The 65th U.N. General Assembly honors 2010 – International Year of Biodiversity

September 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On September 22, 2010, the 65th U.N. General Assembly session contributed to the
“2010 – International Year of Biodiversity.”

Biological diversity representing the ecosystems is on the decline threatening planet sustenance.

At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, 2005 and 2006 – The States committed to the biodiversity strategies and agenda, in addition to providing the necessary financial and technical resources to the developing nations.

The objectives during these summits were to efficiently reduce the biodiversity loss at the national, regional and global level as a contribution towards poverty alleviation and benefit to all life on Earth by 2010 that led to;

“The 2010 Biodiversity Target.”

It has been enacted with the Millennium Development Goals as part of Goal 7 on environmental sustainability.

Biodiversity is the life support for the ecosystems that helps the planet survival and the sensitivity cannot be underestimated.

The conservation and preservation action plans are continually challenged with the escalating energy demands and the twentieth century energy sources maintained by the leading industrialized nation such as the United States, the emerging economies and the developing nations.

Biological diversity comprises the mechanisms for the entire life species contributing to the evolutionary process.

The precipitous biodiversity loss could be attributed to a variety of human generated problems prominently pollution from carbon emissions, industrial chemical contamination, waste management negligence and above all deforestation, overfishing, whaling and dolphin hunting, mountain top removal in coal mining, off shore oil explorations, uranium mining for nuclear energy,

Notwithstanding the catastrophic environmental damages during and after incessant warfare in the vulnerable regions with the battered war survivors left breathing the highly contaminated air from White Phosphorous and the deadliest ammunitions used in the combat.

It’s clear that the environment is under assault from all directions – air, land and sea, despite the clean, renewable and natural energy sources available in the form of solar, wind, hydroelectric and biofuel methods.

The biodiversity loss reduction strategy could perhaps include the focus on the paradigm shift in energy use, industrial smoke elimination, technology operated recycling plants and prohibiting all of the above highlighted activities related to the systemic abuse of planet earth.

Biodiversity importance could be further elaborated with the emphasis on the natural elements – air and water.

Clean air and pure water is truly a blessing for an overwhelming world population deprived of the life dependent sources.

As stated above, the air and noise pollution is a growing detriment for healthy living especially in the densely populated urban areas of the developed and developing nations.

Biodiversity policy could be enhanced by promoting infrastructure investment, town planning – incentivizing people to move outskirts from the city parameter facilitated by rapid transportation for commute and modern conveniences with adequate power supply.

Simultaneously rewarding industries and residents for limited energy consumption, consolidating efforts in curbing pollution from automobiles, industrial smoke and civic habits through non-smoking zones in public areas and work place – such initiatives would complement the biodiversity strategy.

In the rural areas, the air pollution is largely associated with the lack of development in basic survival conditions – for coal still remains the only energy source in daily existence. The outdated machinery equipment used in the developing nations’ farming and agriculture could be replaced with modern technology.

To attain the biodiversity goals across the national, regional and global level, the measures need to be implemented at the origin responsible for the harmful environmental effects. Identifying the issues and resolving them with appropriate remedies could expedite achievement.

Water scarcity is experienced worldwide particularly among the developing nations and the rising economies. Within a nation, the water disputes between states are fairly contentious and the public suffering is exacerbated during hot summer season.

It’s also a fundamental cause for global poverty, hunger and disease. Without enough water the rural communities face tremendous obstacles in producing good harvest. The urbanites are equally affected with water shortage and the majority store water at every opportunity.

It is extremely hard on the poorer population in the absence of sanitation and basic living conditions consequently becoming the breeding ground for preventable yet life threatening diseases like malaria, diarrhea -severe among children, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, hepatitis…found among the population barely existing at or below the poverty level.

If the government and the private sector could combine resources in projects aimed at clean water distribution across the nation and direct funding to improve the living standards beginning with the poorest of the poor, then it would inevitably result in the environmental and economic gain.

There is yet another crucial component in containing the biodiversity deterioration i.e.

The natives involvement – Such as the natives from the Americas, the Inuit from the Arctic region, the different tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Aborigines in Australia and the Adivasis in India…

Being the indigenous population and the responsible guardians of the planet, they would be able to guide as the natural expert in all matter related to ecosystem. Their immense understanding and accurate knowledge of the species in the Amazon Rain Forest, the Australian Great Barrier Reef or the Fauna of Africa…would allow the precise course of action required to sustain biodiversity.

The natives are instrumental in safeguarding the planet until the industrialization massive intervention with nature created the imbalance leading up to rising sea levels and global warming.

Unfortunately, the world has not paid much attention to the natives, the planet’s original inhabitants and their descendants secluded from the modern civilization’s economic progress.

Their dependents are deprived of good education, health facilities and proper housing accommodation. It is tragic to witness the natives’ plight while the remaining global society moves forward leaps and bounds.

Although 192 States reportedly ratified the Biodiversity Plan, the desirable status is yet to be realized due to misplaced priorities.

Since it’s a collective responsibility with a common goal – it’s paramount for all nations to pledge their strong support interpreted in actions to protect life on earth.

Every individual share equal burden to save the planet.

Hence, please rise to the occasion and ensure the “2010 Biodiversity Target” is a phenomenal success.

Best Wishes to the U.N. members and the organizations behind the Biodiversity Protocol.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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