United States – Democrat Party Farewell to Democracy

September 9, 2024

United States

Democrat Party Farewell to Democracy 

Padmini Arhant

The political party establishment having bid farewell to democracy in blatant coup against own incumbent are by no way going to spare any sane peaceful dissent against status quo upon election to office.

The latest development is only the hallmark of the incumbent trajectory (2009 – 2016) resumed in 2021 – 2024 and pushing the nation not forward rather backward upon usurping to power via DEI politics.

The political class of the democrat party maintaining disdain for constitution, the national covenant remaining the last lifeline for the republic referring to the constitution and the Bill of Rights as nothing more than a piece of parchment is a serious threat to the foundation of democracy.

The latest coup from the democrat power grab machinery within political party is testament to the demise of democracy.

This is the second time in a row in the democrat Presidential nomination after 2016 and now in 2024 rejecting own voter base in the democrat primary with imposition of selective political will to prevail at democracy peril.

The warnings are already in place from the democrat political apparatus via proxy Presidential nominee Kamala Harris branding all those Americans EXTREMISTS regardless of party affiliation or A-political in disagreement of the recent assault on democracy with the unelected Presidential nominee for illegitimate extended terms in office by coup mastermind and operatives invalidating own incumbent Presidency Joe Biden.

According to the incumbent VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris conveying the stern message on behalf of the behind the scenes political authority that the so-called extremists determined by the power would be pursued relentlessly and subject to their own method.

This is the writing on the wall for FASCISM to spearhead post election.

Let there be no mistake, the targeted members speaking from personal endurance in this respect is by no measure a mere rhetoric from abusive invasive unlawful interventional authority.

Notwithstanding, the treatment of their opponent former Republican President Donald Trump and anyone associated with Trump administration hit with series of litigations including some placed behind bars in the political indictments.

Even amongst them, the coup against democrat incumbency by party echelons citing incumbent President Joe Biden’s long known cognitive impairment and inability to lead and head the government as the Chief Executive is belated declaration that was shared by many in civil society during and post 2020 election.

The response to then fair assessment from critical thinkers and well wishers of the nation were dealt with severe political retributions, incarceration and many even subject to imprisonment.

The status, now aired by democrat media MSNBC, CNN etc., as Donald Trump’s authoritarian style without acknowledgment of the democrat party prominent controllers setting precedence as the trail blazers in this regard.

The democrat political class entrenched in identity politics with the machinery greased by multi-millionaires and billionaires like George Soros known worldwide as the chief saboteur of democracy and people choice leadership as well as government is not the second or third coming rather the routine pattern to displace democracy and discard free and fair election.

The process witnessed and encountered in 2012 Presidential race with election negotiated with more than 50% of Republican electorate voted made null and void in behind the closed doors deal.

The scenario repeated in 2020 election with republican voters in the controversy surrounding cancellation and destruction of republican votes in key battleground states that led to further political situation.

The democrat party chieftains having done away with democracy and democratic primary election entirely in 2024, it is inappropriate for the political party to be identified as the democrat party.

The reality being the democrat party long transcended into plutocrat party since emergence to power in 2009 revealing true colors immediately after assuming power and thereafter.

As for my comments in sharing personal thoughts and concerns – is me exercising my inalienable fundamental right not only as an American citizen but also taxpayer until now.

Importantly my existence, profile and identity and that of my family being unnecessarily abused and exploited for personal and political gains as the norm more so since 2009 onwards till date is a predominant objectionable factor that is against the law and my civil liberties in any law abiding free society.

The status is unfortunately compromised for the sake of the prolonged power quest amongst few translated into treason with the nation and republic driven into the ditch to the point of no return.

Hence, I reserve the right even otherwise in recognition of the first amendment right on free speech especially when the concept of individual rights, fair opportunity, unfettered access to public domain…any and all representing freedom are in jeopardy and loosely exploited in political ridicule and mockery.

Reiterating my peaceful participation as a citizen and taxpayer contributing free positive ideas and constructive criticism is by any definition not Russian or foreign collusion.

When in fact, the real election interference evidenced throughout the 2024 Republican Presidential primary with interjection of candidacy from nowhere as the self-made billionaire in the thirties millennial category not to win election but merely to induce identity politics on the right with investment from the left. 

Subsequently this candidacy relegated as the spokesperson for the hirers on the left considering the support from certain democrat  party members not necessarily the democrat voters could not be ignored.

The individual persistent attack at the left political party and foreign government as the world’s largest democracy and media behest against their obsessed target viz. me continue till date. The so-called former Republican Presidential candidate’s contrived performance was not a mere coincidence.

Then the left party and media had other members lined up as well to conform to more the merrier status.

The other specific GOP female candidate from the right to fit the female gender criteria sharing ethnic origin with me was essentially performing to the script provided by the league until last minute to extend anti-Trump sentiment in the Republican primary. The nuance from the script suggested desperation from the backers and the recruit more than anything else.

These gimmicks aimed at inducing identity politics on the right could only be summed up as political theatrics to mislead electorate on the right, left and all around.

The election intervention in collusion among foreign, domestic and assortment players were on display in full swing in the 2024 Republican primary without a shadow of doubt with Republican electorate delivering relevant outcome as the preferred nominee. 

American democracy is endangered with one side of political party i.e. the democrat party nuclear option to eliminate democrat primary election only preparing to execute as national agenda in 2024 Presidential election.

The voters focus besides economy and domestic security is to encompass saving democracy and restoring republic rule of law governed by Constitution and non-partisanship on citizens affairs.

Padmini Arhant


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