U.K. New Prime Minister

May 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Conservative Party leader, David Cameron upon being sworn in as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The new P.M.’s decision to form a coalition with the liberal democrats for majority rule is a positive approach in the absence of viable democratic alternatives.

Although, the alliance is a political choice, the public confidence rests on the leaderships’ ability to work together in national interest.

Often, the political merger is predicted dysfunctional based on the precedence by the present and the past coalition governments worldwide.

Regardless, the contemporary politics is challenged with partisanship even among the majority and attributed to the electorates distrust against any political power in delivering their campaign promise.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Cameron has assured complete cooperation with the liberal democrats on key national issues including the electoral reform, the winning factor for the liberal democrats in the recent election.

Perhaps, the solidarity between the two leaders could be reinforced by confirming the rumor into reality with the liberal democrats leader, Nick Clegg designated as the Deputy Prime Minister.

It would then bolster the liberal-democrat leader’s position to represent the fellow democrats in the labor party as well as others and negotiate with them effectively on legislative matter.

Political gridlock is the contentious issue among the electorates in any democracy and their justified frustration emanates from the legislators’ misplaced priority on politics over economy, high unemployment, national deficit, housing market crisis, unpopular wars, social and environmental issues.

Both leaders from the center-right and left are confronted with serious economic problems demanding urgent actions.

In addition, the impending bank regulations and the contagious financial crisis in Europe causing anxiety on the main street.

The electorate mandate is clear urging immediate response to their economic plight.

Now it’s up to the coalition government to perform and succeed in the daunting tasks ahead.

The leaders of both parties being young, dynamic and energetic have great potential to meet the national and global expectations.

There is hope in the unconventional political representation provided the two parties settle their differences and arrive at a consensus on national issues to benefit the electorate in a democracy.

Best Wishes to Prime Minister David Cameron and the Liberal Democrat Leader, Nick Clegg in their endeavor to lead United Kingdom towards a bright future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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