United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2017

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The September 11, terror attack with collusion and complicity among members in position of power and authority together with allies viz. Israel and Saudi Arabia is a stigma for United States projected as model democracy and Superpower capable of reducing adversary to stone age. The participation in the event rather than thwarting terror on that day and thereafter not only confirms misplaced priority ignoring citizens survival and safety but also reveals the passion in promoting ill-conceived agenda – The Project for New American Century (PNAC).

The calibrated assault on the fateful day and consequent removal of witnesses and evidences to protect those responsible for the event unveil the sources posing threat to citizens in the United States and humanity at large.

The terror display on September 11, 2001 set precedence for many false flag incidents in the United States in particular.  Additionally, 9/11 serving as the premise for illegal invasions and occupation of foreign land resulting in enormous casualties and destruction of lives that continues until today is by far the worst crime against humanity in modern age.

What the patsies in the 9/11 operation did was overshadowed by those behind the meticulous scheme.

The 9/11 commission to investigate the matter in essence added insult to injury for victims’ families in the outcome designed to concur with the masterminds’ position that the incident was carried out by riff raffs representing al Qaeda whose leader Osama Bin Laden, a valuable CIA asset was guaranteed United States government empathy with visits from FBI checking on his health status in Rawalpindi and Dubai.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden proved indispensable during and after life for those keen on maintaining status quo with repeat terror attacks worldwide even though Osama Bin Laden passed away in 2001.

Meanwhile, the 9/11 architects and protagonists could not wait on military intervention in oil rich Iraq for they were too eager to decimate the country while simultaneously shelling Afghanistan that persists until now.

In order to justify unjustifiable intrusion in foreign nations, the infamous Guantanamo Bay became a novel idea to hold so-called terror suspects declining them habeas corpus i.e. legal representation combined with renditions and abduction of youth especially of Islamic faith dispatched to prison camps in Eastern Europe and elsewhere per United States and allies’ agreement.

Every administration regardless of political affiliation have sustained military actions obliging the military industrial complex and neoconservative doctrine. More so ensuing 9/11 attack the administrations showcased air power in cluster bombs, air strikes, predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings, launched nuclear laden missiles, showered depleted uranium and,

Last but not the least the previous administration sponsored terrorism in 2011 continued unabated despite tremendous loss of lives and humanitarian disaster creating refugee crisis.

The irony is all that were started in the wake of 9/11 terror – Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan war, Prison camps in Bagram and several overseas sites holding many suspects without access to any legal course, terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Libya in 2011 and dividing Sudan into two nations in July 2011 causing chaos and political instability in South Sudan…represents every administration’s legacy with no desire and political will to end gross human rights violation and occupation of foreign land.


Then Why not reinvestigate 9/11 by Independent Committee with no political affiliation and pledge of allegiance to Secret Society?

That would determine United States sovereignty and republic status.

Remembering the fallen ones on 9/11 and multitude victims of warfare following 9/11 would be meaningful upon bringing those who are granted impunity to justice without exception.

However, in the cosmic realm justice might be delayed but never denied upholding fairness and equality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission





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