UNGA – Resolution on Israel’s End to Occupation in Palestine

September 30, 2024

UNGA – Resolution on

Israel’s End


Occupation in Palestine

Padmini Arhant

The United Nations General Assembly by overwhelming majority adopted resolution demanding Israel end its occupation and colonization of Palestine.

Israel is also required to adhere to immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon without further delay.

Israel not recognizing United Nations General Assembly represented by nations around the world as an international body is effectively Israel’s admission and declaration of Israel as a non-sovereign state i.e. without statehood and territorial integrity.

Israel’s default by rejection of UNGA resolution A/ES – 10/L.31/Rev.1 to begin withdrawal of troops from entire Palestine and ceasefire in Lebanon and Gaza – the violation essentially strips Israel of a legitimate statehood including all rights that of an independent nation.

The status is premised on the establishment of the State of Israel formalized and granted Statehood via resolution at this very same United Nations General Assembly with consensus from international body and not by UNSC.

Accordingly, Israel and any other ally opposing the UNGA as ineffective and powerless submit to earlier UNGA resolution in the establishment of the State of Israel invalid, null and void.

It is indeed in Israel’s best interest to respect and comply with UNGA resolution as an international body upon whom Israel’s survival is dependent for economy, trade and commerce, security, travel and all things critical for Israel’s existence as a member of the global community.

Israel ceasing air raids and ground incursion against the people of Lebanon is the priority.

The status quo considering Israel’s claim having eliminated Hezbollah together with all military commanders and the former Secretary General Hassan Nasarallah, Israel’s prime target.

Israel’s state terrorism in the course inflicting immense deaths and destruction against the innocent civilians in Southern Lebanon and around Beirut in the past month until now is condemnable. The actions replicating Gaza is reprehensible. 

The global citizenry would not tolerate nor recognize any form of terrorism and importantly state terrorism given the State especially Israel’s disproportionate advantage with military, technology, logistics and various warfare applications unleashed on unarmed civilians in apartments, hospitals, kindergartens and all public premises bombarded thus far in Gaza and lately in Lebanon.

Israel heeding international call to suspend all warfare around effective immediately is the only wise prudent choice to avert more vigorous severe global movement comprising consumers around the world on boycott divestment sanctions (BDS)  against Israel in economic, travel, tourism, technology trade and all other commercial activities effective now and moving forward. 

Padmini Arhant


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