Ukraine – Russia Peace Plan

March 3, 2025

Ukraine – Russia Peace Plan

Padmini Arhant

The peace talks and negotiations to bring any conflict to an end would be credible upon participation of nations at war without any reservations and prejudice against any of the warring factions.

Any exclusion of the nation viz. Ukraine having been the victim with tremendous loss of lives and destruction in the three-year-old warfare that should have never begun in the first place is the bone of contention.

The previous democrat administration obviously not run by the former President Joe Biden, in accordance with predecessor Barack Obama and surrogates assessment.

Their public description of the Biden Presidency being weak and frail lacking in energy to stand still for barely 30 minutes exacerbated by cognitive decline and so on…since the start of the Presidential term in 2021 and the deterioration thereafter was cited as justification in the abrupt removal i.e. internal democrat coup against Biden Presidency in July 2024.

The same would apply to the present administration including the Vice President JD Vance, having criticized the former opponent Joe Biden Presidency as physically and mentally incapacitated from the start quoting then President Biden’s inability to function and handle the daunting tasks and challenges of the office of Presidency.

All these critics of Joe Biden Presidency from within the democrat party i.e. the Obamas and contingency in politics and media, alongside the current Republican White House having shared their comments alike throughout 2021 – 2024 and expressively on the campaign trail,

The 180 degrees turnaround from the former democrat and present Republican executive branch members referencing the previous Joe Biden Presidency, (though meant only for optics) as the decision maker executing critical actions proven counterproductive such as in the Ukraine – Russia war is self-contradictory to the critics.

Besides, the questionable position inarguably raise credibility factor on their flip flop about Biden Presidency.

Make up your mind. Barack Obama hand picked Vice President Joe Biden in the two term disastrous Barack Obama Presidency 2009 – 2016, subsequently installed in heavily contested controversial 2020 Presidential election to serve as the proxy for Barack Obama in 2021 – 2024 was one of the following.

Joe Biden Presidency in 2021 – 2024 was visibly and demonstrably fragile, lacking in physical and mental stamina to conduct the duties and responsibilities as the President, which in fact, is true of the actual Joe Biden. 


Joe Biden Presidency was resolute and sharp in decision-making with undeterred control in running affairs from the White House without the need for Barack Obama with Hollywood aid to sideline the sitting President suggesting physical and mental disabilities to ouster the President in the re-election bid.

It cannot be both for that would only make the proponents of such predicament experts in flawed fabrication and mendacious politics. 

It further encapsulates the well-known status on earlier administration unequivocally run by the Obamas and proxies who exposed themselves with the overt coup against own party incumbency in July 2024.

Here is the paradox for the 2014 Barack Obama Presidency and then State Department, though the Secretary of State John Kerry was the appointee in the second term 2012 – 2016.

It was still under the earlier Secretary of State Hillary Clinton run through foreign government interventionists like the democrat Victoria Nuland in the State Department, the wife of  Robert Keagan, the Republican, who in return was known for democracy destabilization wherever possible under Bush-Cheney administration. 

Regardless, none were ever subject to any scrutiny nor any investigation for their extensive involvements offshore wreaking havoc and political instability in various foreign destinations.

The democrat party and bipartisan Congress considered the inquiry and probe on them not necessary unlike the days and months expending taxpayer money wasted in hearings on gender orientation and individual matrimony.

In contrast, the Barack Obama Presidency and democrat obsession with indictments, impeachment proceedings and litigations against the Trump Presidency, Trump 2016 Presidential campaign and Trump’s first term administration members until now are routine at taxpayers’ expense. 

In 2021 – 2024, the Barack Obama run Biden administration elevated Victoria Nuland to even more prominent critical role to expand operations offshore for further chaos and mayhem than the ones in 2009 – 2016. 

Victoria Nuland, among other key participants was responsible for Ukraine’s political unrest in Maidan Square, Kiev in 2014. 

The former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the ex-President Barack Obama projecting their anchored anti-Putin sentiments to date were not in Moscow during 2009 – 2016 orchestrating political turmoil or overthrowing Russian President Putin’s government amid slander and sensational opinions from both of them against Russia and Russian President Putin in particular.

They were conducting these anti-democratic activities with EU against the supposedly ally Ukraine on Ukrainian soil. 

To the contrary, on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton oversight and management of foreign affairs, the Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential campaign was directly involved in the political  scandal – the Russian Dossier saga that was found to be associated to eliminate then Republican Presidential contender Donald Trump in 2016.

Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign was using Russian alliance to dislodge Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign revealed in the exposé.

Consequentially, the so-called Russian collusion stigma linked to then Presidential candidate Donald Trump proved a hoax shedding light on the actual entity in that regard – Hillary Clinton and her Presidential campaign with Barack Obama promoting the same. 

Yet another Senior member contacts and dealings with Russian political establishment was the Barack Obama’s Vic President Joe Biden.

The democrat Vice President Joe Biden corruption scandals among several of them, were the one with then Moscow’s Mayor and wife – the Russian couple backend financial dealings with then VP Joe Biden under Barack Obama Presidency that came to light in 2020 Presidential election and swiftly swept under the rug with media collusion. 

In view of all these accounts under Barack Obama Presidency in 2009 – 2016, the top political members starting with the Presidency of Barack Obama, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden other than Victoria Nuland and assortment individuals, were all connected to Russia and Russian political circle for exclusive personal interests while carrying on anti-Russian rancor in public.

Relevantly, the Barack Obama Presidency and Hillary Clinton in the administration targeted the so-called ally Ukraine in the violent overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and entire cabinet literally at gun point in world view on camera in 2014.

Not Russia at any point in time even though the democrat anti-Russian stance echoed on media and political sparring for spectacle. 

Similarly, the Barack Obama Presidency was fixated on coup against the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad in the failed so-called Arab Spring in 2011 – 2016.

Nonetheless, upon assuming official power via proxy Biden administration in 2021 – 2024, Barack Obama and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu directed political upheaval using al Qaeda terror outfit terminated Syrian President Bashar Al Assad rule with terror organization in control of Syria.

The move against Syrian population handing governance to al Qaeda in Syria in December 2024 was a parting gift to the incoming Donald Trump administration, upon Barack Obama losing 2024 Presidential election via puppet candidate Kamala Harris.

Politics might circumvent and maneuver on issues and global affairs that were directly under their ambit. Their actions confirm the facts on the ground that could neither be subverted nor denied. 

The latest rerun by the Vice President Vance on Biden policy in Ukraine – Russia as belligerent with the simultaneous observation maintained throughout Joe Biden Presidency as physically and mentally debilitated from the beginning leading to the coup in 2024 is political spin to suit own narratives befitting the situation.

As for the Ukraine – Russia war, it is no secret that territorial annexations are prompted by hegemonic goals by any imperial power in the past and contemporary age.

Russia, previously as the head of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) harboring restoration of the status with Ukraine or any other former states in Eastern and Central Europe not barring Central Asia would be reverting to past century. The futile efforts notably realized in the incursions in the present century.

Such aspirations are neither practical nor viable especially in the aftermath of full-fledged warfare not only with Ukraine but also other neighbors viz. Georgia and similar states that were under former Soviet Union.

Russia maintaining pre-2014 economic and trade relations with Ukraine and disavow occupation of Ukraine territory would clarify Russian Federation commitment in honoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity that Russia has elucidated and voted for other nations like Syria in the UNSC resolutions.

Ukraine on the other hand, seeking peace and security with the permanent guarantee from Russia against invasions and occupation in the immediate or distant future is valid.

The NATO ally Turkey submitting to deploy peacekeeping troops in Ukraine along with Britain and France coming forward in this regard might be a deterrent plan.

However, Moscow evaluating the offer on Kremlin’s angle as NATO presence across the border is to be understood from the standpoint that the three-year-old warfare in 2021 – 2024 was technically fought between Russia and United States and NATO members provided military artillery, logistics support, intelligence and technological aid to Ukraine.

Anyhow and somehow, United States and NATO were effectively engaged in the weapons supply to Ukraine as openly admitted by the current administration during the recent contentious meeting at the White House. The same has been clarified by NATO as well.

Russia’s dilemma with NATO or NATO ally presence in Ukraine could be averted in abandoning territorial occupation of Ukraine.

Instead, Russia pivot to economic divestments facilitating rebuilding of war torn Ukraine towards mutual economic ties such as the one established with Ukraine pre-2014 would be conducive and economically beneficial.

Once Ukraine is able to renew peaceful co-existence barring skirmishes and any ethnic or demographic clashes like the ones in 2014 post United States and EU destabilization in Maidan square in Kiev, the necessity for Ukraine’s NATO membership would no longer be a priority.

At the end of the day, Russia and Ukraine have to mend ties as they are situated next to each other and can’t afford to prolong hostility and aggression regardless of domestic or foreign intervention and influence.

Russia and Ukraine have lot of commonalities that supersedes any differences even though the war inflicted damages and wounds would require own healing process.

The citizens on both sides have suffered enough and unfortunately their dissent on the warfare was muted.

Needless to say, it is the norm in politics unheeding public outcry on deaths and destruction during wars and economic downturns by retaining business as usual in political and economic deals regardless of the strategy resulting in failure.

Russian and Ukrainian leaderships having equal opportunity, respect and fairness in the peace negotiation is important for fruitful outcome.

The Ukraine and Russian population ever remain hopeful in ending the war with a firm commitment exemplified in action from the leaderships of both sovereign independent nations.

Wishing Peace, Stability and Security to Ukraine and Russia.

Padmini Arhant


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