United States – Democrat Party Target

June 19, 2023

United States

Democrat Party Political Target

Padmini Arhant

The 2008 Presidential election victory in favor of the democrat party candidate was made possible by the predecessor administration led by the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney although the VP Dick Cheney running the country and foreign policy in particular was true.

The Bush – Cheney administration blunders and crimes ranging from the Iraq war lying to the American citizens and the entire world killing, maiming, decimating Iraq having domino effect in the Middle East carried out by the successor administration of the ex-President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden thereafter.

It is important to know in the Iraq war in 2003 onwards the young men and women in the United States armed forces were also lied to and were made the sacrificial lamb with many sadly ending as homeless in the major cities of the United States.

Then the economic collapse in 2007 – 2008 under Bush – Cheney government in the sub-prime mortgage and hedge fund debacle bankrupting economies and people alike followed with global economic recession.

The mismanagement of natural disaster Katrina in New Orleans where African Americans primarily paid the price.

The cause the former President Barack Obama pretends to claim as important having committed heinous crimes against own race and people during own administration by self and spouse Michelle Obama against Miriam Carey mercilessly gunned down with more than 25 bullets in public square at the White House door step besides depriving financial and family care to her child with Barack Obama.

The White House authorized slaughter of unarmed citizen Miriam Carey through President’s security personnel is an example reeking in hypocrisy on the gun control crusade by Barack Obama administration then and now.

Interestingly, the mass shootings and gun related deaths either persist or increase alarmingly under the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration with 2021 and 2023 registering disproportionate gun violence.

One would think the gun violence would retreat or retract under the democrat administration of Obama – Biden embarked on disarming the nation with the policy released to the public. Instead the gun violence inflicted massacres appear to surge under their administration to the contrary.

Could these statistics be considered defiance from the perpetrators of gun violence or a different scenario undetectable to public eye in correlation with more to it than meets the eye?

Only the administration can and should respond to the bizarre paradox.

Then the innocent black man Troy Davis unjustly sent to the gallows with then democrat Black Presidency declining his clemency plea.

Shirley Sherrod – the African American as the former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the United States Department of Agriculture was abruptly fired by Barack Obama while she was on her way to work in the mere here say deliberate comment from then controversial Fox News contributor Glenn Beck. Shirley Sherrod was not even given a chance to explain her position that was willfully taken out of context by Fox News.

Then former President Barack Obama to save own skin from Fox News threw Shirley Sherrod under the bus at that time.

The crimes in black neighborhoods under Barack Obama term in office soared especially in his home town Chicago with black deaths from violence among gangs and other elements affiliated to drug trafficking reaching out of control.

The democrat engineered WOKE is a big JOKE laughing at the duplicity in the making and result comparable to Black Lives Matter.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) politically exploited and led into violence vandalizing private public property not excluding fatalities across cities in the West Coast of the United States with none held accountable contradictory to the January 6, 2021 incident with endless prosecution and imprisonment till date.

In foreign Policy, the former President Barack Obama denied then Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck’s request during his visit to the White House for United States help in rescuing the school children – all of whom were girl pupils abducted by the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram holding the girl students hostage that prolonged over some time in Nigeria.

The former President Barack Obama then sold the African continent to the military industrial complex in militarization of Africa like no other President before him or after.

The deal was made to secure Barack Obama’s second term in office in 2012 that was dismal given the successive losses in mid-term and local elections nationwide suffered by democrats under his leadership.

Similarly, the bargaining was made with then name -sake Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney using the Republican electorate as the pawn in 2012.

Yet another series of betrayal of trust witnessed in 2020 election denying Republican voters request to conduct inquiry on their votes either not counted or deleted per many voters who testified under oath with prison time on any perjury.

The list is endless as far as then Black President Barack Obama supposedly having his Black folks back who were stabbed time and time again between 2009 – 2016.

In the backdrop of own trajectory, the former President Barack Obama specifically on relations with his own people – the African American race enduring violence, injustice during his tenure surpass any discriminatory practice cited in the course of political appointments or on reparation demand from California.

Under Barack Obama Presidency executing murder of unarmed young black mother Miriam Carey trying to protect her toddler from the State authorized wild goose chase armed and loaded with only one aimtake the life of an unarmed citizen for supposedly trespassing when the alleged trespasser could have been subject to normal process of safe parking to ensure safety of the accused and relevantly the child in the back seat.

The accused Miriam Carey could have been allowed due legal process rather than inflicting gruesome violence with rain of bullets on the young unarmed mother.

Injustice of any kind against anyone is sinful and condemnable with due judgment upon departure from the world.

Not barring the Black history over 100 years of racism and apartheid that former President Barack Obama was referencing recently.

The worst of all is injustice and persecution of own race and origin against human consciousness is far more repressive and ruthless overshadowing historic precedence.

In the Bush – Cheney two terms in office – horrendous crimes, phenomenal corruption, treason and practically United States was brought down on its knees that proved to be a boon for democrat Presidential candidate to win in 2008.

The democrat party with former President Barack Obama reining control via proxy incumbent administration now relentlessly pursuing one and only name – the former Republican President Donald J Trump while ignoring all the atrocities and flagrant violations from Bush – Cheney Presidency including own administration’s far too many accounts explicitly highlighting abuse of power in office only clarify the birds of a feather flock together.

In fact, Michelle Obama assuring the former President George W. Bush safe passage with no prosecutorial hearing or indictments like the kind volleyed on the former President Donald Trump was shared in social domain.

The irony is the democrat party foothold in the White House and Capitol Hill originated in the democrat  campaign against Bush – Cheney crimes in 2008 election. Nonetheless, their predecessor Bush – Cheney are completely exempt from any congressional or DOJ probe unlike the one against the former Republican President Donald Trump.

The loss of Presidential race by democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 prompting wasteful endeavors such as Robert Mueller committee and more than twice unprecedented impeachment proceedings whilst in office against the former President Donald Trump tying Trump Presidency to the alleged Russian collusion proved a hoax with tax payer hard earned money flushed down the canal.

Alternatively, upon Hillary Clinton prevailing in the Presidential bid in 2016 against the Republican opponent Donald Trump, the former would have claimed entire credit and glory to herself attributing any of the victory lap to none especially in keeping Donald Trump at bay from Washington D.C.

The same apply to Barack Obama win in 2008 election.

That’s how the political chime swings – upon winning, the victory is asserted as individual accomplishment.

Simultaneously, the reverse losing the race is determined as everyone else’s fault – their favorite target TRUTH becoming the scapegoat in the blame game.

The candidate’s legacy and track record speaking volume in the outcome is slighted for obvious reason.

It is abundantly clear that democrat party is not interested in draining the swamp in the nation’s Capital. However, obstinate in destroying and eliminating anyone daring to drain the stagnant contaminated incorrigibly corrupt crony broken system in Washington D.C.

The deep state gate keepers are working hard to maintain status quo and go beyond in subverting democracy, rejecting fairness and equality in justice with political partisanship and prejudice running amok.

Above all United States turned into heavily guarded police state with targeted cancel culture, censorship silencing intimidating and harassing TRUTH  regarded inconvenient and an obstacle on their path to institutionalize abnormality, confusing society on gender, individual anatomy and much more as government prerogative and normalize criminality corruption amongst them and within political establishment. 

The democrat party having renounced democratic principles and moved away from core democracy is a sad day for the political party and the government in power.

Power seized from the people i.e. the republic is unsustainable and such governance facing doom and failures is the incontrovertible experience by those treading on the path of treason and massive corruption to remain in power.

Padmini Arhant 




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