U.S. Incumbent Administration Ammunition Policy

May 29, 2024

U.S. Incumbent Administration Ammunition Policy

Padmini Arhant

The incumbent Presidency extended from 2009 – 2016 into 2021 till date pursuit in striking the 2nd amendment bill of rights aimed at stripping the right to bear arms aka GUN CONTROL predominantly targeting the right leaning electorate in the United States is no secret.

Juxtaposed, the 2009 – 2016 administration together with allies arming the various terror outfits in Syria, Libya, Iraq…among several others created the IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and al Qaeda offshoots variety wreaking havoc in 2010 – 2016 and later.

Similarly the 2009-2016 Presidency together with then DOJ – Attorney General experimented fast and furious program weaponizing the violent drug cartels in Mexico, Central and South America resulted in mass exodus of the locals in rural and urban areas in these regions headed towards the chaos origin – the United States borders, the issue becoming the bone of contention since 2021 until now.

In the present time, the same Presidency then and now via proxy administration maintaining weapons supply to belligerent aggressor Israel and justifying United States complicity in the crime of the 21st Century – the ongoing Gaza war with the latest bombing of the humanitarian zone in Rafah is the last straw in the violent military intervention aided and funded by the United States administration with pride.

The situation is applicable to others in the United States Congress behind Gaza genocide since Oct 7, 2023 – till now.

It goes without saying to those undeserving glory hogging failed Presidential candidacies’ including the current Vice Presidency scripted performance declaring Gaza genocide as an entitlement in the indefensible so-called self-defense to appease the desperate defunct internal and external political apparatus.

At the end of the day, the left voters as the democrat base and the right electorate as Republicans are in a dilemma.

For the left, the democrat base – their so-called democrat administration persistence in the removal of 2nd amendment bill of rights under the guise of GUN CONTROL in the domestic front while the track record in 2009 – 2016 as enunciated above reflect reality.

The description also befit earlier democrat administrations’ hawkish endeavors in the balkanization of Eastern Europe and further back in Vietnam war etc.,

Now fast forward to Ukraine and Gaza war in 2022 and until date respectively speak volume on the democrats’ factual violent foreign policy.

The Republican voters concerned about their 2nd amendment rights being constantly challenged more so intensely in 2009 – 2016 even with false flag events and continued till date in 2022 – 2024 is a direct conflict with the left political party and the administration in particular.

The democrat administration focus on abolition of 2nd amendment bill of rights via Gun control citing protecting lives from gun violence in the domestic turf pose a major credibility factor.

Not to mention hypocrisy in light of the democrat administration war mongering in Ukraine and Gaza with Gaza war having United States administration imprint in killing more than 40,000 civilians in Gaza and now the casualties in Rafah especially comprising children, women and humanitarian workers are the classic cold-blooded slaughter by the self-proclaimed politics assertion as the champion in curbing assault weapons violence.

The current United States administration providing bombs and missiles to the so-called ally – the defiant human rights violator Israel with brutal military intervention in Gaza expanded into Rafah on Egypt border fomenting further killings of civilians in the eight-month-old genocide is the true face of the administration and those behind the scenes coalition in war crimes committed with authority slighting international rule of law, ethical standards and humanitarian concept.

Gun control in the domestic scene and unbridled weapons cache delivery overseas producing mass graves earlier in the politics’ dubbed Arab Spring in 2010 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – till date in Gaza are contradictory by definition and action.

The United States foreign policy retaining the right to kill innocent children and their families abroad and in domestic policy the democrat administration and Congress expressing deep sense of urgency to seize fire arms from citizens in disagreement with politics’ violation of their 2nd amendment bill of rights is a dichotomy.

Either you care about life in general or none at all.

The selective criteria on certain racial and members’ life matter and the rest regarded dispensable expose individual and political distinct discriminatory practice.

Above all, the arbitrary discretion in elimination and sparing of human life abusing power is the worst character in modern politics explicitly lacking in integrity and compassion.

Not to mention the imminent demise of such politics failing to meet basic human principle to value life barring preference and prejudice is incontrovertible in the otherwise flagrant dismissal of human rights. 

Padmini Arhant 


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