 9/11 workers were not surprised considering the Republican members’ record on the ‘Nay’ votes against every Democrat’s bill introduced to improve American lives.

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress have been consistently denied the majority Republican votes on all issues throughout Obama Presidency.

The mosque project is politicized to deflect public attention from the lack of Republican cooperation on legislations concerning the American electorate.

Republican minority performance predominantly focused on filibuster threats and voting against Democrats’ bills designed to promote average American lives and their future.

So the mosque issue is a convenient political fall back to gain momentum against the Democrat lawmakers dedicated to move the nation forward upon inheriting the bad economy, simultaneous wars with no strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan, tumbling financial sector, bankrupt auto industry…to list a few in the profile.

Ironically, the prominent opposition members / 2012 Republican Presidential hopefuls denigrating President Barack Obama and others on the mosque issue fail to recognize the fact,

The 9/11 would not be discussed today, had the previous administration proactively prevented the attacks upon several ominous warnings and memos on 9/11 attack in American soil that were ignored.

Pictures are worth a thousand words and they often reveal the sensitivity or the conspicuous absence.

President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority achievements thus far are phenomenal.

American people are tired of partisan politics and scapegoat tactics nearing election for they prefer to see result oriented actions.

While the Democrats have it, the Republican minority continues to conceal their poor record by using politics to win elections rather than extending bipartisanship to assist the President in all national issues.

Empathy towards 9/11 survivors are best displayed through legislations like the 9/11 health and compensation act, extending unemployment benefits or the economic stimulus bill creating jobs to enable them in providing for their living dependents.

United States is an egalitarian society and a model democracy with constitutional rights to practice religion in any part of the nation.

The status quo is a political and social infringement on the religious right guaranteed to all citizens in the U.S. constitution.

Islam is the religion of peace. The people of Islamic faith as the American citizens share equal rights and privileges regardless of the political view.

The mosque construction in Lower Manhattan will be symbolic of the United States’ religious tolerance and resolve against the terror networks.

Wishing long lasting peace between 9/11 survivors and their American Islamic neighbors in the culturally diverse, tolerant and exuberant New York City.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Source: Associated Press – July 29, 2010 – Thank you.

“H.R. 847, James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act Rejected by House Vote.”

“A bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust fell short in the House on Thursday, raising the possibility that the bulk of compensation for the ill will come from a legal settlement hammered out in the federal courts.

The bill would have provided free health care and compensation payments to 9/11 rescue and recovery workers who fell ill after working in the trade center ruins.

It failed to win the needed two-thirds majority, 255-159. The vote was largely along party lines, with 12 Republicans joining Democrats supporting the measure.

For weeks, a judge and teams of lawyers have been urging 10,000 former ground zero workers to sign on to a court-supervised settlement that would split $713 million among people who developed respiratory problems and other illnesses after inhaling trade center ash.

GOP critics branded the bill as yet another big-government “massive new entitlement program” that would have increased taxes and possibly kill jobs.

To pay the bill’s estimated $7.4 billion cost over 10 years, the legislation would have prevented foreign multinational corporations incorporated in tax haven countries from avoiding tax on income earned in the U.S.

Bill supporters said that would close a tax loophole. Republicans branded it a corporate tax increase.

John Feal, a ground zero demolition worker who has lobbied extensively for the legislation, expressed disgust.

“They pulled the rug out from beneath our feet,” Feal said. “Whatever member of Congress vote against this bill, whether Republican or Democrat, should go to jail for manslaughter.”

The bill would have provided up to $3.2 billion to cover the medical treatment of people sickened by trade center dust and an additional $4.2 billion for a new fund that would have compensated them for their suffering and lost wages.”

Read more

Emergency Aid to Pakistan Flood Victims

August 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis due to massive flooding, posing tremendous challenges for the government and the victims.

Although, the United States assistance has been substantial in the relief operation, it’s a global responsibility to help the people of Pakistan.

The onus is not on the United States alone, the international aid from all corners of the world is essential to rescue the estimated twenty million displaced population and the families who have lost their loved ones in the natural disaster.

There is an opportunity for all nations across the globe to come forward and extend their support through financial and other humanitarian resources.

Perhaps, The Kingdom of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, EU, the Middle East and developing nations including private donors from different parts of the world could share the financial burden with the United States and humanitarian organizations.

Pakistanis’ plight cannot be ignored as the internal or national problem. The culmination of natural catastrophe and economic conditions have increased the inevitable health risks apart from the potential threats in social, environmental, political and security fronts for the South Asian country.

In the holy month of Ramadan, the people of Pakistan are dealing with the natural calamity and struggling to overcome the enormous tragedy on their shores.

Please respond to Pakistani citizens’ “SOS,” with an outpouring compassion and generosity that is required more than ever.

People of Pakistan also urgently deserve the world society’s contribution in nation building and economic growth to emerge from the burgeoning status quo.

International Humanitarian Agencies such as International Red Cross, American Red Cross, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders including the United Nations’ Relief Organizations are standing by to accept your donations.

You could visit their websites to make any affordable payments.

Organizing concerts for the worthy cause could also expedite the fund raising possibilities in this regard.

Please reach out to the victims to minimize casualties and save precious lives.

Your kindness is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Events – India Independence Day

August 16, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Independence Day to India on August 15, 2010.

India celebrated its 63rd anniversary amid stability and domestic crisis.

On the economic front, India is focused on GDP growth but struggling to contain food prices.

The inflation is contributing to the public anger and disappointment reflected in the national polls directed at the Central government.

Adding to the problem is the recent handling of the farmers’ plight in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. The State government’s slow response to the situation is criticized nonetheless; the damage control measures are being implemented possibly with the Central government intervention if required.

While being steadily progressive, the Indian economy has been challenged with inflation in some areas like food that is demanding immediate attention from both the public and private sector.

The government authorities, i.e. the Agricultural Ministry is under lot of pressure to act effectively in controlling the rising inflation.

Although, India is known to be fairly self-sufficient in staple food and other produces, the price surge could be attributed to natural and superficial factors. The nation has been dealing with extreme drought and floods in different parts of the country lately exacerbating the farmers’ uphill battle against the economic woes surrounding a good harvest.

Alternatively, the supply could be restricted by the various merchant groups involved in the distribution right down to the government authorized ration shops diverting the stock for private sale influencing the market rate. It’s not uncommon and the artificial price hikes surface during consistent demand superficially escalated with the short supply.

Further, cash crop exports to promote GDP could be halted and instead used for domestic consumption until the affordable market price is restored.

Perhaps, the government and private investigation into such practices could ease the burden on the economy, the farmers and the consumers. It would also help if the State and the Central governments address the farmers’ various agricultural issues to improve production.

National Security – The Indian government is confronted with security threats within the national territory mainly instigated by external forces.

The Naxalite and Maoist Groups with communist ideology have remained in opposition to the democratic Central and state governments regardless of political factions.

At present the tension is compounded with the new evidence reportedly involving the Pakistani ISI and Pakistan sheltered fugitive – the underworld don Dawood Ibrahim hiring the naxals to wage proxy war against the Indian security force.

Neighboring nuclear nations’ incited insurgency in the world’s largest democracy is an unnecessary provocation and deserves global condemnation.

While one is portrayed as the ‘ally’ in the war on terror and the other a ‘reliable,’ economic partner, the reality being neither appear to be committed in the respective domains,

For, the terror masterminds especially Osama Bin Laden and other chief militants are at large and yet to be revealed from the undisclosed locations in Pakistan,

The currency adjustments against the U.S. dollar by China still remains a contentious issue despite China’s assurance in adhering to the U.S. and international request at the Toronto G-20 summit.

Meanwhile, the Indian Government’s best strategy would be to initiate a dialogue with the insurgents i.e. the Naxalites and,

If the grievances are economic and social disparities related, then those anomalies could be appropriately fixed by providing the necessary means to the segments including minority representation in the parliament.

Concurrently, freezing the proxy war agents’ bank accounts and financial channels,

In addition to, tracing and terminating the rebels’ ammunition origin would deter the uprising and encourage peaceful negotiations.

The other matter pertains to Pakistan based militant group – Lashkar-e-Taiba instigated separatist movement in Kashmir.

Upon the State Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, the Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh including the cabinet ministers’ review of the secessionist proposal and call for peace in the valley with sincere offers to reconcile the differences, there was glimmering hope for amicable settlement in Kashmir.

However, the militants across the border aided by the terror groups and the Pakistan intelligence agency,

Ever determined to sabotage the Muslim population peaceful existence ignited a renewed unrest leading to loss of lives and curfew imposition in Kashmir.

It proves that the institution like a national intelligence agency traditionally responsible to defend and protect civilians from harm are unfortunately dedicated to counterproductive activities claiming innocent Muslim lives at their domicile and in the neighboring state.

Ironically, the Muslim population is attacked and killed more in Pakistan than anywhere else by the same terror groups that are behind the separatist movement misleading them for an independent state in Kashmir.

A persistent and persuasive peace talk is an ideal approach for the Indian leaderships in resolving the political and social disputes. It is guaranteed to provide a positive outcome.

Avoiding firearms and excessive tactics against unarmed civilians in any circumstances is favorable to all sides.

In other areas of interest –

Investments in green technology and robust environmental policy are crucial to protect the planet.

India could lead in the renewable energy use by adapting to natural sources rather than fossil fuel or nuclear resource. Given the suitable weather conditions, India would highly benefit in providing cost effective energy programs to all.

Alleviating the suffering in hunger, poverty and disease among the vast majority would enhance development.

Completing infrastructure projects within time frame is better for business opportunities and national image.

Otherwise, India’s achievements since independence is exemplified in the status quo as an emerging economy, thriving secular democracy, innovator in science and technology and a cultural phenomenon to say the least.

Best Wishes to the Republic of India for a long lasting peace, eternal progress and prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Campaign Finance Reform Bill

August 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Further to the United States Senate Actions Chronicle, there were more relevant bills proposed by the Senate Democrats in the past month – July 2010.

Campaign Finance Reform: The bill aimed at the election campaign’s fundamental problem – the special interests influence undermining democracy.

Evidently, it did not survive the Republican members opposition.

Although, the House passed the legislation, it failed in the Senate by three votes short of 60 votes required to eliminate Republican filibuster against the Disclose Act and various important components protecting the democratic sanctity.

The Democrats introduced the bill primarily to offset the negative effects from the Supreme Court’s decision granting unlimited access to the corporations, unions and other interests through campaign contributions, political ads and advocacy for or against any political candidate ahead of the election.

However, there was an exception to the Supreme Court’s rule that permitted Congress to legislate the interest groups’ political rhetoric via disclaimer and disclosure requirements.

Democrats precisely drafted the legislation to prohibit overseas corporations, federal contractors and tax payer bailed out businesses from the sponsorship.

At the same time, the bill enforced the disclaimer and disclosure requirement on the rest with the respective organizations’ chief executive or union leader’s personal appearance and endorsement message in the political ad.

Similar criteria apply to the nexus group representing the corporations, trade unions…to identify the top donors in the political ad.

Additionally, the corporations and advocacy groups are expected to provide campaign contribution details exceeding $1,000 in their political expenditure accounts.

The purpose behind this legislation is to enable transparency for free and fair elections by limiting the powerful organizations from depriving the electorates’ voice being heard in a democracy.

Not surprisingly, the business groups had expressed their grievances claiming the legislative act violated the free speech right and reportedly highlighted on the unions not being subject to the same conditions.

This issue could be addressed with a clear emphasis on the bill to affect all participants in the political campaign including the non-profit organizations with a political agenda regardless of stature.

Up until now, the legislation passage is entirely dependent on the democrats and isolated Republican member votes viz. Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, in all major issues.

The Republican opposition has been driven by the special interests controlling the electoral and legislative process.

Now, the Republican members voting against the campaign finance reform prove their priority to the business groups over their constituents and the American electorate in the nation.

In return, the business groups have pledged extraordinary support and financial backing to the Republican candidates thwarting the democrats’ effort to represent the American people and the nation at large.

Therefore, the public demand across the political spectrum is imperative to revive the bill and restore democracy upon the Congress members’ return from August recess.

Any resistance to the bill will indicate the political party and the member’s self-interest against national interest.

Rest assured, the Democrats bill on the campaign finance reform is a phenomenal step towards fixing the broken political system in Washington.

People have the power to bring about the long overdue change in the political sphere.

It’s possible by electing the legislators demonstrating their commitment to work for the people and the democrats are diligently performing their constitutional duties in improving American lives.

Please send your affordable / generous contributions to DCCC, DSCC, DNC and DGA in getting the doers i.e. the democrats elected overwhelmingly to the House, the Senate and State Governors in November 2010.

It might be a great challenge to compete with the corporations, but the will of the people cannot be deterred by the forces against them as established in 2008 elections.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S.: Please send your contributions to the following address or visit their websites.

DNC – Democratic National Committee –
Attn: Governor Tim Kaine
430 South Capitol Street SE,
Washington, D.C., 20003

DCCC – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Attn: Speaker Nancy Pelosi
430 South Capitol Street S.E.
Washington, D.C., 20003

DSCC – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Attn: State Senator (?)
120 Maryland Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002.

DGA – Democratic Governors Association –
1401 K Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005

Tragic Events in Pakistan

August 1, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan has been hit with successive tragedies lately resulting in enormous loss of precious lives.

Earlier, there were significant fatalities from the air crash near Islamabad. While the people were grieving over the aviation mishap, the country is swept with massive flooding and more than 1500 people reportedly lost their lives.

The flooding is expected to worsen with thousands displaced and millions facing life disruptions due to power outages and transportation problems.

Pakistani government appears to have deployed its military for rescue operation. It’s challenging to deal with mass mobilization for any emergency crew. The Pakistani forces are apparently doing their best in saving lives.

In addition, the United States logistic support in this regard expedites the relief effort. The major concerns during natural disasters are the spread of diseases and the populace exodus to the safety zones.

Aid workers involved in minimizing casualties have a daunting task in reaching the victims because of the limited access and air lifting survivors often delays the progress.

It’s a horrendous humanitarian endeavor and the people of Pakistan are courageously enduring the aftermath despite the natural constraints in delivering the urgently required services.

United Nations are presumably engaged in providing the appropriate assistance that would not only alleviate the burden on the local governments but also maximize the restoration capabilities.

The people of Pakistan deserve global attention in the economic and social development sharing the status with numerous developing nations around the world.

As such Pakistan has been held hostage by the terror networks prompting ongoing military intervention and continuous violence through frequent suicide bombings render survival impossible for the peaceful majority within the country.

Any other incidents along with natural calamities exacerbate the situation especially for the millions at the demographic bottom experiencing critical economic condition.

The Pakistani government is faced with eliminating terrorism and rebuilding the country amid unpredictable catastrophes on its shores.

Pakistan is long overdue for a new beginning with peaceful existence now and in the future.

It’s imminent and the governing authorities could enable the onset sooner by prioritizing the citizens’ plight through divestments from excess military expenditure to economy, education and social structure.

In terms of the current crisis, consolidating the resources including the United States and UN contributions towards different humanitarian needs in the grim moment could perhaps yield the desirable outcome.

International Red Cross and other U.N. humanitarian programs might greatly impact the deteriorating environment in containing the rising death toll from the severe floods that has seemingly affected many provinces.

Please rush your affordable and generous donations to the International Red Cross and other recognized U.N. humanitarian agencies to help the people of Pakistan.

We offer our sincere condolences to the victims’ families mourning on the unfortunate events in the past week.

More importantly, there is hope for the struggling population braving the harsh realities as they are not forgotten in the commitment to end human suffering.

On that positive note, wishing strength and optimism to the people of Pakistan in overcoming the multitude difficulties at present.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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